Okkies, so this is chapter 20. it took a while, but i finally got it! And the confusing for this chapter is, that i uploaded it a couple days before and within like a day or so, some people started reading this and the thing is, i felt like i needed to edit it more and stuff like that. But you know, when you read it over, sometimes you go like OMG what was i thinking and ofcourse, you would change things. So..yea i did. So to those who DID read it, i'm SO SORRY! I never really meant to be all: upload. Take it off, change. And stuff like that. But if you really wnat to see the changes ( i really recommended cause it WILL affected later chapters...oh and this is probably the 3rd or even 2nd to last chapter before the story ends.) So...yea..

And i know what y'all are thinking: HOLY CRAP THIS CHAPTER IS LONG! And yea, i agree, this must be the longest i have EVER written. This even beats chapter 6 of my Truth or Dare story XD

Again, thanks so much for all the support. This chapter is dedicated to ALL my reviewers and if you don't like this chapter then..i'm..sorry? So anyways, thanks again.

DISCALIMER: i do not own Night World. - gulps down water-. Good job Candy, you finally said it. -hides in corner-


Chapter 20

You'd think that being able to transport from one place to another would be totally amazing. I used to have those thoughts too. That is, until I landed face first in an unexpected bush out of no where.

I wiggled myself out of the pile of leaves and sticks, rubbing my soar forhead in the proccess. I was lucky to have landed here other than the ground it's self. Well, of course, I would break every bone in my body if I really landed on the hard ground after floating high up in the air.

It was just bazzar.

I still remember the man that bared the changing faces of Kaden. The man that also killed himself in my arms, bleeding away. I still didn't understand. It was all too unreal. His shifting eyes and face had stopped the moment death erupted. He no longer bared the face, and might as well, heart of Kaden. He had told me to run, to get away. With the impossible shade of green eyes that looked oh so sincere, it just swept me off my feet, literally.

He sent me somewhere, oddly enough, through his own mind or what not. I looked around me, turning all my sences on to the setting.

The sounds of roaring thunder, the smell of ash and blood, the taste of fear, the sight of grey.

And the feeling of death.

I closed my eyes and focused on the only connection that came with me. I stepped out of the green bush, and felt the silver cord tugging against me as I caught sight of Quinn, blood stained and fangs bared.

(Quinn POV)

" It's the end, the end of you BITCH." Ash's cocky voice was hard to ignore, and hard not to laugh at.

It only took him a second to strike. Disappearing before a clock could tick, slashing through the air like a plane, and taking down several vampires. The thunder roared as the deadly monsters fell, landing in a pool of their own blood, filling the air with an unpleasant scent.

Of course, Ash would brag, he always bragged. So when he was back, with not even a scratch on his face, he flashed his bright smile.

" How was that?" said Ash, flexing his muscles and making all the girls roll their eyes.

" Not bad, needs more practice though." Ash blinked and brushed his hair back, and that was when Morgead's voice was heard over the roaring wind and howls of the deathly weather.

" Says the one with blood all over him." He flashed me a grin and grabbed his lover's hand and they both disappeared into thin air, where only a shatter of Jez's red flaming hair was seen before the field was painted in red.

And it was then the two sides clashed and collided in a big heap of scarlet and a laugh of pure evil.

The dark wooden knife trembled in my hands, spreading ice and frost across my palm, warning me of what was to come.

" Oh, Circle's Daybreak. Lady Maya had always told me how pathetic they were. She told me they had no chance against anything, breaking apart at any moment. I could've torn this place down, But Lady Maya wouldn't let me." Lucinda's spark less onyx eyes bored and burned into mine, slowing times at it seems.


I had met that woman before, that fair haired vampire who started us all. She was an interesting woman, a woman that had also taken interest in me for a period of time. But I had never bothered to look twice at her. For all she bared in her heart was pure evil, not even I could over look.

And that was what caused her death.

"But then again. Theorn is nothing but a shattered picture of the past and wave of hatred in my Lady's black heart." She continued and smirked.

Then my mind went blank. I didn't get a thing she said. It was like taking a test and not knowing a thing about it. So rather than raising my hand and asking her, I just grabbed her by the neck, almost snapping it like a twig.

