
I WAS HAPPY THAT SIERRA WAS HAPPY. A new light had shown off of her ever since she met Luke, and I was grateful for that. I wanted my sister to be happy. And Luke was a good guy.

But Lane was still going on and on about how he wasn't good for her.

How did he figure? They were in love. He can't question their emotions.

You would think he would be happy for her, like I was. But no. Now all he did was mope around and not talk to anyone.

Luke was fine. He seemed nice and perfect for Sierra. I was starting to worry that Sierra wouldn't find someone like Luke.

Sierra was so... I don't know... Sierra.

Sierra was my sister, after all, and I loved her. Lane said I didn't understand, but I did. She was just as much my sister as she was his.

Like if Luke ever broke her heart...

Lets just say he wouldn't have a head anymore.

But I doubted Luke would do that. He was too love struck and head over heels to even think about hurting Sierra at all.

And I knew he never would. (fortune teller, remember?)

Luke was already like a brother.

Yes, I have had visions that this would all happen; that Luke and Sierra would fall in love and live happily ever after. I knew this would have a happily ever after. Nothing was going to change that.

When Sierra and Luke arrived at the house, Ali and I were the first ones to greet them. I smiled at the fact that Sierra looked so happy. She deserved the best.

"Congrats guys." I said. "Luke, we've never really got a chance to officially meet."

"Hey." Luke said, wrapping his arm around a hyper Sierra, "Thanks, by the way."

"For what?" I asked. I was confused. What did I do that caused him to say, "thank you"?

"For telling Sierra about me." He clarified. "It made things a whole lot easier."

I smiled. I liked this kid.

"No problem. We all just want everybody to be happy. It was about time Sierra found someone to call her own. She has been alone for too long. I'm just glad that she's found you and is happy." I told him as Sierra started to giggle.

Definitely hyper.

"I'm happy, Livia." She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"I think we all knew that." I said.

Luke smiled down at her.

"Would you like to give me a tour of the house?" He asked her.

Just then, Lane came bounding into the room.

"NO!" He yelled, charging himself at Luke. Joe grabbed him from behind. He might have been bigger, but Joe was stronger. Centuries of practice.

"What the hell, Lane!" Joe yelled. "What is your issue?"

"She's not going anywhere alone with you!" He yelled at Luke.

"Why not?" Sierra asked, the confused look overpowering her face. Luke crouched down in front of her in protection, his eyes saying all that was needed. They said, "you touch her, you die." I wouldn't push him too far. He would do anything for Sierra.

"Because I said so!"

"The last time I checked, you didn't own me, Lane."

A hiss escaped Luke and Lane's lips.

"It doesn't matter!" Lane yelled, thrashing against Joe's grip.

Just then, Sierra stepped forward, touching Lane's forehead, and Ali froze him in his tracks.

And I was having a vision. A bad vision.

Suddenly, everything was on fire. I saw Sierra and Jasmyne, both dressed in black cloaks, standing face to face in a ring of fire. A trade was going on. Sierra for Jasmyne, Jasmyne for Sierra.

I felt sick to my core.

Sierra looked so sad, her face paler than normal, while Jasmyne had an evil grin plastered on her hideous face, just waiting for Sierra to say the last words of the trade.

"I give myself to you." Sierra whispered, whimpering quietly, as the dark forces dragged my loving sister to their side...

Where we would never see her again.

And if we did see her, we would have to kill her.

"Yeah." I heard Ali say through the burning fire. I was starting to come out of my trance. "Good thing we all acted so quickly. Wait. Livy?"

Suddenly, I broke free of the nasty future.

"The nomads!" I yelled. "Their coming soon. Their going to want to meet us so that we can trade." I had a disgusted face plastered into a mask on my pale features. And I was sure that they could all understand what it meant.

That was when Luke got a reading on my mind.

"They want to trade Sierra for Jasmyne?" He hissed, taking Sierra into a protective embrace that no one would have a hope in breaking. "It's not going to happen. I won't let it happen."

Joe put a hand on his shoulder.

"Trust me, Luke," He promised him, "neither will we."

"Yeah," Sierra said, smiling up at him, "I mean, come on, I aint ever going to go over to them. I don't like the dark."

Luke chuckled and kissed her hair. A sudden twinge of envy rushed through me. I didn't have someone to do that to me...

Correction. I did love someone. But I could never be with him.

Being in love with a human was too dangerous to take any chances. I couldn't love him, yet I still did.

I focused my attention to Sierra and Luke again.

"You can always find a bright side, can't you?" He asked, worry still deep in his eyes. I could tell he was trying to hide it for Sierra.

She nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry about it, honestly," She said, "I'm too fond of you people."

We all laughed. Leave it to Sierra to make a bad time go great.

