Amnesia? Is that my name?

Here we go . . .


Ulquiorra got a Shut-up Kiss

She'd been sick for a week. Tossing and turning in her sleep, screaming out at random times, often waking him up. A high fever made her delirious. But she was currently recovering her strength, her fever and delirium broken.

She slept on his bed, Grimmjow got the floor. He could've left her in her own room. Heck, he could've left her out alone in Hueco Mundo. But he didn't. No, instead he gave up his bed and tended to his sick fraccion. He had to admit, he cared, if only a little bit.

"Master . . . hates . . . me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trash . . . . . . . . . . Cero . . . Trash . . . . . . . . . . . Spoon . . . . . . . . . Aizen-sama . . . . . . . . Grimmjow . . . . . . . . Cuarta . . . Despair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cookies . . . Grimm . . . jow . . . . . . . . . Luppi . . . . . . . Cream . . . . Grimm . . . . . . . . . . . Smile . . . . . . . . . Burrito . . . . . . . AHHHH!" Ulquiorra woke with a start, screaming and hugging herself. Grimmjow set on the edge and calmly pulled the petite girl into his lap.

"Shh . . . c'mon, s'ok . . . stop yer cryin . . . Ulquiorra . . ." He wrapped his arms around her. She clung to his jacket's collar and sobbed into his chest. He just held her close, trying to console her. Soon her weeping was reduced to sniffles.

" . . . Master . . . I'm hungry." Ulquiorra lied. The Sexta sighed, "Ok." After he left, the ex-Cuarta stole away from the door with the gothic six. Careful to not attract any attention at the late hour, she tip-toed to a certain fraccion's room. A quick rap and a bleary Telsa opened the door.

"Ulqui-yawn-orra?" "Telsa, you're the smartest-" "You're looking for Szayel-sama." He deadpanned. "No . . . Not in this area." She whispered, breathless. Telsa blinked, or winked, seeing as he only had one eye. "What's it like . . . . . . to be in love?" Telsa blushed. "Ulqui-chan . . . I-I'm afraid I can't answer tha-"


She hit the boy upside his head, glaring daggers at him. "Listen up Porkers, I don't like being lied to." She hissed, grabbing a fistful of his collar. She let go, looking even more hopelessly confused. She steeled herself for one final attack, "I know about you and Nnoitra. I remember."

Telsa paled, "You remember? Then why are you all -" "I don't remember all of it dumbass! Just some parts! What the hell?! Have you ever thought that maybe I don't wanna fucking remember?!" She whispered furiously. Telsa nodded, pretending to understand.

"Love . . . Love feels . . . it feels wonderful when it's recognized. There's nothing like it when it's returned. It hurts terribly when it's shrugged. It wounds when it's manipulated. It's one of the strongest feelings that one can have . . . But it has to be given, to be received." Telsa finished his explanation, leaving Ulquiorra wondering which love the other had for the Quinta.

She managed to slip back into Grimmjow's room before he returned with a sandwich. She took a slow bite and chewed thoughtfully. "Hey Master?" She asked after a few bites. "Huh?" He grunted. "Have you ever been in love?"

"That's by far the weirdest question you've ever asked me."

"Well have you?"

" . . . . . Um . . . . No?" (LIAR!)

" . . . Oh . . . ok."


The next day, Ulquiorra rose early. Not even bothering to change out of her pajamas (a baggy black shirt and sweatpants), she dashed out of the room. Straight to the most experienced person she knew, besides her master.


She knocked on the Tercera's door gently. She answered the door looking very surprised. "Ulquiorra?! You're feeling better all ready?!" The ivory skinned girl sighed, "I have a question."


"What does love feel like?"

The darker skinned woman seemed taken aback at the question, but she answered quickly, "Love is an amazing feeling . . ." She ended up saying pretty much what Telsa said the night before. She smiled and decided to ask someone else.


"Nnoitra-sama, what does it feel like to love?" The spoon smiled wickedly as he, in great detail, explained the love making process. During the lecture, Ulquiorra's expression morphed from one of confusion to one of pure horror. "EWW THAT'S DISGUSTING! YOU'RE SICK!" She screamed as she ran down the hall.

