
By Rebecca

Chapter One

'Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep' her eyes flashed open, glancing at her ceiling fan, her hand came crashing down on the snooze button. Looking at the clock, "Already 5:45 – you have got to be kidding me." Stretching out over her king sized bed, groaning she reached over placing her glasses on as she sat up. Yawning, she scratched the back of her neck, switching her alarm clock off she walked to her bathroom.

Bunny knocked on the door, opening it by a crack and peaked in, "Bulma honey, are you awake?"

"Yes mom, I am awake, just moving really slow for some reason," Bulma walked from her bathroom with her wrapped towel around her, walking to her closet she pulled out some clothes.

"Well ChiChi called sweetie, she said she was on her way to come pick you up for school, I was just checking and making sure you were up at least moving around."

"Yes, I will be ready in a bit, thank you mom," Bulma started brushing her teeth, washing her mouth as her mouth left the room. Drying and straightening her hair she quickly got dressed into her faded ripped jeans with under tank top and polo. Slipping into her Vans she pulled her long hair back into a loose pony tail. Hearing her phone she heard it vibrate, 'Loser'. Smiling she glanced from her bedroom window to her neighbors window. Quickly texting in response, he glanced back only to receive a finger gesture as she walked from her room.

Smirking Vegeta looked at his phone, 'Jackass'. Throwing on his undershirt, buttoning up his Express Polo while walking downstairs to the kitchen.

"Vegeta! Are you ready for school ye-"

"Mom, I am right here, no need to yell" Vegeta placed his books on the table, grabbing a glass of orange juice, taking a few sips.

"Oh I am sorry, I did not hear you, I thought maybe you were still in your room asleep or something," Mrs. Ouji took another sip of her coffee and smiled at her son. "You are always such a nice dresser, at least we did something right."

Vegeta rolled his eyes, "Well I just have great taste, but no I have been up for a while now."

"Mhm, okay, well Goku called he says if you need a ride to give him a text so you two can get breakfast," looking through her newspaper, she glanced as her son texting and sip at his orange juice.

"Nah I am actually going to drive today, I have an interview after school today at Pacsun."

"Not playing Football this year or what is going on?"

"No I am still planning on doing football, but dad and I have been talking and we made a deal for this year. If I wanted a new car, I either needed to have a job with football or play soccer again; I personally am over soccer."

"Good to see you have learned something," Mrs. Ouji smirked. "Have you two discussed what kind of car you are wanting? I know your father wants to get you a nice one since it will be you graduation gift."

Vegeta shrugged his shoulders, "I have been looking but nothing really gets me going yet."

"Well if you drive it, and you can't see yourself on a daily basis driving it, and saying to yourself, 'This is the car I want, I will get this car', then it isn't the car for you."

Rolling his eyes he placed the glass in the sink, "Well I'm leaving. I will see you guys later tonight."

"Bye sweetie, drive safe, please learn something."

Vegeta looked across the yard with a grin. Lifting two fingers in a wave gesture towards Bulma he got into his car and sped off. Bulma smiled and waved back, her friend, ChiChi glared back at her, " Bulma I still am curious as to how you two can be friends and yet he is a complete jerk to everyone, including his girlfriend. Doesn't that send off like, red flags or something?"

Bulma smiled and sat in the car, ChiChi started up the engine and they drove off, "What can I say we have been friends for so long, it doesn't phase me." Flipping through the radio stations she cleared her throat, "So do you have cheerleading practice after school today?"

"Just a meeting to vote for team captain and then some other little details, nothing big I promise. I will still have time to take you to work if needed. Which by the way, I still don't see why you won't at least try out with me."

Bulma shrugged, still flipping through stations, "I am just not into being preppy and happy like the rest of you guys are. I think you are required to have at least a small percentage pf 'prep' to be a cheerleader."

"Oh don't give me that bullshit B that we are too preppy for you. We are not all that bad."

"You are a cheerleader Chi, and I think you are amazing at it, but it is just not what I qualify as fun. Besides, I am still at every game, I am planning on doing the drumline this year."

