Hello my Seddie peoples! I don't know if I've said this enough. I really do love y'all! I wanted to inform y'all the this is the second to last chapter. After this I and MimiSeddieFan6 will write an epilogue and then will conclude this fan fic. But don't my iCarly fans I am writing other iCarly FFs and they are all Seddie!!!! But one of these will be on my very good friend's page manic221. Anyways, I'll stop typing and let y'all get to the reading part. Lol.

Disclaimer: I have not now nor will I EVER own iCarly. Again if any of us did our ships would been together a LONG time ago. Lol. :D

5. Chapter 4


The brown haired boy turned around at the sound of my voice. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Freddie." I said so softly I thought he couldn't hear me.

At the point a million things were going through my head. "Was this a trick? Did he plan this? I'll kill him!'

But then I saw the look on his face; he seemed as stunned as I was. As if he had read my mind he took a step forward taking my hand in his then said, "I didn't know. I swear Sam."

Something told me to believe him and for once in my life I listen to that voice. I know shocker, right?

After a moment of silence Freddie spoke once again. "So you're Cassie. Wow. I don't know what to say."

"I can't believe it either, I-" All the sudden the realization of everything I had told him online hit me. I felt like I was gonna faint and I knew I needed to sit down.

I must've stumbled slightly because Freddie put out his hands and caught me. Our eyes locked in our embrace his eyes were smiling which made my heart jump.

My eyes began to water with all the emotion of the moment. I closed my eyes hoping Freddie didn't see.

He helped me walk over to the bench and sat down; I followed suit.

Freddie spoke once again; he was taking advantage at my silence while it lasted. "Sam I-" I stopped him mid sentence, I have no idea what came over me, but I leaned over and kissed him. It wasn't the soft kiss like our last two kisses. No this was hard and rough. I put all my feelings into it.

I felt Freddie wrap his arms around me which deepened the kiss further. I pulled away not sure what to expect.

"Wow…" he said, with disbelief and I could tell he was searching for the right words.

I let go of Freddie's neck and said, "So…" I wanted to ask him, if he really liked me or what. But I couldn't seem to find the words.

Trying to process everything I got up from the bench and went over to the swings, wanting Freddie to follow; which, he did.

"Sam... I, well…" He tried to say but nothing he said seemed to come out right. So he just sat in the swing next to me.

I finally turned to him determined to get the words out this time. "Freddie, I have to ask you something…"

But he cut me off before I could continue. "Who do I like more, you or Carly?"

That took me by surprised. 'How did he know?' I thought to myself.

"Sam… will you... be my girlfriend. You see, I was going to ask out whoever I'd been talking to online, and since it's you, I guess… Well, I was secretly wishing it would be you. I guess I got my wish, hu?"

I didn't say anything for a moment I was in too much shock by his question. I guess Fredderly was worried. "Sam? Are you ok?"

"Your girlfriend?" Was all I could manage to get out.

"Yeah." He said and I looked at him for the first time since he'd asked me.

"Well Freddie, if I said yes I would have to do this; wouldn't I?" I got up so I could kiss him again, but he beat me too it. He knows me too well at times. As we kissed it started to rain, just like in those sappy love movies Carly likes.

"Is that a yes?" he asked in a cheeky tone, knowing full well the answer.

"What do you think?" I replied and then hugged him, not only for warmth, but out of knowing I really was in love.

"Are we going to tell Carly?" he asked "I mean she was mad about us keeping the kiss a secret. I don't know what she'd do if we kept this from her. But it would be kind of…"

"Exciting? Yeah it would. Let's see if she figures it out over iCarly tomorrow night!" I said with mischief in my voice.

"Sounds good." He then leaned down once again and kissed me in the rain before we headed over to the studio.

As we walked back Bushwell Freddie put his arm around my waist. I responded in kind and put my head against his shoulder.

I was sure that to any passers-by we looked like one of those cliché movie scenes. But I really didn't care right then everything was perfect. If only for a moment it was still perfect.

So that's it for this chapter. Please review! It means SO much I can't even tell you!!!!! I love y'all!!!!!!!