Colliding with Tousen had been a wonderful accident. She asked her question. He gave her an answer that didn't even remotely relate to the question. She left while he was in the middle of his justice-rant.

Wandering around into the throne room she found Aizen sitting among the pretty fireworks she'd painted during her 'Color Las Noches!' crusade. "Ulquiorra . . ."

"Aizen-sama? What does love feel like? I keep asking others but they never give a good description . . . Nnoitra's was the worst . . . It was gross . . . Do men really shove their penis up-"

"Ulquiorra," Aizen managed to cut her off, "To answer your question. Love is an immense feeling of devotion and affection towards another. When you're in love you tend to feel happy when that special person is around. Do you love someone Ulquiorra?"

"I think so . . . I'm not sure."

"Well, tell Grimmjow that he is a very lucky arrancar."

"Aizen-sama, how did you know that?"

"I know everything that goes on within this castle."

"Did you know that Gin ate the last Twinke?"

"I wasn't aware there were any left . . ."

"That's cause Gin ate the last one."

"I see . . ."

"Thanks Aizen-sama!"

The King of Arrancar smiled as the naïve girl skipped out of the room. A few moments later, a blonde figure entered the hall. "Aizen-sama." He greeted respectfully. "Telsa." The brunette acknowledged the blonde boy. "I feel terrible for saying this . . . But Ulquiorra herself told me . . . She remembers." Aizen sat up straighter. "I conversed with her not long ago . . . She appeared to still have amnesia."

"That is interesting information. Thank you Telsa." The boy bowed respectfully and left.

She only remembers parts. The parts that don't remotely relate with her. Perhaps remembering would be harmful for her. . . This would be the logical explanation . . .

"Gin" Aizen called out to his subordinate Shinigami, "Call the Espada for a meeting. And bring Ulquiorra."

"Yes Aizen-sama."

"And Gin . . ."


"Did you eat the last Twinkie?"

No one eats Sosuke's Twinkies!


Nine Espada, three ex-Shinigami, and one Ulquiorra were in the meeting hall an hour later. "Ulquiorra. You are being reinstated as the Cuarta Espada." Aizen's voice projected through the room. "You will also be head interrogator. That was Gin's idea." The brunette added as a side announcement. Everyone looked at her. "Thank you!" She beamed.

"Dismissed." As the Espada filed out, Ulquiorra seized the opportunity to glomp Grimmjow. "I'm your superior again! It'll be just like it use to be, Kittycar!" " . . . I think you crushed my spleen . . ." "Grimmy!" She crowed.

"What?" He snapped as her rubbed his bruised ribs.

"I love you." She chirped.

" . . . What?!" The Sexta blinked, surprised.

"I don't like repeating myself. I don't like cooking either . . ."


"I don't like trash. I don't like Charlotte. Um . . . I don't like oatmeal . . Liars, I don't like liars . . ."


"I don't like math or science . . . Hmmm . . . I don't like quiet-ness . . . Or lazi-mmph!"

Grimmjow, tired of the Cuarta's ranting, had silenced her with a rough kiss. He pulled back and wiped away the string of spit that connected their mouths. "Just . . . Shut up, ok?" Ulquiorra nodded numbly, open mouthed. "Does that mean you love me?" She asked, her voice barely audible. The Panther didn't reply. The longer the silence lasted the more worry grew in her emerald eyes.

Grimmjow involuntarily winced. He'd didn't like to see her in pain. In a matter of seconds, a stunned Cuarta was wrapped in his arms. "Yeah . . . It does." He whispered in her ear, nibbling on the ivory skin a bit. Ulquiorra giggled as her thin arms snaked around his neck.

Grimmjow wasn't lying.


Ulquiorra sat on top of one of the many turrets of Las Noches. She gazed at the perpetual desert and smiled.

Maybe amnesia was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Not that she would know.

After all, she had amnesia.


It is finite! All done! Thank you my faithful reviews, and this is the end!