"I thought you use to like dance though, remember in middle school? That was a fun dance team we had," ChiChi commented. "Maybe you should try out for dance team? That could be fun."

"Ne, I don't think I would really fit in, and I am okay with that. Plus Marron and Juu, Dance team is their thing, just not my scene anymore."

"Whatever you say tots," ChiChi pulled into the school parking lot, taking her spot quickly,she glanced at their friends and back at Bulma with a smile. "I cannot believe we are finally juniors, I think this will be a good year."

"It is only the first day, I am sure something will fall apart soon enough," Bulma grinned. They exited the car and walked towards the group, "There is Goku and Vegeta."

ChiChi waved towards her boyfriend. Bulma smiled. They were completely in love, everyone knew. They made the perfect couple and everyone in the school agreed. ChiChi and Goku had been a couple since they were practically little. While Vegeta and Bulma were discovering how long, and to what mass a frog would explode on impact with a certain amount of explosives attached to their backs, ChiChi and Goku were exploring French Kissing behind the fence. High school hit, Freshmen year and they had made it official. All over myspace and facebook, they were definitely considered the 'It Couple' and or most likely to be high school sweet hearts in their graduating class.

"Hey baby," ChiChi leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed Goku's cheek. "You two got here kind of early."

"Yeah Vegeta didn't need a ride this morning, so no breakfast; though I would go ahead and meet you up here." Goku wrapped his arm around ChiChi, leaning against the car.

ChiChi glared at Vegeta, "So Veg-Head, where is Lyonnia?"

Vegeta shrugged, "Tell me why is that any of your business?" ChiChi sent him a death glare, rolling his eyes he leaned against the car as well, "She is driving with her brother, I am sure she will get here in a bit."

"So Yamacha hasn't gotten a new car yet?" Bulma questioned.

"Hell no, that fucking dumbass, serves his ass right for thinking he could show off the other night, it was hilarious watching him wreck yet another car. Lyonnia was telling me how her parents went ape shit on his ass."

Bulma curled her nose, "You should not make fun of him, besides someone really could have gotten hurt, one day you guys and your car games is going to get someone in a lot of trouble."

"Like I said, the dumbass shouldn't have been showing off and it would not have happened."

"Hey there sexy," Lyonnia walked up from behind Vegeta and pinched his butt then wrapping her arms around his neck. Leaning over, she kissed him on the neck and then to his ear. Bulma snarled in disgust at the display. Bulma did not, by any means care for Lyonnia. She had been dating Vegeta since their sophomore year and would not go away. Lyonnia was the school bitch. Transferred from New York, she caught Vegeta's eye fairly quick. Feisty, legs for days, fire red hair, and the voice of Satan. Bulma was convinced she was the span of Satan. "So, Bulma shouldn't you be in the library or homeroom or something? Miss Bookworm isn't actually trying to be social now is she?"

"Layoff Lyo," Vegeta grunted.

ChiChi quickly stepped in, "So Lyonnia, who do you think will be cheer captain this year?"

"Better be me, which reminds me, you are voting for me right boo?"

"Of course, wouldn't want some low life scrub running our team," ChiChi winked at Lyonnia.

"You wouldn't be talking about me now would you bitches?" Juu walked over to the group with Krillen, Marron, and Yamacha following close behind. Juu was one of those badass, hot chicks in the school. One of Bulma's closet friend, she was blonde blue eyed bombshell. Krillen was one of the jocks with both Vegeta and Goku; they three had been the best of friends since grad school. Juu of course had the biggest crush on Krillen, however he never seemed to notice.

"No, of course not, just discussing how I am going to be cheer captain this year," Lyonnia giggled as she laid her head on Vegeta's shoulder.

"Hey there Bulma," Yamacha smiled at Bulma. Blushing he walked towards her and leaned on the car near her. "So are you going to try out for cheerleading this year?"

Rolling her eyes, she looked at him; why was it that everyone seemed to be on this cheerleading conquest with her? Not like it was ever going to happen, and they needed to just give it up while they were ahead. "No, I am doing drumline again this year actually. I had a lot of fun and this year we might make it to Nationals which could be exciting."

