Okay, so guys who read this previous incarnation will notice that the first chapter changed a lot from Everything ISN'T Perfect, now much better. I guess this still technically counts as my first story, but i like it. Please review if you want me to keep going with this, it keeps me inspired. Good or Bad, as long as it's all helpful and constructive. i can take it, lol. Still have to thank my Girlfriend for pushing me to continue this after my comp got wiped, she really wants to know how it ends. expect a lot of updates really quick.

Disclaimer: Really, if i owned Avatar, would this story really be on this web site?


Book 4: Air - Reconstruction

Chapter 1: The New Beginning

Aang sat on a bench and stared out into the emptiness of the moonlight from the grass in the royal gardens. The breeze was soft and gentle, and he was lost in his thoughts and about how much things had changed over the last couple of days. He laughed at himself when he thought that less than two weeks ago, he had been worrying about how he could possibly kill the Fire Lord and be ready to do it in a matter of two days. Now the war was over, and Ozai was locked away in a prison without his bending, and he could never harm anyone ever again.

The Earth Kingdom was still a little shaky, and wanted a lot of reparations and compensations from the fire nation because of the pain it had caused. The Earth King was doing all he could to quell this and to tell his people that the Fire Nation was doing all in its powers to make things right, and to show leniency and mercy. Bumi and the Earth King agreed on this message, and that showing hatred and anger towards the fire nation, would lead to another war, and how the Earth Kingdom would be no better than the fire nation. Everyone was trying to return to their homes at the same times, jobs being moved and up rooted, homes needing supplies to be rebuilt or reclaimed, As unsteady as things were in the Earth Kingdom, things seemed to be turning okay, and their problems were nothing compared to the problems of the Fire Nation.

Overpopulation from people needing to leave the colonies and return them to the fire nation, economic depression from loss of jobs from so many people leaving the war to return home, and so many war factories having to shut down and fire employees, since they no longer need to make weapons or ships. The Noble Class was already untrusting of the new fire lord and how he rose to power, and even though at the moment the middle and lower classes were happy that their loved ones were returning from the war, it could only last so long before they realized that they were jobless and becoming homeless. Zuko needed to fix these problems quickly before trouble brewed, but lately he seemed distracted, like there was something else on his mind.

"I thought you'd be out here," came a calm and soothing voice from behind him. Aang jumped at the sound of the voice he had been dying to hear for so long. He sat up and turned over his shoulder to see Katara sitting over by the fountain of the fire nation, smiling at him with her usual loving smile that melted his troubles and problems away. She wore a simple blue nightgown that hung at her knees with no sleeves, and as the moon reflected off the pool and onto her skin, he thought she truly looked divine.

He still remembered when she came out to join him by the balcony near Iroh's Tea Shop as the sun was setting, and how perfect everything was. They both expressed their feelings right then, and the moment still made his head spin, and he had to convince himself constantly that it wasn't a daydream. None of his daydreams had ever felt that real and yet surreal at the same time, or actually had any taste or feeling in them. This particular moment was filled with wonderful feelings and tastes, so it had to be real.

Aang stood up and sat next to her by the fountain as the turtle ducks rested in a corner in a small group. He sat next to her and stared into her deep blue ocean eyes that made his knees weak. She stared back into his cool grey eyes like storm clouds that she could get lost in forever, and they sat that way for a long time, not even noticing that they were hand in hand, taking in the value of each other's company they had both greatly missed.

Aang broke first as he pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. He took in her scent and taste that he didn't realized he had missed this bad. Like a cool ocean breeze, with a hint of some indescribable taste he had in his mind designated as love. She took him in as well, him being the only thing on her mind for the past three days. Like the charged and exciting calm right before a storm she was ready to fall right into, be enveloped completely by it, and never leave.

When they finally broke, they just stood there holding each other, not even questioning how Katara had mysteriously ended up on Aang's lap, and neither questioned their disheveled appearance, her with her a nightgown strap hanging by her shoulder, but still covering her and hair fallen out of place, and Aang's shirt which had mysteriously become undone, neither could exactly see the last few moments clearly in their head, or how long it was, but just knew that they had enjoyed it quite a bit.

"I missed you," Aang muttered into her ear as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"So did I," Katara mumbled into his chest as she tried to snuggle closer to him as much as possible, missing the feel of just being near him.