" Look, I don't have a clue what you're talking about, and hell, I don't give a shit." I hissed, letting a snarl escape my throat. I felt a stream of warm liquid race down my arm as her lips, painted with her own blood, curled into a bloody smile.

" Did you really think I was Dove when you first saw me? Did Thierry really think I was a random witch wanting to join this pathetic dump?" She smiled again. " And did you really think, that Rashel is alive?"

(Rashel POV)

'And did you really thing, that Rashel is still alive?"

I shivered.

It didn't take long for me to climb up this tree and evesdrop on their conversation. The tree wasn't far from them, but it wasn't near them either, but it was very, very high. I stood up, holding on to the branches and took in a deep breath.

" How are you just so sure Rashel isn't dead?" I bit my lip and felt my entire body flush with anger, the knife trembling against me with power, as if my anger brought it excitement.

Quinn..I know you. I believe in you.

I wrapped my fingers around the large tree branch above me for support as I felt the cold deathly wind crash against me, blowing my tangled and messy hair back. I focused everything within my on Quinn, searching for his heart, pulling back his soul. I watched his eyes and felt a sting begin to engulf me as the poison once again sturred. I held my breath as I waited for Quinn's answer, anxious and impatient.


I heard him laugh.

He never released Lucinda. She was still in his grip, dripping blood and healing all at the same time.

" I'm so sure." He stopped. " Because she's my soul mate." He finished. I watched as a line of scarlet race down his elbow and falling to the floor under Lucinda's risen feet. Her pale lips were streaked with her own blood that trickled from her throat. Her eyes watched his, so out of life it was as if she was trying to steal the sparkle in Quinn's.

" SoulMate." Lucinda spat and hooked a finger around Quinn's strong wrist. With a quick and easy flick, she dashed backwards and landed a couple feet away from Quinn, dust flying all around her. Her hair acted like a veil, the pale brown streaked her face and flew in all directions. She was close to me now. Extremely close.

" This always make me laugh. Soul Mate.." She said. " No matter what it means to you, no matter how magical it may seem. It will always come to an end." She stared up to the sky, where dark grey clouds took over in a deathly vibe. She laughed again.

" Look around you, Lucinda. Everyone is fighting for love. Everyone is fighting for their soulmates. Feeling eachother's pain and love. Sacrificing all that is needed." His voice was so confident and strong. So carefree and cool. " And that's what i'm going to do. I don't care if it kills me, i'm going to beat the living shit out of you."

The silver cord that joined us, connection us soul by soul, tugged against me. Like Quinn was pulling it gently, calling for me. Calling me to him. I held the knife close to me feeling it's frosty power. It almost seemed to overwhelm the fire that burned my soul, but unfortunately, it didn't.

It was back. It stuck me from head to toe, crawling down me like a spider. Pricking my skin and heart with amber, casting pain to where ever to touched, spreading fire like oil.

I had managed to keep my balance with my almost twisted ankle and I gripped the tree branch so tight, it almost cracked. I felt the silver cord begin to beg for attention, twisting and humming. I looked back at Quinn, to see him jerk in position.

He had felt my pain.

When the fire began to slow and blow away, I knew it was time. I knew there was no other perfect timing. I twisted the knife for the perfect grip and prepared to strike.

Quinn, here goes nothing.

I gripped the knife tight and held it close to my heart where the cold stone of the knife seem to spread ice and a comfortable coldness across the fire, extinguishing it from my pain. I was about to leap off the tree, when a poisonous voice spoke, and froze me.

" So she's not dead. I see I'm going to have to make it happen this time." Before I knew it, she faced me with deadly eyes. I stared back at her as I began to loosen my grip on the tree, getting ready to leap off. I took a step back and felt cold fingers slide across my cheek. I gasped.

" You're quite naive, aren't you. They never told me you were this weak." Her slim fingers fell off my face and gripped my neck. Her fingernails dug into my skin and I felt the flames linger at her fingertips as my own blood crawled down my neck and through the holes of my torn shirt. Behind me, she shifted position and still holding my neck, she slammed me against the tree.

I choked and felt her evil gaze on me. I lifted my numb hands and found her fingers at my neck, wet with blood. I yanked at her wrist with all my might, only able to loosen her grip. My arms lost it's last strength and fell back against the tree, where my own blood slowy trailed down my arm and dripped to the ground below, soaking the dirt with crimson.