Lyonnia snorted, or possibly a growl grunt, no one was ever sure, "I stil do not understand why girls even play for the band it is extremely -"

"I think girls in drumline is sexy," Yamacha smirked.

"I was more aiming for lame, stupid, pointless," Lyonnia shrugged.

Adjusting her glasses Bulma looked at her cell phone, "Well I am going to go ahead and head to homeroom, I will talk to you later Chi, Juu."

Bulma walked off and Juu turned to Lyonnia, "You know you don't have to be such a bitch to her all the time. Plus it is getting kind of old very fast."

"Oh who gives a fuck, I don't even see why she even hangs out with us, she totally does not fit in our group one bit."

"Whatever," Vegeta rolled his eyes. Releasing Lyonnia he started the walk off, "Let's get going."

The group wondered into the halls, separating their ways into their homerooms. Juu and Yamacha walked into room 102 and noticed Bulma sitting in the middle of the room. Juu smiled and nodded as she joined her friend. "At least I have some in homeroom this year that I can actually talk to."

"Hey JuuJuu," Bulma grinned.

"Hey B, you know you shouldn't let Lyo get under your skin the way she doesn't, she is just looking for a ride out of you," Yamacha commented as he rubbed her arm.

Bulma shrugged, "Well, technically she is correct, I am a bookworm, but that just means one day I will accomplish something, probably a lot more then she ever will and she will regret her words. One way or another."

"She is my sister, but I hate that I am going to have to agree with you on that one."

Juu leaned forward "You sure you aren't going to tryout for Cheer or Dance this year with us? I think it could be a lot of fun."

"Ha, no sorry Juu. I just don't find cheering or dressing up in a set of skimpy clothes and dancing around that enjoyable."

"Well suit yourself, but I think a lot of people would see a different side of the school bookworm if you did something whoah this year, just for a change. But I suppose since I can't convince you, drumline it is." Juu leaned back into her seat.

"I am still center of attention even on drumline, and the pep-rallies would not really be anything without a drumline. But I am sorry, I am just not peppy or preppy anymore," Bulma grinned. "But I will still be at all the games to watch you dance around in a skimpy outfit."

"Oh that reminds me! You are still working at Starbucks? In the mall?" Juu asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Well I am kind of looking for a job for this year, do you think you guys are hiring?"

"I actually think that we are, I work today if you want to drive there, you can drop me off and we can see if the manager can give you a quick interview. Sound good?"

Juu nodded. "Sounds perfect."

Bulma felt her phone vibrate again, flipping it out she looked, You working tonight? - Yes, are you still trying to get a job at Pacsun this year?'

"Miss Briefs," Bulma's head shot up and starred wide-eyed at her teacher. "I know you kid love your phones, but if you could please indulge me by putting it away I will allow you to keep it today."

"Yes sir," putting the phone back in her purse she leaned forward, cupping her face.

Yamacha reached over and glaring at Bulma, "So B, what are you doing this weekend?"

"Depends on how this week goes, all my classes are AP and Honors courses."

"Well I think Cassie is having a huge party this Friday, want to go with me?"

"We will see, I will definitely let you know," Bulma smiled faintly. The bell sounded off and Bulma and Juu walked out of the room. "Juu are you in AP/Honors Chemistry with me?"

"Yes and British Literature," Juu grinned.

"I think you and Vegeta are the only two I have classes with this year," Bulma frowned.

"Ah we all still have first block lunch together which is a plus," Yamacha nudged in.

"True," Bulma flipped open her phone – Yea the manger said I just needed to come in for a quick interview but I am sure I will get the job. Clicking away Bulma sent a reply, Is Lyonnia going to be working with you?

"B, who are you always texting like that?" Yamacha asked.

"My mother," Bulma smiled.

"That is creepy on so many levels." Yamacha grunted as he head the door open from Bulma, reaching a strange glare he laughed, "I am sorry, I am just saying it is a little creepy."

