Note: This is basically the Devon & Ellie side of the Sarah/Ellie argument from my last chapter. I was a little stuck on where to go, so I wrote this drabble. The complete second chapter will be up in a few days. Thanks for the patience!

Devon walked out of Chuck's in a complete daze. He knew that Chuck was a spy and that Sarah and Casey were his protectors. He didn't really know much about Chuck's special situation other than Sarah would never do anything to hurt him. Which brought him to the question of the hour, what made Ellie so mad at Sarah? The last thing he heard Ellie say was something about Jill and Sarah being just like her.

Devon knew for sure that Sarah was nothing like Jill. Sarah was a CIA agent, not a doctor like Jill. Sarah never broke Chuck's heart (that he knows of).

Overall, Devon was thrilled to see Chuck finally getting his life on the right tracks. When Devon first met Chuck, he figured he would be living with Ellie forever. He would turn out to be the bum of the family. As he got to know Chuck, Devon believed he was destined for bigger and better things. Then Sarah appeared in Chuck's life. He thought she would be the one that would help get Chuck's life rolling. He was right.

Again, Chuck shocked Devon again. After he and Ellie came back from the honeymoon, they found an empty apartment, free of Firefly DVD's and X-box games. All that was left was a simple note from Chuck.

Devon & Ellie,

This is one more part of your wedding present. Other than quitting the BuyMore, I found a great apartment to share with Sarah. Ellie, you have always been by my side and I will always be in debt to you for that. You have been the best sister a brother can ask for. Devon, dude, you gave me the right kick in the pants to get myself moving. You'll need to take me climbing one day with all the gear you got from the wedding, and maybe teach me how to use the gravity boots, or not. I'll be with Sarah so give me a call when you guys get this so we can have dinner!


So when Devon got into the car with Ellie to drive home after a disastrous dinner, everything was put into perspective. Their honeymoon was officially over, but Devon and Ellie hadn't come across any big problems in their marriage, yet.

"Ellie, babe, what's wrong?" He looked over to see his wife silently sobbing into the window. He knew she got emotional when she drank, but the sobbing still made his heart pinch.

"Devon it's just...I want...Chuck to be happy." She tried to say something coherently. "I just want Chuck to have everything he ever wanted."

"Babe, I think he does." Devon tried calming her down. He kept one hand on the wheel and put his right hand over her shoulder. "It'll be OK. Sarah would never let anything bad happen to him. Trust me babe, she would go 'mama-bear' if anyone tried to lay a hand on Chuckster."

Ellie found some comfort in Devon's words. She loved how he always thought about the bright side of everything. He always made her feel better whenever she was feeling down. She wasn't sure how he knew Chuck and Sarah would be OK, but Ellie decided to trust her husband's instincts. "OK Devon. It's just-"

"Ell, whatever happened you can talk to me about. I'm here."

"It's just...Sarah doesn't want to marry Chuck!"

"Babe, marriage isn't for everyone. It shouldn't matter if she wants to be legally tied down to him. If they want to be together, why should it matter? I mean come on, it took them how long to move in with each other?"

Ellie sighed, "About a year and a half. But Devon, when I asked her-"

He pulled out onto the highway and took her hand. "Chuck found someone worthy; I can guarantee you that. What they have is so real and pure; it amazes me. They are together now, and I don't think anything is going to be splitting them up. They went through a lot together...uhh...It might take them a while to get to the next step, but they will get there eventually." Ellie simply nodded in agreement. "You feeling better?"

"Yea. Thanks Devon, I don't know what I would do without you."

"I love you Ellie, remember that always."

Ellie smiled, "Love you too." She squeezed his hand to reassure him.

For the rest of the drive, Ellie thought about Chuck. He never ceased to amaze her. The day when he came home announcing he had a date, Ellie knew he was back to normal. He was joking with her again, and seemed happier in that one day than in five years.

She remembered the day he came home from Stanford. He didn't leave his room for days. He sat there and cried. He cried about Jill, about Bryce betraying him, and about his sister's disappointment in her eyes when he told her. Sarah seemed to wipe all that misery off of Chuck's plate.

Ellie often questioned Sarah's 'motives' for dating Chuck. At first, she thought Sarah was using him to get discounts at the Buymore. That thought stopped when she saw that Sarah worked at the Wienerlicious across the plaza. Then she thought Sarah was some sort of drug dealer since she lived in a hotel, drove a Porsche, and had designer clothes. Ellie never spoke about her theories concerning one Sarah Walker. She kept them to herself.

When Chuck dumped Sarah for Lou, the sandwich maker, Ellie noticed the same sadness that Chuck had worn for five years crept back into his face. She didn't see much of Sarah when Chuck was with Lou. Then at their first Thanksgiving dinner with Sarah, Ellie noticed their forced interactions. It was like they despised each other but still were together. Their actions made Ellie imagine even more farfetched theories about Sarah. Sarah the criminal, Sarah the gold-digger, Sarah the mobster.

At her wedding, about a year later, Chuck was not only happy, but he was confident and bold. He pulled together a wedding in a few hours. Ellie had to credit to Sarah for some of the changes in Chuck. She made him want to do something with his life; she made him want to be a better person not only for himself but also for his family and friends. Ellie never realized how much Sarah Walker affected and changed her brother, and now Ellie felt horribly guilty for accusing her of being just like Jill. Sarah Walker was not even on the same wavelength as Jill.

When the car pulled up to the apartment, Ellie thought about how her new husband understood Chuck better than she did. This forced her to plant a small seed of doubt in her brain. What did Devon know about Chuck that I don't?

Devon walked with Ellie up to their door. Devon had to make Ellie feel better about letting go of Chuck. She was his 'mama-bear'. She would always be there for him. He wanted her to realize that Chuck couldn't rely on her forever or else he would end up a bum. He wished he could tell Ellie about Chuck's employment status with the United States Government. He wanted to tell her how Chuck saved their lives by ruining their first wedding. Some how, some way, Devon needed to get Ellie to stop thinking of Chuck as her little brother and start thinking of him as his own man. By forcing Ellie to come to terms with Chuck, she would finally understand his and Sarah's relationship.

END of Chapter 1 ½