I don't own Naruto.

Hello! This is my first Naruto fic, let alone my first HinataXGaara fic. I absolute adore this couple :D

Now, Gaara is kinda OOC... but I like to think that once someone shows him love and he feels the same, he'd just melt into a big pile of fluff. This was merely a cute little scene that has been in my head for a while. And I figure, why not write it out? :D

So please R&R! I'm considering writing a prequel to how they both led up to this moment, and so I can show that I can keep Gaara IC! but that all depends. I have more fic ideas lined up for this couple and those might come first, but tell me if you're interested in reading it! ^^

She was a quiet thing, meek and shy. Sometimes he was afraid to break her, afraid that she was much too fragile for him. When he touch her, he couldn't imagine doing it in a rough way, couldn't imagine damaging her in anyway.

Maybe that was her power, her sway over him. She was able to make a monster gentle; she was able to turn a monster into a human. That might be why no one was able to see her worth; see that she was more than meets the eye. Only a person like him could see how special she really was.

As Gaara laid beside her, he couldn't help but take in her beauty, feel that her pale milky skin was just as soft as it looks. She sighed softly in her sleep, her black her swept around her and tickled his skin. He was content during nights like these, seeing her next to him.

It almost made all those years of loneliness worth it. It was almost like he was being bred just for her love, like she was made just to show him all that he was missing. She was used to cold men, being born within the Hyuuga clan, so she knew how to deal with them, how to show them the affection that they silently beg for.

Right as she was thrown into his home, she was the dutiful wife, bred and born for the role. What she lacked in physical strength she clearly made up in skill, easily managing right into the village as a medical ninja. This was a girl who stood out from the rest, an exotic beauty that people in the sand village were not used to seeing. And she was his beauty.

Despite his silence and his glare, she swept in and showed him the love that he was sorely missing. She was reluctant to touch him, but she was never afraid to, and it was very much the simple things she did that drove him absolutely wild: a soft touch brushing against his hand, a light kiss on the cheek, a small hug when he got home at the end of the day.

Especially now, as he watched her under the moon light, her soft breath brushed against his face, more a comfort now than an annoyance. It was only a night, with her, that he was able to relax. It was only moments like these where he was able to let his guard down.

Gaara pulled Hinata closer to him, enclosing her into his arms. She never heard the three words his whispered under his breath, but she did pull him closer to her unconsciously and wrap her arms around him in turn, almost as if she had heard him.

She whispered back her answer without even knowing it herself, and it was only then that he was able to close his eyes and even out his breathing.

Tomorrow, he would go back to the Kazekage everyone feared. Tomorrow, he would put back on his face that showed no care for anyone but himself.

Tonight, he would feel everything that he had ever hoped for, dreamed for. Tonight, he would merely be a man who loved his wife.