" RASHEL!" My name echoed in my mind. His voice danced in the darkness, touching it with warmth. I could hear the outside world, and what I heard made my beating heart clench.

" GO! Take care of him. Don't let him here until I've killed her. " Again, that echoed through my ears. I could sense Quinn. He was screaming on the inside, screaming for me. I could feel Lucinda's nails dig deaper into my flesh, spilling more blood. And I felt myself loosing hope.

I can just die now. Leaving the world and escaping this.

I can just let her spill my last drop of blood. I wouldn't even have to move a finger.

" KILL HIM!" her voice was harsh.

I can just die now, right? Quinn can escape his torcher. Lucinda can kill me now and everything will be over.

But then, something hit my heart like a hammer. I could feel something slashing it, scaring it from the inside out. And a drop of Quinn's blood fell to the ground, like water spilling into a pond in slow-mo.


I can't give up now.

I lifted my knife, it was heavier than before. I held it tight and felt it shiver in my hands, and a tear escaped my eyes, mixing the salty crystal with blood. My cold fingers tightened around the blade's smooth hilt, feeling the icy silver. I felt another drop of blood slide down my chin, and another coldness stuck my heart.

And the last thing I had the strength to do was to plunge the knife into Lucinda's chest and letting the blood that streaked my skin fall onto the shining stone, dissolving into it like melting metal. Like paint falling into clear water, staining it with desire.

Then, my mind went black. No sounds were made. No motion was developed.

Nothing reached my mind.

But I knew one thing for sure. Quinn wasn't bleeding anymore and neither I. I was standing, I think. My eyes were open, but nothing came in. My hands were free and..


No..they weren't. My hands are holding something. Something cold. Something that locked the world between light and darkness. Something that had been with me since I was born...

Before another thought was made, I felt a rush of cold wind evolve around me, wrapping my body.

And the next thing I saw, was a woman with pale golden hair, and brown eyes that disappeared into my soul.


" Lady Hellewise, excuse young Azura, but..are you.." Azura swallowed. " Are you worried, my lady?"

Azura watched as Hellewise sat down on her stool, bringing her long silk dress away from her knees and setting them on the sides, where they shimmered in the beaming sunlight. Hellewise's amazing yellow hair blazed like shimmering golden thread and her warm brown eyes flashed the one expression Azura never thought she'd encounter in Hellewise.


Hellewise didn't speak. Instead, she peered out the window, watching the green trees and bushes dance in the wind, swaying side to side in a soothing melody. Azura held her hands, pinching herself for asking such a foolish question. She bowed her head and let her dusty gold streaked hazelnut colored hair cover her face, sheiding the light from her deep set violet eyes. She stared down at the dress Hellewise had sewn for her and frowned at the large rip that emerged from her waist band to her knees. She opened her mouth, realizing the rip just now and touched it with her pale fingers. She almost jumped when a soothing voice spoke out.

" Shall I sew you another dress, Azura?" Hellewise's voice caught her immediate attention and Azura's head flung up, eyes wide. Hellewise was still facing the window, as if she had never moved, never noticed the dress. Azura hid the rip.

" Oh no, my lady, I love this dress very much! And of course, you don't need to use the time to make me a new dress when you still have the wa-" Azura pinched herself again. Hellewise's brown eyes flickered towards Azura and a smile tugged on her lips. She rose and as if floating, walked over to the wooden stool in which had needles and thread scattered all across. Azura watched as she picked them up. Hellewise extended her arm and pointed a slim finger to another stool that held fabric and straws. She waved her finger, and like magic, the fabrics floating over to her side, where they laid themselves in front of her.

The fabric was blue. As blue as the clear sky.

" You Know Azura, Your name means sky blue. It's very pretty, isn't it." She held up the light blue fabric , and Azura nodded.

She never thought about her name. She just knew it was beautiful because Hellewise gave it to her. She respected Hellewise like a mother, a guardian. It was Hellewise, the golden haired beauty, that saved Azura from drowning in a river as a child. Azura's mother never wanted two witch daughters, so instead she put Azura and her sister, Leila, into a small woven basket and floated them away in a river. Hellewise had cared and taken cared of Azura, where as Leila followed Maya, Hellewise's' evil twin, into the realms of evil.

