Chapter One

Max POV.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked Ella, Nudge, and Iggy, "A fifteen year old mutant should not have to go to school! Won't the snobby rich kids' parents complain? Isn't this the school for the snobby and the rich? "

Ella, Nudge, and Iggy were my siblings. Iggy, believe it or not, was my twin brother. We were both fifteen, Nudge was our adopted sister, she was twelve, and Ella was thirteen.

"Yeah, I guess!" Ella replied, "Mom said you have too, Max, so it doesn't matter what I say anyway. It's not like you are green or anything, no one is going to notice your win-"

I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Why don't you just tell the whole world?" I hissed, "There are all these people around! We are in a school parking lot! Nobody can know!"

"I swear." Iggy muttered, "Everyone will know about our quote, problem, unquote by noon."

"Oops." Ella said, blushing, "Sorry guys, I have to head over to the middle school, the high school is the red brick building. Have fun." Ella ran off, followed by Nudge, who was talking on her cell phone, before I could even say goodbye.

Iggy and I walked slowly into the building Ella had pointed to, already hating school. I mean, the name alone just brought back painful memories! Sure, I'm not exactly educated, but I'm not stupid either! I wish I was just back at home, eating some of Mom's delicious chocolate chip cookies and flying. A blond haired boy walked up to me and Iggy.

"Hey, I'm Sam." He said.

"Uh...hi?" I replied, walking faster to get away from him, Iggy matching my pace, "I'm...uh, Max."

"And I'm Iggy, her twin."

"Really, you don't look like twins. Do you need help?" Sam asked asked, quickening his pace to match ours.

Man, this boy can not take a hint. I thought as he continued to walk with me. Iggy was smiling because he knew I didn't like this kid.

"No, Sam, we are fine. Can you please leave us alone?" I asked.

He looked me up and down, like he was trying to judge my looks or something.

"If you ever need me, I'd always be glad to help." He said, smiling.

"I be glad if you'd freaking go away and hit on other girls who give a crap." I said, I smiled.

Iggy was trying not to laugh, Sam just muttered something and walked away.

We walked into the high school and straight to the front office. I memorized the school map last night, I even knew where the gym was. (Not that I was taking gym. Too big of a risk when you have wings.) Iggy just followed me, I don't think he cared if we were going the right way or not. We walked up to the secretary's desk.

"Hey. Ms...Davis." I said, reading the name plate. "We're new here, Maximum and Iggy Ride."

Ms. Davis looked up. "Oh, you're those new kids, Maximum Ride and Iggy Ride."

"I believe I just said that." I told her, rolling my eyes.

"Um, yes, are you two here for your schedules?" Ms. Davis asked.

"No, we're here for our kick boxing lessons." I answered.

Iggy chuckled, "How do you think we manage to look this good?" Ms. Davis looked confused.

"Yes, we are here for the schedules." I told her. She gave me and Iggy slips of paper.

I walked to the door and opened it, before I left, I turned to Ms. Davis.

"It's called sarcasm." I said, "You should look into it."

Before she had a chance to answer, I walked out the door, shutting it behind me on Iggy. He soon came out.

"My homeroom is the other way," Iggy said when he saw where I was heading. "See ya, Max."

"Later," I told him, "I'll see you at lunch, unless you make too many new friends and forget about me.

He smiled and left, walking in the opposite direction. As I looked at my schedule to find my homeroom, someone ran into me and knocked me down.

"What the hell!" I said, probably a little too loudly. I quickly got up and looked at the person who ran into me. He had black hair and dark eyes. He was wearing all black.

"Sorry about that." He said, "I'm Nick. Some people call me Fang."

"Max." I answered, "Everyone calls me Max."

"Isn't that a guy's name?" He asked.

"Whatever," I told him, "See you later, Tooth."

I walked away from him. I saw something glitter on his back. It might have been my mind playing tricks on me, but it looked like a feather.


Fang POV

"Fang! Get down here! We are leaving!" Angel, my younger sister yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back as I make sure my wings were covered by my sweatshirt. At least it was winter, it was hard enough to cover them when it was really hot.

I ran down the stairs and out of the house. My mom already had the car pulled out and Angel and Gazzy were in it. I climbed into the car and my mom pulled it out of the driveway.

"Please remember to go by Nick, Ariel and Ryan, not Fang, Angel, and Gazzy." Mom said, looking at me.

"I agree," Angel said from the backseat, "If you tell people your actual name is Fang, they will think you are a vampire! I mean, look at the way you dress!"

"Have you been watching Twilight again?" Gazzy asked.

Angel was seven and saw that movie about twenty times. Gazzy was nine, and I was fifteen.

"No." Angel said, "Okay, last night...twice."

Gazzy laughed, then my mom pulled up to the school. She turned to me.

"So help me god, Fang Griffins, if you fly home from school again, I lock you in your room with no laptop and have Angel choose the punishment." She said, narrowing her eyes.

Okay, I flew from school once. No one saw me, but of course, my family would never let me forget it.

"Make him listen to an endless loop of the Jonas Brothers!" Angel said.

"Fang secretly loves the Jonas Brothers," Gazzy said, "Let's blow up his IPOD and laptop!"

I ignored them, they wouldn't stop until the were separated into the different grades.

We all got out of the car.

Let the fun begin.


I know this Chapter is kinda short, but if you review, I'll write a longer one. I promise.

Anyway, I hope you liked it, if you have any ideas, I'd be glad to have them.

Until next time, -Justine