"Alright, first day of class guys, please take your seats,: Dr. Wilkerson commented. "In a normal class I would just give yu a syllabus and then let you all dilly dally for the remainder of this period, however this is not your normal class, this is AP/Honors Chemistry. So let's get started by assigning books, you syllabus will be in the front cover and your assignment for this evening, I expect everyone to come tomorrow to class prepa-"

Vegeta barged into the classroom with a smirk, "Sorry I was...busy."

I am sure Mr. Ouji that you were extremely unattainable, however as you can tell class has already began. Now I completely understand that you are young and in love or whatever you kids are calling it these days as an excuse to in pregnant the next cheerleader. However, take you seat because on my watch I expect you to be on time, and in your seat prepared for class. You are a smart boy, now figure it out."

Vegeta smirked and took his seat behind Bulma. Tapping on her shoulder he leaned forward, " No she is getting a job, she said her father doesn't want her to ruin her social life with a job."

Growling the teacher stopped talking for the second interruption of the morning, "Mr. Ouji..." Vegeta looked up. "That is what I thought, now may I continue with this class or would you prefer to have a social hour?"

"I wouldn't mind a social hour, but I thought we were on your watch?"

Glaring at the boy, the teacher cracked his neck, "Since it is the first day I will let that little comment slide. However you will watch it, or you and the dean will become close friends for yet another year."

As the teacher walked back towards the front of the class, he continued to pass out books and resume his discussion on the assignment. Vegeta flipped his phone opened, a smirk crypt over his lips, On day you will regret your arrogance. He leaned forward, breathing on her neck, "Who says? Besides I highly doubt you are going to make me." Vegeta tugged on her pony tail and leaned back in his chair. Still smirking he watched her shake her head in disapproval.

Bulma sat listening to her second period class. AP Applied Computer Programming. Boring. She hated to admit it but she took so many elective classes this year to avoid having too much in her senior year. Granted she was fully aware she would still do a load full once the time came to pick her classes, but she knew she would fly by. She watched as the teacher continued to write on the board with different sequences, mostly the basics that would be needed to be memorized. Which of course Bulma had already done so.

Scribbling on her notepad she watched the clock. Today had just been a long, and boring drag kind of day that was never ending. Glancing out the door window she noticed Lyonnia walk by followed by Vegeta, no doubt skipping for the sixth time. She rolled her eyes. She loathed Lyonnia. That would did not even describe the hatred she felt. Tapping her pencil on the notepad she let her mind wonder. Lyonnia was a bitch, there was no doubt about that. She never understood why Vegeta tolerated her. They had been an on and off again kind of relationship since last year and Bulma was just wishing he would dump her for good. Wishful thinking.

When the bell sounded, Bulma sluggishly moved to her locker. Fiddling, she heard the second bell ring, the locker still refused to open. All morning. Couldn't it just once open for her. Nope.

"Why is it that you are Miss Bookworm and yet you can't even open a locker," Lyonnia said as she leaned against the lockers. "I am pretty sure this is the most basic thing in America that could be done and you fail at it."

"Mhm, I see the circus has not come to claim you," Bulma said smugly.

"What was that little miss goodie good?"

Bulma rolled her eyes, "Nothing-"

"Here let me get it loser," Vegeta took the combination from Bulma and unlocked the locker. Vegeta smirked as he handed Bulma the paper back as she glared at him, "Come on Lyo, we are are about to be late for class."

"Well you didn't mind earlier Veggie when you have me pinned in the bathroom, "She giggled in his ear and nibbling on his lobe.

Bulma lifted her nose in disgust. There that face was again, Bulma should start taking money for every time she made that face, she would probably be rich. It was official, today was not are great day, this would not be a great year – ChiChi jinxed it. Grabbing her books and slamming her locker door she looked at the couple, Vgetea noticing her reaction and facial expression. He was frowning, she smiled back, "I think I am going to leave you to it then."

Looking back at Lyonnia, Vegeta grunted, "Woman." He grabbed her and pushed her to the lockers, away from his body.

"I like it when you want to be aggressive."

Vegeta rolled his eyes and started off to class, Leaving Lyonnia grinning. This year would be a great year for her. She just knew it.