Azura always knew she was a witch, and so did Leila. Azura always used her magic for good. Helping the villagers or planting magical seeds in Hellewise's' garden. Leila on the other hand, used it for evil. Seducing men or even killing. Azura doesn't speak to Leila and neither does Hellewise. She looked out the window and squinted her bright eyes through the beaming sunlight. She saw a puff of smoke emerge from the depths of the green forest and red light begin to glow. She looked back at Hellewise, Pale faced and sewing the blue fabric.

" Lady Hellewise" Hellewise wove a finger through the braid that strapped the side of her head and spoke.

" Is something the matter?" Her voice was calm and serene. Azura flickered her eye towards the scarlet flames and grey smoke and held her breath.

" No..i just have to..i have to go out and fetch the water. I will be back soon, Lady Hellewise." Azura turned her heel and dashed out the hut. She ran through the forest, dodging branches and being careful` not to step into something sharp on the ground. She felt her hair whipping back and forth against the wind and continued running through the forest until the scarlet flames and deathly smoke was only a meter away. Azura held her breath as she backed up against a large tree, where a perfect view between the bushes was all that was needed to see the culprit.

It was Leila and Maya.

Azura sucked in a breath.

" Lady Maya, I am very pleased with my new self. I feel incredibly strong." Leila's husky voice was icy. Like frost shivering her spine. She watched as Leila gripped a large branch from the tree above her, and ripped it from it's end with a flick of a wrist. She flung the large tree branch far into the forest, where a crash wasn't even heard.

Maya simplified smiled.

" I am glad you are enjoying this, but dare I spoil your mood. We are not fully immortal." Maya crossed her arms. The black silk clung to her chalky skin and flowed down like stilled ink. Her black hair was down and not even a tangle was seen. Her eyes were visible and like always, they shifted at will.

" What are you saying, Lady Maya?" Leila's voice darkened and her bright violet eyes shadowed. Maya uncrossed her arms and ripped a tiny wood chip from a tree beside her. Her black hair disappearing in her black dress, camouflaged. Azura watched as Maya cut her own wrist with a long sharp nail. Blood welled up and completely stopped. The blood that flowed dripped down her wrist, leaving a faint red streak. But where ever the cut was, it disappeared. Her wrist was smooth and chalky, nothing on it except the faint red streak left by the blood. She then took the wood chip and swept it across her wrist again. Blood welled up, but it continued to flow.

" Darling, Wood is our weakness." Maya lifted her wrist to her lips and licked the scarlet line clean. The blood stopped flowing, but a long scar was identified on the chalky wrist. Azura waited.

A second past. It was still there.

A minute passed. It was stay there.

The scar never left, it stayed on her wrist like a tattoo. Azura looked into Leila's eyes and saw sheer disappointment.

" Then, Lady Maya, if i may. I choose to be different." Leila's lips curled into a smirk, her red lips grim and evil. She ran a hand down her long sleek platinum that was never considered similar to Azura's, but of great resemblance to a frosty ice queen's.

" Let me be different, Lady Maya. Let me be harder to kill, harder to hunt. Let Wood not be my death." She held her hips and Azura gasped. Leila's eyes began to become lighter, and lighter until it looked like a metal marble. Her teeth began to extend into a canine and a snarl excused the young girl's lips.

" As your master, your queen. I grant you this wish. But the poison of wood will always still as death to us. But i will cast a spell on you, as i am still a witch, though i hate to admit it, you will only be killed by the blades of The Emerald's Stone." Maya turned her back on her.

" Lady, what is the Emerald's Stone?"

" They are two spears, one made of wood and one of the precious silver, both bearing the stone of death. "One Black and One Emerald. I do not own these two, but the one who Hecate trusted most with do. As long as they don't reach you mark, you will not be killed." Maya smiled and lifted a finger to her, where dark black light emerged into a large ball. Maya muttered a few chants and the black ball flew straight at Leila hitting her chest and sinking in like she was a pond. Azura gasped.

Her sister stood tall as the darkness that entered Leila's body began to slither around her, surrounding her with a deathly glow. Her brilliant violet eyes began to darken like smoke, freezing every ounce of blood in Azura's body.