Katara glanced up at him and saw his expression, which seemed far off, his eyes glazed over in thought, and his brow furrowed. She slid off him and questioned worriedly, "Are you okay."

This seemed to snap Aang back to the present as he glanced around and muttered, "What, huh…?"

Katara giggled and Aang flushed as she asked again, "Are you okay, you looked troubled?"

"Yea, I'm just worried. I know the four nations have the capacity to live in peace, our little group proves that, and I think the world can work its way to peace, but it's just so unstable, like a barrel of blasting jelly waiting to be set off by the slightest spark. And I just can't help this unsettling feeling I have like something bad is about to happen. Maybe it's all these meetings that never seemed to end and these stupid nobles who just can't get along and understand the concept of PEACE but-," he was silenced as Katara put a finger on his lips and pulled him close to her. He didn't even realize his voice slowly getting louder and speeding up until he was almost yelling out words without break between them. All of his stress just seemed to burst out of him at once at the slightest question.

"It's okay Aang, they'll get along eventually, these things just take time. It's hard to just accept someone who has been your enemy for the past 100 years as your friend. Look at how I was with Zuko, and some of these generals had been fighting this war for almost as long as you have been alive. Not everyone was raised by peace-loving monks. If any problems arise, I know you'll be there to beat it, because that's who you are. And I will always be here to support you when your morale starts to fall, always. Everything will turn out okay Aang."

Aang just sat there in her embrace and let his stress roll off him in gentle waves, quelling the raging inferno in his mind, "Thank you Katara, I missed you, I missed how you can calm me and make me feel better about myself."

Katara just smiled a sad smile and held him for a little as he muttered about all of his troubles out, which sounded so old, like something a 50-year old politician should be taking care of, not some 13-year old kid who should still be goofing around with his friends. Then again, none of them should be there, but destiny had forced itself upon them, and they had to answer the call. When he was done, she muttered, "My God, no wonder you couldn't sleep."

"It feels so different now, our once steadily growing group has dropped off so suddenly," Aang commented remorsefully.

Katara looked back down at the pond and whispered, "I know, it feels so different. Toph staying in Ba Sing Se to help repairs and meet with her parents. Zuko staying in his palace all the time."

"Except for the visit to Iroh's shop," Aang sighed with content.

"Yes, except for that. And Mai stays with Zuko, along with the Kyoshi Warriors who just want to make a difference and do something by protecting him-." Katara started again before Aang interrupted.

"Hey, it's not like they aren't good at it, I can feel vibrations and they still manage to sneak up on me sometimes." Aang rebutted.

"Ok, fine, I get it, jeez. It just seems weird to me that they want to stay here instead of go home like everyone else did. Like Teo and his dad who went back to restore the Northern Air temple to how it was while still keeping their technology," Katara continued.

"I'm glad they're doing that. It just shows one more step forward in the process of healing," Aang muttered with a smile.

"Me too, but still, doesn't it seem a little weird to you?" Katara asked.

"Not really, think of how they spent the war, doing small time, little jobs for the Earth Kingdom, not actual missions and fighting. They're warriors and missed out on every fight. And things can still be dangerous for Zuko right now, someone trying to usurp his power, so he probably needs the protection. But I'm really glad that Teo's dad took his own personal messenger hawk so he could send invention ideas and schematics to those factories. They really need something else to do, and quick. But why did Teo take one?" Aang asked.

"All I know is his just goes back and forth from Ba Sing Se, take from that what you will," Katara replied with a playful gleam in her eye.

"So where did your dad go, he was here before I left for Ba Sing Se, wasn't he?" Aang asked, a little confused as all the running around and hassle of the last few days seemed to merge together.

"Yea he was, but he decided it was time to go home and help rebuild the tribe, back up to how it once was," Katara replied with a gentle understanding smile.

"I thought people from the Northern Tribe already did that with Paku," Aang answered even more befuddled then before.

"Yea they did, but he's still the Chief, he has to feel like he's done something. Probably has some design ideas he's going to force to be implemented, something ridiculous and elaborate like most his schemes," Katara laughed as Aang joined in.

Aang asked in the middle of their fight of laughter, "What about Sokka, did he go with him?"

"What, and leave Suki?" Katara scoffed, "You should see him when she goes on duty for Zuko, it's like someone punched him in the gut."

This sent up a new roar of laughter between the both of them, as they sat there clutching their sides. After a while and the laughing died down to giggles, and then smirks, Aang grew more somber and asked quietly, "But why didn't you want to go with him? I thought you would be excited to see your family again."

