A/N: I wrote this just now, after watching Kenny Dies and Ladder to Heaven, back-to-back. I just imagine Kenny's dad going off on his own and saying this to himself, and to God. I know it's probably crap, but R&R. Even flames are welcome, so long as they're constructive.

South Park and it's characters © Matt Stone & Trey Parker

Why is it always us, God? Why do you keep doing this to us?

You take our son away from us almost every day. He always comes back. But not this time.

Why do you keep putting us through torture? We live in a fucking shack. We survive on waffles and air. Still we keep praying, hoping you'll send us something better. We pray before every meal, even though we eat little or nothing.

It's still not enough for you. You have to kill Kenny, permanently, in the slowest, cruellest way possible.

Why him, Lord? He's a kid. He ain't done anything wrong. Why not me? It's me who always fucks things up. It's me who goes out and drinks any money we have. Me who started all this.

Is that why you took Kenny away? To punish me? If it is, it's working. But what about Carol? What's she done to deserve this? Kevin; Karen: they've lost a brother.

All of us-we've died a little. We're surviving, I guess. But living? No…we're not living.

Whatever I've done. I'm sorry for it. But what's the point in me being sorry? It won't bring Kenny back.

Why do you do this God? Why is it always us? Why always me?