When Leila's eyes lost it's final fleck of violet and light, all that was left was two bottomless black holes. They became eyes so scary it was almost deathly. Eyes that can trap souls of those who dares to gaze into them.

Leila's red lips curled into a grim smirk, where her fangs extended long and sharp. Azura heard a hiss escape sister's lips and her eyes widened as something began to form and travel down Leila's neck and shoulders. Azura saw something begin to swirl around her shoulders in a dark inky whirl pool. When the swirling completely stopped, Leila's milky white shoulder was painted with something she had never seen before.

A black flower.

The inky petals crawled along the centre of her right shoulder, where delicate swirls travelled up her neck, almost reaching her lower chin. They rest of the swirls and spider like petals creaped down her right arm, caressing her tiny wrist like a bracelet and ending in a twirl. Leila's entire left side of her body was free of flower, except for a very small blue tattoo on the side of her neck. Azura couldn't see clearly, for all that caught her attention was the look in Leila's demented eyes.

"Lady Maya...I feel..power." Said Leila flexing her hand.

" Oh Child, don't smile yet. That mark on your body shall be your death. That is the mark of the Emerald's Stone. Be careful of what you do. Just don't come to me when you regret it." Maya's voice was cold as she turned her back to her again. " But trust me, my dear, the powers it holds will blow others minds. Literally."

Leila simply smirked and walked towards Maya. Azura saw the two come closer to the tree she hid behind and immediately dashed through the forest, running franticly with fear taking over her heart. She reached the hut in where Hellewise was in and busted through the door. Hellewise gasped at Azura's strange approach.

" Azura, are you alright?" Hellewise's warm brown eyes shimmered in the light and Azura panted, desperately trying to choke out the words as fast as she could.

" Maya-Leila- Spell- Blood-flower-..The Emeral- Stone!" she panted and held her stomach, trying to calm it down. Hellewise stood up and walked over the Azura, guiding her to a nearby stool.

" Child, do not tell me your wicked sister has become..like Maya." Azura lifted her sweating head and nodded, her eyes wide. Hellewise looked at her as her hand reached the other stool and handed Azura water.

" Yes, Lady Hellewise, i saw it. Lad- Maya said she would make her more than what she is now. More immortal. That her only death would not be wood, but something called the Emerald's stone. She has-a- mark..a flower" Azura gulped down the water and held her red cheek, feeling it become hot against her sweaty palms.

" Child, Only you can save your sister from herself and the everyone else. You must go to the Lady of Memories retrieve the Emerald's Stone. Do you understand? You must go now. There is no time." That was the last thing Azura heard before she began walking weakly in a pool of sunlight.

Azura held her hands as frustration roamed her mind. She continued walking and ignored her stinging feet on the hot ground. She was getting closer and closer to the village, where the Crone of all the Witches lived.

I must kill Leila..it's the only way to save herself and the whole village. Azura thought.

After what seemed like forever, she finally reached the village in where the Lady of Memories lived. Azura ran ahead and smacked her head straight into something hard.

She titled her banging head up to see a boy. A very handsome boy at that.

This might as well be the only time in Azura's like that she'd ever been this close to a male. He was handsome,like a warrior. His eyes were as green as fresh cut grass in morning dew and they blazed into Azura's, warming her all over. His hair was still dark through the beaming sunlight, shining a curly-ish chestnut brown that almost covered his eyes. Light freckles tainted his cheekbone. With every look at his features, she felt a tingle spread inside her, butterflies sprinting.

It was almost like an electric shock. Azura eye's widened and she felt an icy shiver speed down her spine. The boy stared at her amazed. His lips opened in confusion and he just stared at her. She felt like she really was falling..ready to tumble and collide into water. But a warm hand supported her, fingertips brushed the small of her back and her hair swept across the back of his hand.

" Do..i know you?" he whispered. His voice was soft and slightly astonished. Like a small helpless puppy yelping for love. He looked at like she was something he'd never seen before. Stared into her eyes like they held something within them. Azura lifted her palm to touch his face, and what scared her the most, was that the her hand touched his face without her own command.

Her fingertips traced the smoothness of his cheeks, lines of his mouth and the tenderness of his barely visible freckles.