Katara took his hand and looked directly into his eyes while stating equally softly while her cheeks flushed beautifully, "I do, but I wanted to be here when you got back more."

Aang smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist, while she nuzzled her hair under his chin and leaned into him, and whispered, "I know I've been on the run so much lately, having to go and fix everyone's problems. Between the Earth Kingdom, to the Fire Nation, back again, meeting with the factory heads about production, former colonial governors about relocation, and everyone else. I don't know what's worse, fighting the war, or cleaning up the mess it made."

"I know it's tough Aang, I do, but you can't stop now. These people need somewhere there to mediate them, put them on the right course, and until they take their heads out from under the sand, that person has to be you, sitting their pulling on their hair and dragging them out," Katara replied softly.

"Wow, talk about your elaborate metaphors," Aang commented lightly, sending them both up in light giggles. They both laughed as they walked along, Aang was still in a daze from their conversation and wasn't sure where they were going, but Katara knew. Before Aang realized, they were at his bedroom and Katara just kissed him one last time before she muttered, "Now you need to get some rest, you have to leave early again tomorrow for Ba Sing Se."

Aang's smile faded a little as he sat down and sighed exasperated, "I was just there! What could it possibly be now?"

She just smiled and muttered, "Some important decision was made in a meeting that you need to be informed of, and they don't want to send it by letter, still fearing for spies. I know you just got back yesterday, but don't worry, I feel the same way. This time, I want to go with you, I hate not being around you, and it looks like you could really use some time to spend with your friends, not by yourself when these meetings are over with."

Aang smiled as he pulled her onto the bed next to her and held her, resting his forehead on hers and muttered, "What do you think Sokka would say to us going off alone to Ba Sing Se?'

Katara waved this off like it didn't even matter and replied, "What do you think he would say if he saw us right now?"

Aang raised his eyebrow and laughed as he first recognized their skewed appearance, "Good point."

Katara smiled and waved her hand as she said, "Besides, I don't really care what my brother thinks, I am old enough to make my own decisions and if he can't trust me to be civilized while I'm here with you like I am right now, well that's his problem."

Aang smiled back and muttered, "Well, I'm sure he's getting bored of sitting here in the palace too, maybe he can come with us, I can't remember the last I spent time with him. Last time I tried was almost a week and a half ago, and he was still giving me the evil eye for finding out I was dating his sister."

Katara sat up and said, "Whatever you want to do Aang, it's your funeral if he loses it just because we kiss." She said and as she turned around to close the door she just walked out of. A smile spread across her lips as she saw him already asleep, exactly as she had left him, with a wide grin on his face. The sleep had finally gotten to him and pulled him into unconsciousness, he was so exhausted. She must have finally gotten rid of all of his worries when she said he and Sokka could go with him, and with nothing to be sad about, sleep finally got him. She just stared at him for a second, started at the savior of the world and the champion of peace, the hero who had ended the war, but more important than all of that, the boy she loved. She quietly shut the door and walked back to her room to sleep.

As she lay there, staring at the roof of her room, sleep starting to overtake her, she had one last fleeing thought that life couldn't get more perfect then this.


She lay in her cell, thinking back on all of those who betrayed her and her cause, and of what she could do to right the world, and make the fire nation the supreme nation it was destined to be. Her mother, friends, father, advisors, people, everyone had betrayed her. But they would get their dues, oh they would. But until the opportune moment, she would bide her time until it was just right, just right enough to break out of this god forsaken cell, and her solitary confinement, she strategized and waited. She was covered in a layer of grime, and her hair had grown to the middle of her back, and her bangs flew freely in disarray from not brushing, but she didn't care. Her appearance mattered little in comparison to Zuko's face which she saw on the wall of her cell while she clawed at it. She vaguely remembered it turning red, along with all the other faces she saw, laughing at her, ridiculing her, but they would pay, they would all get it, and she would be the Phoenix Queen. She laughed manically in a way that would make a Banshee cover her ears and flee in terror and pain. Was she insane, probably, but that made her plan just crazy enough to work, because it would need quite a bit of crazy, but if it succeeded, it spelled doom for the rest of the world.


Hope you liked the new first chapter and much improved title, please review.


Pretty please?

P.S. Really ticked Avatar got moved over to cartoon just because it didn't come out of Japan, pricks.