"...So I was like in class today and Krillen was totally checking me out," Marron giggled. "I think I am going to get him to take me to Cassie's party this weekend. Are you guys all planning on going too? I totally hope so, it Is going to be epic."

ChiChi shrugged, "Not sure yet, it is really up to Goku, we have a dinner date Friday but I am sure we can move it. What do you think honey?" She nudged Goku, he smiled.

"Yeah sure, she always has the best parties and she only does maybe two or three a year. Considering we are juniors this year, we only have a few more before we graduate."

"Yes she totally has the best parties, I am excited. I think Ima where this cute pink leather outfit I got yesterday. I will be epic."

"Marron, stop trying to make epic work, and if you insist on using it, at least use it a better context then you are, it is embarrassing to the English language," ChiChi rolled her eyes. ChiChi smiled at Vegeta and Juu, Lyonnia and Yamacha following behind. Goku shook Vegeta's hand as they joined the table. "Hey guys."

"Hey." Juu sat down and quickly Krillen joined the table and sat next to her, gaining a smile he laughed nervously.

"So guys, guess what I found out happened over the summer with Kathy and Ryan," Lyonnia situated herself and grinned at her tablemates.

Yamacha raised an eyebrow, "So they actually managed to stay together?"

"Well if you can consider them staying together with what happened, then I suppose they did," Lyonnia giggled. "So I heard that they actually started having sex, and I heard from Jessica who is friends with Brittany who is dating Kathy's older brother, the senior Josh that overheard a conversation that Kathy's friend Josie and Amy were having about Kathy and Ryan's sex life."

"And?" ChiChi questioned as she leaned forward, interested in the latest gossip.

"Tien and I were talking in first about how they started having sex in mid June I thinkand Kathy was extremely disappointed in the sex, she was a virgin you know; for a virgin to say the sex is disappointing is just wrong on so many levels."

"I already knew she was a virgin," Yamacha stated. "When we went out I couldn't even get a hand job, I even tried to fill her up and was totally denied. A woman like that with a body like hers shouldn't hold back, they jut shouldn't"

Marron sighed and rolled her eyes, Looking at Lyonnia she smirked, "So then what happened?"

"Well Ryan found out that she said all this about him, the sex was bad and disappointing and that his dick was extremely small, she claimed she barely felt it and she faked it all. So they were constantly having sex this summer, then in August right before the last week of summer, Ryan came to visit Kathy for another quickie in the shack and walked in on Kathy and Justin Depree having sex!"

"Oh my gosh, really?" Launch and Marron giggled.

"Yeah Ryan was pretty mortified about the entire time, he was crying and upset because apparently, mister Justin the dork-estra nerd was extremely blessed if you get my drift."

"What can I say, I am in complete awe; I wonder how Ryan is taking everything," ChiChi sighed.

"Ah I think he is in the process of transferring schools because he didn't want to show his face here again, but then I wouldn't either, " Lyonnia commented smugly.

"Maybe the kid was just practicing his cello skills," Vegeta chuckled.

"Oh I know right," Goku laughed.

"What is everyone laughing about," Bulma smiled as she walked to the table, sitting between Vegeta and Juu. "Already the school is filled with new gossip I am sure."

"Actually, they have," Lyonnia glared at Bulma. "Hey Bulma aren't you and Justin Depree like friends?"

Bulma shurgged her shoulders, "Yeah he is a pretty decent guy. Why?"

"Well have you ever seen his dick, I hear he is packing; the rumors are saying him and Kathy Avery have been hitting it for the past few weeks."

"I wouldn't know, sorry," Bulma took a sip of her water, and started picking at her salad. Bulma rolled her eyes, sometimes she wish that she could just sit alone or maybe if some of the others would go away.

Juu looked at Bulma, noticing ther uncomfortable sate, she grinned and turned to ChiChi, "Hey Chi, I am going to give Bulma a a ride to work after school; I am going to get an interview at her work. So you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay," ChiChi frowned. "Wait, you guys don't have a meeting for dance today?"

Marron shook her head, "No. We are having practice though starting tomorrow."

