A/N: Hey guys, it's pretty late at night right now as im typing this up. (must be quiet or else my mom is gonna kill me as school's starting tomorrow morning eek)…anyway, im just gonna get it on document manager right now and upload it later in the morning as theres no time. Thank you all SO MUCH for the reviews. They meant the world to us and we are so glad that you guys liked it! :D

Chapter 2

After a while, Albus and James returned. (Albus's face was green and he looked like he would puke any second.)

So, the time had come to spin Fred's wand again (no, we are talking about his MAGIC wand, NOT his other wand and yes, we are going to skip the scene where Scorpius admitted he liked Rose sitting on his lap because we don't want to get too cheesy. This is a parody, not a cheesy romance.)

Albus spun the wand and it landed on—

We were not able to find out because just then, the door opened and two extremely beautiful girls (us) walked in. They had beautiful shiny black hair and glowing skin. (better than Hermione and Ginny's because it was not just a contributing factor). All the boys were in a trance (except Scorpius because he was staring down Rose's shirt.)

The two girls smirked and sat down beside Marco (say this in an Italian accent). "We're new", was all they said.

The wand now stopped spinning and landed on one of the two girls.

"T-t-truth or d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d (this goes on for ten more minutes)-d-dare?" Albus stuttered nervously.

"Truth", the girl smiled. As she smiled several people (Fred, Lizzar and Scorpius) fainted.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" screamed Rose, "One second the idiot likes me and the next he's fainting over a stupid Mary Sue?!"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A MARY SUE?" the girl piped up, her eyes glaring. With one swift moment, she turned into a bee (but a very pretty bee, it was hot pink and black striped) and stung Rose's nose.

Within two seconds, her nose started to bloat up. But it did not stop.

The hot pink bee flew out of the room and did not come back.

Everybody turned to stare at the other girl.

Meanwhile, Rose's rapidly bloating nose finally stopped bloating. It was twice the size of her body.

"I am so sorry", the girl said, "My friend Annika has anger management issues". She flicked her hand and Rose's nose was back to its original state.

"Wow, you can do wandless magic?" Albus said in awe.

"Yep", the girl smiled (this time Albus fainted…on Scorpius)

Without bothering to answer why she could perform wandless magic, the girl flicked her hand again and transformed into a beautiful neon-pink fairy and flew out of the room just like her friend.

"Wow.", said Marco (say this in an Italian accent) speechless.

"WHO THE BLOODY HELL WERE THEY", Lily spoke up for the first time…in this chapter.

"Who cares who they were they were bloody gorgeous", Scorpius said, regaining consciousness.

"WHAT?!" Rose screamed, her hair resembling her mother's.

"Just because I enjoy having you on my lap doesn't mean I like you", Scorpius replied coolly.

"Oooh, BURN", Lily smirked.

"Shut up byotch", Rose shouted.

"Haha, Bee-otch, geddit? Geddit? Like the girl who turned into a bee, she's a beeotch!" Lily giggled.

Rose rolled her eyes but left the matter.

Soon everyone woke up and the game continued. Albus spun the wand (get your head out of the gutter) again.

It landed on Bambini.

"Truth or Dare", Albus asked

"Truth!" Bambini said (because he was a chicken)

"Who's you celebrity crush? Magic and Muggle", Albus smirked (why the f- is everyone smirking?)

"H-H-Harry Potter", Bambini said in a small voice.

Everybody stared at him, shock apparent on their faces. "YOU HAVE A FREAKIN CRUSH ON MY DAD?!" James screamed. (Once again, why the f- is everyone screaming?)

"I thought you liked Celestina Warbeck" Scorpius was surprised, "Isn't that what you told me last year?"

Ignoring their comments Bambini continued, "And Robert Pattinson."

"WHY DOES EVERYBODY LIKE THE VAMPIRE GUY?!" Hugo yelled out, clutching his hair in frustration.

"Face it man, he's hot" (this was obviously Lily.)

An awkward silence followed.

"So, um, you're gay?" Marco (Italiano) said in disbelief.