Joe held onto Ali with the same protective embrace that Luke was holding Sierra with.

"Livia," Ali started, "What exactly happened?"

I sighed. I hated doing things in front of people.

"There was fire. Tons of it. Sierra and Jasmyne were in the middle of the trading ring in dark cloaks. Sierra said the final words..." I choked. Those words were horrible. I couldn't say them out loud. "And the dark forces dragged her over to the nomads."

Luke shook his head and pressed his lips carefully to Sierra's forehead.

"It's not going to happen." He whispered to her. "I promise."

She smiled at him.

"I know." She assured him, closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest. "Well, would you like a tour of the house, Luke?" She asked.

He nodded.

"As long as I'm with you," He said as Sierra pulled him up our winding staircase, "I'm happy."

When they were gone, Joe looked at me.

"Theres more, isn't there?" He asked with a saddened look on his face. Ali had the same look.

I nodded. There was more. They just couldn't see it. And I didn't at first, but as my mind got used to the vision, I saw through the cracks.

"The chances of it happening..." I couldn't finish. I didn't want to finish. How was I going to explain my sisters' death?

"Are high." Joe finished for me.

I nodded. This wasn't going to end well.

We were going to lose someone.

But who? Sierra? Luke? Lane? Ali? Joe? Myself?

I was willing to die to save Sierra. She saved me from death, and I wanted to save her, too.

But what exactly was going to happen? Luke was so convinced that he was going to keep Sierra safe. But he didn't realize that the nomad's decision was already set in stone. They were going to trade Jasmyne for Sierra.

Whether we liked it or not.

Were we strong enough to stop six insane vampires?

Yes. I knew we were.

"It's hard to believe that she's not even scared." Joe said, amazed.

"That's just it, though." I said. "She's not scared, because she has Luke. If you were in the same position, you wouldn't be scared either."

"Because I have Ali." He reasoned, still confused. "I wonder why that is?"

"It's simple." Ali said. "Luke is her protector. He promises to keep her safe. Sierra trusts him with her whole being. Luke will protect her, as we all will." Then she sighed. "Whether or not it will work is the question."

"It's a good thing Lane wasn't here." I said. "If he would have heard it, he would have exploded."

"Yeah." Joe said, sternly. "That's another problem. We can't let Lane act like that any longer. Sierra and Luke are happy together. Why is he so angry?" He shook his head.

"It's just harder for him." I assured. "He did change her. They have a bond. He's like an overprotective vampire big brother."

They laughed, but I knew that this would only last for a brief moment before the sadness and grief swept through all of us.

"I'm scared, Joe." Ali said sadly. I could see the anguish in her eyes.

"So am I, Ali." He said, rubbing comforting circles on her back.

I closed my eyes and tried to force a better vision from my mind. One where Sierra wasn't in danger, and her and Luke were happy and having the happily ever after they deserved. One where Lane wasn't so overprotective, and that he was happy that they were happy. One where Ali and Joe had a family that they could call their own. One where Jared and I could be together...

I was fantasizing now. I knew that could never happen, no matter how much I wished that it could.

Vampires and humans could never be together. It was impossible.

But wasn't that our whole life? My family and I? Our whole life was impossible. We were vampires. We didn't feed on humans. We were different.

Impossible, but yet so possible it hurt.

So maybe I could be with Jared. Maybe we could be like Luke and Sierra or Joe and Ali.


But right now, I had bigger problems. A helpless human was at risk. Sierra was at risk. My own sister. The one who saved me from death in the clostest way possible.

I would do everything and anything I could to save her.

"I wonder why they would want Sierra so bad?" Joe said, breaking my trance. I could tell the question was for me. I was the fortune teller, after all.

"Sierra has two very rare abilities." I answered. "We know that. But Jonathan wants her..."

Joe and Ali winced. I tried to hide the sadness in my voice as I finished.

"And he won't stop until he gets her. Unless we kill him."

Joe nodded.

"If it's what we have to do," he said, pushing Ali's head to his chest, "we'll do it."

I nodded, too. I'd kill all of them if it meant Sierra would be safe.

I stepped forward, feeling more confident than ever before, and looking Joe and Ali straight in thier clear blue eyes.

"We will have to kill them." I said as a smile slowly made it's way to my face. "No one messes with our sister."

Joe and Ali smiled.

"You got that right." Joe said.

Then, as if on cue, I suddenly saw our future.

And it looked pretty decided.

We would lose one, they would lose one. A life for a life.

But whose life would we lose?


Okay, that was Livia's chapter! Please R&R guys! Remember, reviews are like chocolate to a broken heart. (sorry, feeling totally random right now!) :) Hope you guys liked it!!! Bye!


Smiley =D