"Yeah, we already did our meetings in August before school started, they just had our first day of school with nothing to worry about."

"Okay that sounds fun, but B, I still need you to call me tonight, I need help with this Chemistry assignment that they have due by Friday," ChiChi sighed. "First day of school and both my classes have already given me either loads of homework, or reports due by Friday."

"Okay," Bulma smiled.

Everyone finished their lunch and made their way to the classes as the bell sounded off. Bulma stood at her locker for the third time today, constipating to fiddle with it again or just leave. But she needed her next class folder. Banging her fist on the locker she grunted, "Why can't you just open once for me, that is all I ask. Too much? Figured."

"I think talking to your locker will not get it to open, at least that is what I have learned from experience," Vegeta was leaning behind her, reaching around her he opened her locker for her. "I have this strange feeling I am going to be doing this a lot for you this year."

Vegeta smirked, "I am sure it won't be penciled into your agenda as I would hope, plus I will get this blasted thing to open one day for me."

"Whatever you say," Vegeta looked down at her, moving around he leaned against the locker. "So I wanted to tell you that Lyo was just being a bitch today at lunch, well all day really. I think she has made is a personal note to make you her guppie this year."

"Or punching bag," Bulma closed her locker and looked at Vegeta. "So speaking of the old ball and chains, where is she?"

"She is in class, I thought I would come and walk you to our next class."

"Awe. How charming."

Bulma placed her things in her locker and smiled at Juu as she walked over, "Hey Juu, you ready to go?"

She nodded, "Yes. So how was your day?" They started walking out to the parking lot, getting into the red Honda Civic, they drove off.

"Ah, it was okay, I was ready for it to be over though," Bulma laid her head back on the chair, finally able to relax. "So Vegeta and I were walking to class and we saw you and Krillen talking, something finally going on there?"

"Ha, no not yet, my fingers are crossed though. No he was talking to me about how Marron was literally just all over him today and refused to leave his side. He thinks she suspects him to be into her, which is crazy hilarious. But you and Vegeta, I still don't see how you two are even friends, he is a real asshole to everyone else," Juu laughed.

"I don't know, he is nice to most of our group not just me," Bulma stated. "I do however wish he would dump Lyonnia and she would just go away, she annoys me to now end. But he is convinced she is such an amazing lay."

"Yeah, but then again I am sure she has had lots of practice; hey what about Yamacha though? You know he is really into you."

"Yeah and he is really cute, but he is that party hard, jock kind of guy and I highly doubt it would look good on him to date someone like me. Plus I highly doubt I could even keep him interested in the long run."

"I don't think he is really like that, besides he did ask to see if you were going to go to Cassie's party this Friday, maybe he was hoping to hit it off with you and take you."

Bulma shrugged her shoulders, "I am sure his High School status would drop if he was caught dating the school bookworm; But I just don't think I will have fun-"

"You never know, plus we will all be there to have some fun with you if the Yamacha thing didn't pan out."

"I promise it will be fine, I already have a ton of projects due, so I will most likely end up studying most of the weekend away before even thinking about meeting you guys at a party."

Juu and Bulma walked into Starbucks, she smiled as her manager, Mr. Kabo apporached them, "Hey there Bulma. How are you doing today?"

"I am good Mr. Kabo, school started today which was kind of boring; Hey this is my friend Juu, she is looking for a job, think maybe you could give her an interview?"

"Yeah absolutely, Hi Juu, I am the Manager of this outlet, Mr. Kabo, follow me and we can get started on an interview for you, and see what we got going," He smiled and lead Juu into the back office. Bulma grinned. Walking behind the counter she clocked in, grabbed her green apron and started organizing.

"Yo B, how was school?" Bulma looked up, her co-worker Jon walked over, clocking out, he smiled. He was a tall guy. In college, but really sweet. Brown hair that flowed over his face, he was constantly pushing aside.

"Ah, same ol' same old', how was work today, was it busy?"

"Nah, I think because school is back in, things were really slow this afternoon, but I am out. Have a good evening."

