The Summer Things Changed

Summary: Peyton, Lucas, Jake, Brooke, Haley, and Nathan don't all go to Tree Hill. Only Lucas does. They live from 45 minutes- 4 hours away from each other. But every single summer, they all go to South Carolina where their families all have beach houses next to each other. Their parents have all been friends forever, but this year their parents all have some reason for not going. Brooke's parents have to work, Lucas' mom Karen doesn't have anyone to run her café this summer, Peyton's mom had just died and her dad wasn't ready to go back to their beach house yet, Haley's parents were RVing across the country, Jake's parents were spending the summer in Europe, and Nathan's Mom was going back to school and his dad didn't want to go by himself with all the kids. They had all been best friends since they were born, but they only got to see each other every summer and a few times during the school year. They had all just finished their senior year and it was just the six of them this year. Nathan and Haley had done great with their long distant relationship, living 2 hours away from each other, they saw each other when they could. Jake and Peyton weren't as serious as Nathan and Haley, but they were going strong and Brooke and Lucas were on and off. They decided only to take one of the families beach houses because they could get some extra money renting out the other houses.

Haley felt her face light up when she pulled her black Durango into the familiar neighborhood of beach houses. Haley pulled into the driveway that was holding 5 other cars already and saw all of her best friend's heads turn around and smile. Haley quickly parked as she saw her boyfriend of 4 years turn his body around and smile and lean against his silver Lexus. She quickly hopped out of her car and jumped into Nathan wide open arms and planted a huge kiss on his lips.

"I missed you so much Hales." Nathan said after they kissed a few times. They last saw each other in February, they talked on the phone and texted constantly, but it wasn't the same. The rest of the gang watched from a distance, all smiling. They broke apart and Haley went and said hi and cried with the rest of her best friends, so happy to see them all. They all brought their luggage in and went into everybody's rooms that they've had since they were little. All the rooms were upstairs and the first on the left was Brooke's. It was black white and pink with designs traveling the walls. She decorated her room with a circular bed. She had a computer and a flat screen hanging on the wall. All of the rooms consisted these two technologies. Next to Brooke's room was Nathan's. His room was light blue with a regular bed and things, it was all he needed, he didn't spend much time in his room anyways, he spent it next door, in Haley's purple room. It was decorated with seas shells and pictures of everyone at the beach from when they were little until now. Lucas' room was across the hall from Haley's his room was green. It was basketball themed. He had all sorts of basketball things in there. Peyton's room was next to his Her room was lime green and turquoise. She had all of these drawing things cluttered around her room. Jake's room was next to Peyton's, across from Brooke's. He had his guitar and other music things in his maroon colored room. Haley unpacked her things, leaving her door open because, as a tradition, they would yell to each other from their rooms while unpacking.

"HEY NATHAN!" Haley yelled.



"OKAY!" Nathan yelled while the rest of them snickered, knowing that something sexual would be going down soon. About 10 minutes later, Nathan wandered into Haley's familiar room.

"Shut the door." Haley whispered walking over to him.

"Look at what I got especially for you." Haley said seductively, while holding up a tiny black string bikini.

"You know what I'd like more than to see you in that? And there isn't much that I'd like more." Nathan said chuckling.


"Taking that off of you." Nathan said kissing her. They started making out. They laid down on her bed and started making out. There was a loud knock at the door.

"Tutor-girl, stop macking on your boyfriend and get your picture clothes on! You too Hot-shot!" Brooke called from the other side of the door. She called Haley Tutor girl because Haley would drive 45 minutes from where she lived to tutor Brooke twice a week because Haley was smart and Brooke was well, not. Nathan was hot shot because he jokes about how good he is at basketball, but not in a conceded way. Every year, the teenagers took 2 pictures, one the very first day they arrived at the beach and the other one on the very last day they were there. It was a tradition. Everyone wore a white shirt with khaki colored shirts, pants, or skirts. They used this as their Christmas cards to each other.

"Well I have to go get changed, so go." Haley said pushing him out the door.

"Fine, we'll continue this later." Nathan winked at her and left. Brooke came out into the hallway so everyone could hear her.

"Okay, girls, get your outfits and go to my room. Boys, get dressed and then I'll check to make sure you're all looking appropriate and good." Brooke instructed referring to the time Jake got a big stain on his shirt.

Haley grabbed her khaki short shorts and her tight white t-shirt; and headed to Brookes room. She found Peyton already there rummaging through the closet. Haley pulled on her shorts and put on some makeup and did her hair. Then, she pulled her white shirt over her head. It felt snug, which is the way she liked it. She walked over to Peyton.

"How do I look?" Haley asked spinning around.