" I think so.." She didn't understand. She had never seen this boy ever in her life, but she felt like she knew him. She felt like they were connected. Strung together with a silver cord. Wrapped as one in the promising light. Azura found her ground again and stepped out of his touch, awkwardly releasing his face.

" I'm sorry.." She whispered and began walking away. Azura didn't know why, but her heart felt like shattering every step she took. She felt like she actually did know the boy. She felt like he was always with her. But even in her dreams, she knew it would never be true.

" Wait." She jumped when his touch met hers again. His warm hand rested on her bare shoulder and again, she felt the electric shiver. Azura gasped and his gaze captured her's in a net of shock.

" My name is Demetri" He said. She looked up into his face and her hands began shaking. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. She swallowed.

" My-My name is Azura.." He smiled and she felt her heart tingle in excitement.

It was then both Azura and Demetri knew they were meant for each other. Destined to entwine hearts, Fated to love one another. Even with just one short meeting of the two, Azura and Demetri never stopped thinking of each other, and neither could stop the pain in their hearts, as they walked away.

Azura never forgot her mission, though the boy named Demetri nearly swept her off her feet. She ran to the village where the Lady of Memories lived.

" Child, the Emerald's stone bears powers not even I can control." The Lady of Memories explained, watching Azura was weary eyes.

"I understand, but without it I cannot stop destruction. Though I seem only as a child,only I can destroy my sister, the new start to destruction behind Lady Maya." The Lady of Memories didn't need another second to look at her. The mention of Maya had brought her fear enough to the old woman's face and she took out a large wooden box and opened it.

" Child, I sense light within you. You cannot destroy all darkness within the world, but you can stop what is to come." She brushed her silvery white hair away from her mysterious crystal clear eyes and reached into the box, and pulled out two knives.

And placed them in Azura's shaking hands.

One silver and One wood. Both bearing tremendous strength lurking within them. With one look, Azura felt like it breathed air on her, touching her skin with frost.

" They do are not to be owned. Not to be miss used. For they choose their owners. They may not appear as the obvious, you may not be able to acknowledge it at first sight,. But the people they choose is never a mistake." Azura nodded. " Child, I'm afraid you are not the Chosen. But I can sense that it will be a long time before the two are. But for now, the Emerald's Stone grants your plea."

She received the Emerald's Stone and kept them safe for the time being, waiting for the day to come.

But on the night of the full moon, the night where everything went wrong. Azura keeled beside Hellewise, in her pool of blood/

" Child... I do not have time..My journey on this earth will soon end and you will have to kill the dark. You cannot let Leila destroy the world with Maya.." Hellewise coughed and her hands fell back into the pool of blood in which she laid in. Azura wept, mixing the blood with salty tears, streaking her own pale face with clear tears.

" Oh, Lady, how will i ever do it..?" Azura sobbed and another crystal tear slipped of her chin and onto Hellewise's glowing face.

" Child, do not let fear devour you. Do not let evil conquer you-" Hellewise coughed and stared into the moon. She reached up to touch Azura's pale face. " And do not let love leave you.." Hellewise's words echoed in Azura's mind as her lady's hand slid of her face and into the scarlet blood, laying limp. Her deep brown eyes shimmered one last time and the life left it forever, she closed her eyelids and her eyelashes fluttered shut, and Azura

watched as Hellewises' soul lift up into the moonlight.


Azura dropped both Emerald's stones and stared lifelessly in Demetri's lost green eyes. She stared at the bright red blood dripping from his chin and the two deep holes that lingered his throat. She watched as her sister, Leila reach for Demetri's blood stained chin and licked the blood from it.

" What have you done..." Azura's voice croaked out. She felt a tear escaped her eyes as Demetri's doll like appearance stood in front of her. His eyes dead and his face was pale.

" What do you think, sister. I made him into a vampire." Leila's voice echoed in her mind and she fell to her knees, trying to search for the life in Demetri. Azura let her crystal tears fall to the ground as she picked up the two knives, gripping them as tight as she can and charged for Leila. She felt the intensity of the knives chill her fingers, strucking her heart with power.

But then, all the power faded away the moment Demetri stood between her and Leila,arms spread like a shield.