"Yeah", Bambini scratched his neck, afraid of what his brother would do.

"No wonder you never had a girlfriend!" Marco said, "I'm alright with it by the way."

Bambini smiled (aww) and spun the wand.

It landed on James.

"Dare", James said, straight away.

"I dare you to wear your underwear outside your clothes", Bambini grinned.

"Dawggg, that dare in only fun when you do it on girls!", Lizzar hissed (or whatever sound a lizard makes)

"Um hello? Gay remember? AND I have a crush on James's dad?" Bamini replied.

"I can't do the dare." James said.


"Because…Because, I'm not wearing any underwear."

Everyone gaped. "TOO MUCH INFO", Rose spat out in disgust.

"I am so telling mom!" Lily smiled evilly.

"You wouldn't."

"I so would."

"I'll pay you 50 galleons and get you an autographed poster of Robert Pattinson!"

"Deal!" Lily yelled out in glee.

"Um, can I have a poster too? Since you didn't do the dare?" Bambini asked.

"Yeah, yeah, sure", James shrugged off.

He spun the wand which landed on Scorpius.

"Dare", Scorpius said.

"Oh dear, you shouldn't have…" Lily said in a sing song voice (no, not one like Luna's.)

"Scorpius, you're going to go to Rose's dorm, and search her clothes drawers and pick out what you would like to see her wear most. Once you're done, come back and I'll tell you the rest of the dare". He winked at Rose. The evil glint in his eye was beginning to creep everyone out.

After a while, Scorpius returned with an extremely short red dress.

"Oh! Rose, remember that? I bought it for you!" Laura giggled.

James smirked, "Now, you have to wear that dress for the rest of the game."

"What?" Scorpius asked in disbelief, "I thought she was gonna wear it?"

"Exactly, I tricked ya!" James laughed.

Scorpius went into the changing room (which had magically appeared in the room they were in) and changed into Rose's dress. And boy was it short. You could see Scorpius's green silk boxers hanging down from underneath.

"Can't b-breathe", Scorpius choked out in agony.

Rose snickered, covering her lips to stop an enormous laugh.

Scorpius reluctantly spun the wand and it landed on Bambini. Scorpius smirked and Bambini shuddered. Everyone knew Scorpius was out to get revenge.

"Truth", Bambini said, being the chicken he was.

Scorpius looked so evil, his stare could kill Voldemort.

"Have you ever fantasized about anyone in this room?"

Bambini gulped.

He gave a loud cough which sounded suspiciously like 'James'.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that", Scorpius said sweetly.


"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!" James buried his face into his beanbag as the rest of the room shook with laughter.

"I'm taking a break." James stormed out of the room, slamming the door in the process.

"I'll get him." Albus ran out after his brother.

"No! no, it's ok I'll go" Bambini stopped Albus.

"Well…now what?", Rose asked, trying to ignore Scorpius beside her.

"Now you kiss him!" Albus said.

"What the hell? No!" she smacked Albus's head…well, she wanted to but was cut off by Scorpius's lips crashing against hers. Several light years later they pulled apart and smiled cheesily, never mind that Scorpius was currently in Rose's tight dress.

"Well, about time!" James whooped. He was back… and so was Bambini and they were…holding hands? No way!

"Come on lets go, the match is over" Bambini and James exchanged a look smiling.

"Someone please pass me the puke bucket", it was Rose.

"Yeah, like you and Scorpius were any better", Lily shot back.

"Let's go Rose", Scorpius whispered into her ear.

They followed the James and Bambini and the rest of the group followed after them.

"Where were you kids at the match?" A stern voice that sounded suspiciously like Professor McGonagall's hovered in the air.

Damn. They were caught.

Well, at least something good had come from the Truth or Dare session.

"Mr Malfoy, why on earth are you in a Dress?"


A/N: There it is, done


If you guys were wondering this was originally planned to be a twoshot. Who knows, maybe we might write a sequel one day. But for now, I guess this is it :)

Please review :D