"Woah, like you need to wear a tank top!" Peyton retorted pushing Haley in front of a mirror. Her hot pink lace bra was very visible, you couldn't miss it. Haley removed the shirt and went into the hallway in just her bra and shorts.

"Brooke! I need to borrow your tank top!" Haley yelled from the hallway into the Jake's room where Brooke was checking the boys outfits.

"What do you- woah Hales, your right you do need to borrow my tank top." Brooke said as her and the boys came out of the room.

"Ahh, Hales, come on, we're best friends, I don't want to see my best friends boobs!" Lucas said putting his hand over his eyes.

"That's why I'm wearing a bra Lucas, so you won't see my boobs!" Haley yelled. Nathan walked over to her.

"I think she looks just fine." He said pecking her on the lips and pulling her closer to him at the waist.

"Uh huh, I'm sure you do Mr. Horny, alright go ahead, but I want it back!" Brooke said pushing Haley back into her room. They all met downstairs when they were done getting ready. Haley let her blonde wavy hair down and wore her white shirt and khaki shorts. She wasn't wearing any shoes. This was also a tradition. Brooke wore a short khaki mini skirt with a white halter top with her short less than shoulder length hair pin straight. Peyton wore Khaki short shorts also only she had on a white tank top that tied in a bow in the back, that came under her bust line. The boys looked pretty much the same, Khaki cargo shorts with either a white polo or just a white t-shirt. Nathan had on a baseball cap Lucas had a shark tooth necklace and Jake didn't have anything else. Every year, they took their picture by the dunes. They also took a few with all their feet hanging off the abandoned pier close to the house. They walked to the dunes and Brooke positioned them all, it would go Lucas on the far left with his arm around Brooke and then to Brooke's right would be Haley who was sitting on Nathan's knee who was on one knee beside her. Next to Nathan was Peyton who had her body pressed against Jake's in a hug, but facing the camera. Brooke pet up the tripod and put the camera on it. She turned the timer on.

"Come on guys, we have about 10 seconds." Brooke said rushing back to her spot. The picture turned out great and they took a few more, then one with just the guys, just the girls, couples, Haley with Lucas and Nathan, with the both kissing her cheek, and a bunch more. Then they went to the pier they took a few shots of all of the group just having their arms around each other. They took a few more of couples and different groups and things.

"Hey wait, I have a pose for me and Haley." Nathan said. The rest of them backed out of the shot. They all knew what was going to happen, they all discreetly whipped out cameras of their own to capture this moment for memories. Haley had no clue what was going on.

"Okay Haley, you stand there." Nathan said positioning her to just standing facing him.

"Then, I'll kneel right here." Nathan said getting down on one knee. All of the cameras flashed or a red record button went on. Haley forgot about everyone else. It was just her and Nathan.

"Haley, we've been best friends since the moment we were born, we've been through so much together, the good, the bad, and everything in between. And you've been there for me when I needed you, and I hope I've been there for you whenever you needed me. Our long distance relationship just made our relationship stronger, and I want to be with you forever. The first thing I see when I wake up, the last thing I see before I go to bed. I want to be yours forever, and only yours. You're my world. I love you Haley, so much, it's impossible to explain." Haley was letting her tears stream down her face. He pulled out a black velvet box and opened it, showing a beautiful ring with a large diamond in the center with smaller ones embedded in the silver band. Haley started crying harder.

"Will you marry me Hales?" Nathan asked, looking deep into her eyes. Haley felt a smile break across her face.

"Of course, yes, so many times yes. I love you Nathan!" Haley exclaimed as Nathan slipped the ring onto her finger and jumped into Nathan's arms. They kissed for what seemed to be forever. When they finally broke apart, Haley went straight for the girls and engulfed them in big hugs. The girls all let out their sobs of congratulations. The guys both clapped Nathan on the back, pulling him into a man hug.

"Congratulations, man, you two deserve it." Jake said.

"Definitely." Lucas added. Haley and Nathan walked hand in hand back to the house. Haley immediately dialed the familiar number of her childhood home.

"Hello?" Her mom answered.

"Hey Mom, it's me, put me on speaker so Dad can hear." Haley mentioned hardly able to keep it in.

"Okay Hale, what is it? You're on speaker." Her mom asked.

"I'm engaged!" Haley burst out.

"Ahhhh!" Her mom screamed in joy with Haley.

"Wait, to Nathan?" Her dad asked, happy for her.

"No to Jake." Haley said sarcastically.

"Well it's about time, he asked me if he could marry you 4 months ago."Her dad said laughing.

"Haley, I'm so happy for you, you two are going to be so happy together!" Her mom said choking back tears.

"Thanks mom, well I gotta go, but I love you guys."