He was protecting Leila.

More tears began to flow in Azura's eyes as she fought the urge to push past him, kicking and pushing against his iron arms. Demetri's eyes fought with the final fleck of life and his fingers caught Azura's hair, pulling her back. She yelped in pain when Demetri left her side, and Leila's slim fingers replaced the touched. She hooked her hand around Azura's neck and squeezed. Hard.

" HA-HA! Little sister, you can't kill me. You are far to weak to even think about my level of strength. I can see into your dreams, plunder into your mind, cast spells like you have never before and kill whom I want. Little sister, you have underestimated me. " Leila stuck a hand toward Azura's and yanked the silver knife out of her grip. "Good bye, it was good knowing ya."

With that, Azura felt the razor burn erupt in her body and she looked down to see the silver knife piercing her heart. She gasped as pain exploded within her. The evil laugh of Leila erupted through her ears as She felt her back collide with the hard ground. She heard a soft sob and her eyes caught sparkling tear drops dripping from Demitri's lost face. She held out her hand, and watched as Leila reach up to Demetri's face and kissed him hard on the mouth. Then, she felt her heart burning with fire and nothing but pure darkness reached her mind as her bright violet eyes lost it's life.

And Azura, the faithful follower of Hellewise died at the feet of her soulmate and evil.


And then it ended.

Time unlocked it's self. My vision came back. The sences that tore away from my body sealed back.

But unfortunetly, so did the pain.

Lucinda's nails weren't there, but they continued to still, trailing streaks of poison down my heart. Lucinda looked pretty shocked herself, gawking at the silver knife that pierced the chest and her own dark blood that stained my fingers. She gritted her teeth in anger.

And all I could really do was to gasp the moment the pushed me.

My balance tumbled down, and off the tree I went, falling. My eyes were stilled glued to Lucinda. She yanked the knife out cleanly, the wound closed and the remaining blood faded into nothing but ashes.

I felt the poisonous pain continue to burn within me, reaching the parts of my body that had never really felt pain. Streaking me with untouchable scars and unbearable threads of amber. The fall was so long, it felt like it would take forever to reach the bottom. The piercing wind slashed at my cuts and tears that marked my arms and neck. My eyes closed, my lips streaked red and my body felt..


I promised you, I promised I wouldn't leave you, you little dumb ass.

It was that voice again. That voice that spoke in a voice only I could hear, only I could understand. The voice that broke the cold hard shell that secured his broken soul. It was the voice of Quinn that sent shivers down my spine, but in a way that spread love, instead of darkness.

And it was a kiss that made my heart warm.

I reached up to hold his face, feeling the deep scars and wounds that lingered on his skin, beginning to heal in a slow pace. I traced the lines of his eyes and mouth and felt his heart beat against his chest, as if only for me.

We landed on the ground. Quinn was still holding me, kissing me like it was the last. Embracing me like it was the end, and held me tight, like i was all that's left. His fingers laced in my hair, which I can proudly say is filled with dirt and possibly leaves. He broke the kiss, and to what seemed like magic, I felt completely alive.

It was almost as if he healed me with a touch, brought me from the dead with a kiss. He threaded his fingers through mine, still holding me like I was baby.

I'm not a baby, let me down.

You are, now shut up and stay still.

As cold as he sounded. I smiled.

" So. That wrench was right." Lucinda's voice shattered everything. She was swinging the silver knife around, tossing it up and down and glaring at me with scary eyes. She let the knife fall from her fingers and it hit the ground with a loud "clang" sound. " I see. You've caught a glimpse of the past."

It was then, I realized she couldn't breath. Lucinda brought her dark sleeve to hide her face like a mask, and within a second, she lowered it casually. But what had happened was far beyond anything I had ever experienced, for the woman known as Lucinda was no longer there.

In Lucinda's place and clothes, stood a tall woman with hair of great resemblance of a frosty ice queen's- Platinum almost white. Her eyes stayed the same, but the power that lurked within them released, almost showering black aura.

But what caught my last breath was the large black tattoo that painted her body.

A black iris.

And it was then, the woman pulled the words right out of my soul, blinding me with her black gaze.


PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW! ..ya know you're awesome if you do..if you don't you're awesome anyways LOL..but yea...seriously.