Bulma continued to clean and organize the counter top. Looking into the back office window, she grinned. Juu was filling out paperwork which meant she got the job. Bulma was excited, she would finally have a friend close by to spend after school. Since it was dead quiet, Bulma pulled out her World History book and notebook. Jolting down notes that were assigned she sighed. Boring day was never coming to an end.

Vegeta walked into the outlet and leaned over the counter, blowing on Bulma's face she jumped. Slapping his arm she grinned, "So how did it go?"

"I got the job, was pretty easy. But I start tomorrow."

"That is excited."

"Yeah I suppose, all for a new car," Vegeta leaned over and looked at her book. "Already studying I see. So hey, my parents will be out of town for a week next week and I don't want anyone to know. I am sure your parents already told you that they are heading to a second honeymoon to renew their vows or whatever, and I just don't want Lyo or anyone to find out."

Bulma adjusted her glasses, pulling a strand of loss air behind her eye she winkied, "You secret is safe with me. But how come you don't want anyone to know?"

"I know Lyo, she would have a party the minute she found out; I know my parents are testing me or they wouldn't have had this long drawn out talk with me yesterday about it, and brought up Lyo and how she is a nice girl, the usual blab."

"Hm, nice girl, never heard her called that one."

"Ha, true. Well I am heading home, text me later."

"Hey Bulma, how do I make a Mint Chocolate Chip Grande Frappochino?" Juu chimmed in, Bulma giggled as she looked at her friend who was completely dumbfounded by everything.

"Awe. Poor Juu...Here I will show you, one second."

Juu just dropped me off, what are you up to? Bulma walked into her house, noticing her parents had already wondered upstairs to bed she grabbed a salad and walked upstairs to her room. Closing her door she placed her food and water on her desk and got dressed into her pajamas. Glancing at her phone, she read the reply Nothing really, mind if I come over for a second?

Bulma moved to her window and nodded towards Vegeta. He pulled a shirt on and started climbing out the window, running towards the other lawn he climbed up the ladder. Lightly tapping on her window she opened in, he crawled in. "So, what is so important that you needed to come over at eleven forty?"

Vegeta smirked and walking over to her bed she sat on the edge, "Just bored."

"Well I have some homework."

"Ha. Don't lie, I am sure you finished whatever homework you had in one of you classes and while you were at work, so I am pretty sure you can't like about that," Vegeta moved up her bed and laid his head on her pillow. "So Lyonnia was telling me today that Yamacha wants to go on a date with you."

"Yeah but it is whatever; he actually try to find out what I was doing this weekend for Cassie's Party, but I told him I was busy."

"I thought you liked him?"

Bulma shrugged, grabbing her salad she sat on her bed next to Vegeta. She crossed her legs and started to flip through channels, "I kind of like him, I mean he is really cute and a sweet heart I am sure but sometimes I think he is only interested out of pity. Plus I think about him in a romantic way and in all honesty I am not sure if I could ever be like that with him, I think of him as a close friend."

"You never know," Vegeta looked up at Bulma. He stole a piece of salad and started chewing glancing back at the television.

With a side glance, Bulma looked back at Vegeta, sighing heavily she took a sip of her water. "It is whatever, it is just the first week of school and I am not sure what might all happen. He is a pretty decent guy so we will see."

Vegeta got up and walked towards the window, half sitting as he went to leave, "Well if something does happen, whether now or here shortly, just watch out. The kid can be kind of a perv-"

"Awe, is wittle Veggie worried about wittle ol' me?"

Vegeta smirked, "Don't flatter yourself." Bulma watched him, leaning against her window wall, leaving the lawn and climbing up to his room. Once he was back into his room, he shut the lights off, leaving the television crawled into bed. Bulma looked at her phone, Goodnight, see you in the morning.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own DBZ!

Well hey guys, I am finally back and I had this great idea for a story; so basically what I am going for is the Taylor Swift "You belong with Me" song - I thought it would be kind of a good plot idea really. I am not going to lie, High School A/U are definitely my favorites and since I literally loathe my first one I decided to give it another try.

I hope everyone enjoys it!


Thanks, Rebecca