"We love you too Hales, tell Nathan we said the same.

"Will do, bye guys." Haley hung up the phone.

"They said to tell you they loved you." Haley laughed. Nathan chuckled.

"So they don't love me anymore?" Lucas asked joking. Nathan called his parents and they were so happy for the two of them.

"So when's the wedding going to be?" Brooke asked sitting down.

"Well I kind of wanted a beach wedding." Haley said looking at Nathan

"Yeah, that'd be nice. So were you thinking this summer or next?"

"This summer, I can't wait that long." Haley replied

"Well then we'll have to get started tomorrow, if you're having a shotgun wedding." Brooke said already making a mental list.

"Okay, but let's just enjoy the moment right now." Lucas said calming her down. Brooke, Haley and Peyton made dinner while the boys straightened up and set the table. The girls were making spaghetti with garlic bread. It was all done and served. Then all of a sudden the phone rang and Brooke looked at the caller ID.

"Ahh, it's my mom, I'll call her back after dinner." She said letting the phone ring it went to the answering machine.

"Hey it's Haley, Brooke, Peyton, Nathan, Lucas, and Jake. We can't get to the phone right now, so leave a message. BEEP."

"Haley James, pick up this phone right now, I heard you're engaged!" Brooke's mom squealed. That's where Brooke got it from.

"Of course she'd call for you not me." Brooke said getting up and handing the phone to Haley.

"Hello?" Haley answered.

"Haley! Tell me everything that happened." Victoria said quickly. Haley explained everything.

"Aww, I always knew you two would end up together. You guys are growing up to quick, I remember when you were all toddlers, getting ring pops, not real rings!" Victoria started to cry remembering back.

"I know, but listen I gotta go cause we're about to eat." Haley said.

"Okay, but first can I talk to Lucas, I'll be fast, I promise." Victoria asked.

"Yeah, hold on." Haley said before handing the phone to Lucas.

"Hello?" Lucas asked.

"Lucas, hi honey, it's been too long!" Victoria gushed.

"Yeah it has."

"Well the reason I wanted to speak to you. Are you planning on proposing to Brooke?" Victoria asked. Lucas almost choked on the water he was drinking.

"What? No, I don't plan on it, it's too early." Lucas said after coughing a little.

"okay, just making sure bye Lucas, tell everyone I love them!"

"Um, alright Mrs. D." Lucas said not being able to think of words.

"Dude, what was that about?" Jake asked as they all sat around the table.

"Uhh, she asked me if I was going to ask Brooke to marry me." Lucas said nervously. Now it was Brooke's turn to choke on her water.

"Ughh, sorry, my mom's really nosy, I can't believe she'd ask that!" Brooke exclaimed blushing. After they ate diner, they boys cleared the table and did the dishes after that. Haley got up from her seat.

"Hey guys, guess what I made late last night before I came?"

"What, you didn't, uh I love you Haley James soon-to-be Scott!" Brooke exclaimed jumping out of her seat to hug Haley. Everyone was so excited. Haley had made her dark chocolate truffles that were pure chocolate with some mint in them with crushed Oreo cookies on the outside. Everyone loved these and they only got them in the summer. After they ate the truffles, they all sat on the floor in the living room, all nervous for what came next. They had decided not to tell each other which college they were going to be attending that coming fall.

"Okay, everyone write your name and which college you're going to on this slip of paper. Then we'll all pick a slip of paper and read it to everyone." Brooke said. Everyone did as told. They all put the slips of paper in Nathan's cap and picked someone else's slip of paper. They all unfolded it as smiles crept on to all of their faces.

"Okay, we'll go in a circle. Peyton you start." Brooke said.

"Okay, I got yours Brooke and she's going to…" Peyton said starting to make a drum roll noise.

"North Carolina School of Fashion and Design!" Peyton exclaimed. They all hugged her in excitement.

"Okay Jake, your turn. I got Lucas', and he is going to University of North Carolina!" Jake announced in an announcer voice. They congratulated him as they had Brooke.

"Okay, Nathan, your turn."

"Okay, I got Peyton's, she's going to Duke!" Nathan said.

"Alright Haley, your turn."

"I have Nathan's and he's going to…Duke with Peyton!" Haley exclaimed.

"I have Jake's and he's coming with me to UNC!" Lucas exclaimed, happy someone was going with him.

"And finally, Nathan you can breathe now because Haley's going with you to Duke!" Brooke said happily before Nathan jumped up and grabbed Haley and picked her up and spun her around. After that, they talked a little bit and went to bed early because they had a lot to do tomorrow.

"Guys, this means that we'll all be within 20 minutes of each other! All the time!" Brooke said happily.