I bet you all thought you would never read anything from this story again.

Which is exactly why you will. It has been...what? A year and a half since I last updated? I doubt any of the original readers are even going to view this.

But, I just happened to come across my old chapters, and I got all nostalgic and emotional and was like, "you know what? I am going to update this story."

So, I read though the entire thing, which was kind of cool (and slightly embarrassing) since it was written by past-me.

Anyway, let me try to type up some story now.


It was the night of the dance now, and as I looked at myself in the mirror, before putting on the dress, I was tempted to just call Fang and cancel. Who were we even kidding? I was not the kind of girl who went to dances and on dates. Half of my life was spent in a cage in the School! And at least one-forth was on the run. I was not a normal teenage girl. I was not even completely human.

And I would have to wear a jacket the entire time anyway. Wings can really be a bitch.

I took off my sweats and slid into the dress. It actually did look really nice, and though this is a piece of information that will likely stay in my own mind, it was almost a shame that I had to hide my wings. They looked really nice with the dress. (Which was now mine forever because I doubt anyone else would want it with two slits in the back.)

It just sucked that I had to hide like this.

Maybe I really shouldn't go...I mean, how easily would it be to forget the jacket was vital, and reveal my wings to everyone? I am not going to be in denial about this...if the school catches a glimpse of the wings I will end up in a zoo. Or something along the same lines as that.

I sighed and folded my wings up against my back. Funny. I looked pretty normal. Although too much dancing would be out of question. I might drop dead from overheating. Maybe I will be able to convince the mutant group to leave early for a killer after party where we can show all the fur and feathers that we want.

Although not word it that way. That sounds dirty. (I wish I could shut down my mind sometimes. I really do.)

Nicole, Ella, Brigid and Nudge all ran into my room at once. They were in their dresses, completely ready, since the five of us decided to hang out and prepare before the dance. Since they ran into the room, I guessed that time was running out. I glanced over at the clock to see that the guys would be here any minute. Well, Nudge's and Ella's dates were just going to meet them there. The really important thing was that Fang was going to be here any minute.

Basically, it just dawned on me that it was too late to back out of this now. I was going to have to go through with the dance. At least for a little bit.

"You actually look like a girl!" Brigid exclaimed when she saw me.

"Thanks." I told her. She widened her eyes, realizing what she just said and started to apologize, but I interrupted, "it's okay. I know what you meant."

Then the doorbell rang and my heart did a little leap. (Anyone have a baseball bat? I could use a nice whack for even thinking that sentence.) Brigid and Nicole ran down the stairs first, which was good because I did not want to look too eager. I am supposed to be too-cool-and-not-girly-to-care-about-this-kind-of-stuff, so it was better if they ran down to answer the door. I followed them down the stairs with Ella and Nudge, and saw Fang, Ben and Iggy at the door. Iggy cleaned up well, Ben looked really cute, and Fang...well, let's just say I am glad Angel is not here because if he ever found out exactly how hot I thought he looked I would die. He saw me and smiled.

"So, are we all ready to go?" Ben asked.

"Yeah." Fang answered, "I just want to talk to Max alone for a second. You guys go and we will meet you there."

"Okay! See you!" Nudge answered, and the crowd of them left, leaving Fang and I alone.


Nicole POV

We decided to all walk over to the dance. It wasn't that far away, and it was easier. None of the girls wanted to go all mutant and ruin their dresses and hairstyles, and we would not leave Ella alone either. So, walking was a decent solution. Only down side was that Brigid and Nudge had forced me in heels. Okay, sure Iggy was quite a bit taller than me, but with my level of shortness, I was only average height with them on anyway. Brigid wanted to, but decided against it since she is already an inch or two away from six feet.

I was walking next to Iggy, who picked up my hand and held it in his.

"Well." He said, his voice only loud enough that I could hear it well, "I have been meaning to say that you look beautiful."

"You're pretty sexy yourself." I answered, smiling. He really thought I looked beautiful?

"If by pretty you mean extremely." He answered with a grin.

"That's exactly what I mean."

"Ready to tear up the dance floor?" Iggy asked me, his signature mischievous smile on his face.

"Oh, am I ready." I joked, "The question is...can you keep up?" Iggy raised his eyebrows.

"Is that a challenge, Miss White?" He asked me.

"I suppose it is."

Iggy's grin could only be described as a happy sort of wicked now.

"You are so on."


"You wanted to talk...?" I asked. What did he want to talk about? Did we have anything to talk about? Why am I so nervous?

"Well, not talk so much as show." Fang answered with a smile. Show?

"What do you mean?"

"You might want to take off that jacket. You are going to need your wings."

I smiled, and took it off. I held it in my hand and unfolded my wings, stretching them out. Fang did the same. We walked outside.

"Just follow my lead, okay?" Fang said, and I nodded. He jumped into the air, and took off, quickly gaining altitude. I did the same thing, and caught up in no time. We flew together. Fang and I. We were goofing off a bit. Flying in loops and diving and laughing. My hair was becoming a complete mess but I did not even care. I felt like myself in the air.

"Where are we going?" I yelled to Fang.

"Almost there!" He yelled back. I continued to follow him until we landed on the top of the water tower of the city. The highest point probably. You could really see the entire city from this spot. In the sunset.

"It's beautiful." I told him, smiling.

"So are you." Fang answered. Smooth one, I will give him that.

Fang walked over to me and grabbed my hands with his own.

"I can't even begin to explain how I feel about you." He said, "it is kind of scaring me. We haven't really known each other for all that long, but I feel like I have known you forever. I think about you all the time and...when I am with you, I feel like myself. I feel like I can really be me and nothing else matters because I have you. I never want that to go away, Max. I don't know what comes over me when I see your face but...I love you."

That was probably the longest line of words I have ever heard coming out of Fang's mouth. And I also did not know what to say. I really hoped he practiced that a few times, because I could never come up with something so perfect in a short amount of time. To be honest, at the moment, I could barely come up with any words at all.

But, maybe this moment was more than words.

I kissed Fang. It was better than any other kiss we had, our lips molding together. Fang wrapped his black wings around the two of us, like he was enclosing us in a shell. I put my arms around the back of his neck, and I could feel his soft hair on the tips of my fingers. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him, as if we were melting together. It was him and me, me and him, together and the whole world seemed to disappear around us. It was the two of us, safe inside his wings and nothing else mattered at all. I could not think, but the emptiness in my mind was not hollow, but a warm bliss. I could stay in his embrace for eternity, but we couldn't. We eventually stopped kissing, but Fang did not move his wings.

"I knew that speech would work." Fang said with a smirk.

"Do you find it necessary to ruin every moment we have?" I asked, playfully pushing him.

"I still meant every word!" He smiled, "you know you love me. Especially in this sexy suit."

I laughed, trying not to show that I strongly agreed that he was very sexy in that suit.

"I still don't know why."

Fang smiled, then grabbed my hand. We had to catch up with everyone else. We spread our wings, then walked toward the edge of the tower.

Smiling at each other, we jumped.

That's it for now. I hope this was pretty decent. Sure, maybe not you-are-now-forgiven-for-making-me-wait-a-year-and-a-half-for-this, but you know, pretty good.

Anyway, if you are even reading this, you are SuperMegaFoxyAwesomeHot multiplied by one billion, because you would have to be that to not give up on my after all this time.

I am hoping to be able to write more, SOON. School and rehearsal (I am in my school's musical) are kind of crazy, but I really don't want to make you wait long after doing this to you! (But no promises, I learned from that.)

Love, love, love (still in a not creepy way)
