So this is a new idea of mine that I have been tossing around for a while now. It's still really new but I wanted to put this out there and see what the rest of you think. So please let me know. If you want more then tell me.

As always I don't own Twilight! I do however own the Zoe and Jenny charaters, and all made up people for the tv show in this story! So take any of them and I will have to hunt you down!

"I fucking hate you!" That was all she said as she stormed away from him leaving the boy standing with his hand in his pockets, eyes on the toe of his boot. He was looking as if he was ready to cry.

"CUT! And that's a wrap." I wanted to jump out of my chair and dance around in circles. This was going to be the best season ender ever, in the history of television. The network had pick us up for a second season and I could finally dare to think that maybe there was really hope yet for my little show. The show that I had just sat down and wrote out thinking it would be just something to take up space on my hard drive.

But let me go back, shall we so we can all be on the same page here. My Name is Esme Cullen I'm twenty five years old , I am the wife of Carlisle Cullen, my real life McDreamy who saves lives regularly at LA General Hospital. I'm also a writer who recently decided to write a TV script. I sent it around and somehow it manage up on the desk of the bigwigs at HBO and I now am the proud momma of a new hit show called Love & Lies. Its about young people and what it takes to fall in love. With a twist of course but more on that later.

I have an all around amazing support system for the show and an even better cast. Let me tell you about them shall I? Well since you asked so very nicely I will. Anthony Masen, he is the all to talented leading man who brings to life Zaiden "Zac" Nott. He was the first one to auditioned for the part and he had it in the bag before he'd spoken a full three sentences. Anthony had the look I wanted, bad boy rocker. He was sex on legs. I knew he might be a lose cannon and I wasn't sure he could pull it off giving he had very little acting experience, he was a musician turned actor. I had faith in him and so far I had been right.

Then there was one Marie Swan. She was my big named girl who brought Novalee Shaw to life. Now plenty of girls wanted the part but really Marie was a girl who knew the business well since she's been around it since she was six months old. When they mentioned she was coming in to read I'd been so taken back but when she read I knew the part was made for her. Oh and her and Anthony would fit so well together on screen together.

The other notable people on the show were of course Emmett McCarty. He walked in and I was thinking, 'No way in hell he is going to be able to play this part.' I however was proved wrong. After Emmett auditioned the part of Brent Andrews was all his. Funny you wouldn't like someone who looked so athletic could play such a charter so different from himself but he saw it as a challenge and now I couldn't see him playing anyone else but Brent, everyone's favorite gay guy.

The other members of the cast are Zoë James, who was playing the loveable but a bit to pushy Angel Plum. And Jenny Sims, who was happily bringing to life Geri Moore, the groups bad ass. There was also Alice Brandon, my girl who was all about the fashion and make up on set. If I needed to know what was in for the season she was my girl. On the other side was Rosalie Hale who was one of my talented writers, she helped me bring every one to life. Oh and I can not forget Jasper Cullen my little adorable brother-in-law who was head of production for me. Without the boy I may be crazy by now. They all made coming to work for ten hours a day fun. I wouldn't trade my little almost family for anything in the world, well most of the time.

We were family and like all family we had our share of fights. But I must say it was not all fun to be responsibly for everyone. Many nights I go home wondering just how I can work with these actors without going mad. I'm also left wondering how two people like Anthony and Marie can dislike each other behind the camera but once they are in front of it and the tape it rolling can bring Zac and Novalee to life so unbelievably well, it's a new experience everyday really.

"Esme?" The sound of my name brought me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Alice, and the rest of the cast and crew. When Alice spoke this time she started almost bouncing up and down, "We wanted to give you this." She walked over to me and handed me a bouquet of roses and envelope. I looked at her questioningly but before I could ask she said, "Just open it up." So I did.

I ripped in to the envelope and pulled out the card waiting for me. The card read 'To the mother of us all. Without you we would be looking for new jobs Love all of us' I started to laugh it was a joke with us that we were not sure what we would do if the show hadn't gotten picked up for the second season. Inside the card was a gift certificate to an all day spa. "Oh you guys didn't have to do this."

"We wanted to, you deserve it. It is your time off to and we wanted to make sure you got to relax for a day." Alice said as she hugged me.

Ah yes, time off. I was beginning to forget what that was like, thank goodness my husband and I had managed to synchronize our time off for a few weeks. I had three months of peace before I had to get back to the lives of my other family. Not that I wouldn't be working on things the whole time, I was always thinking, always working on something. I didn't really like to do nothing. It just wasn't in my blood.


"Esme this is a kick ass party." Jasper said as he plopped down next to me on the sofa. We were in the middle of the end of the year cast and chew party. I smiled at him, "Its really crazy." I hoped it didn't get to crazy I really didn't want to clean up to much. But that's what I get for suggesting we use my house.

"Thanks Jazz. So I take it your having a good time." Something had caught his attention over my shoulder and I peeked behind me. Alice. Oh the boy had it bad. "You know you could go talk to her instead of avoiding her all night long."

"What are you talking about sister dearest?" He was looking at me like I'd caught him with his had in the cookie jar.

I rolled my eyes at him but instead of saying more I just looked behind me, "Alice darling Japer here doesn't have a drink. Why don't you help him get one." Alice smiled big, she bounced on over to us and without a word took Jasper by the arm and pulled him off toward the kitchen. He went willingly shooting daggers at me as I chuckled.

"That was a bit forward my dear." Carlisle whispered in my ear as he past behind me and took Jasper's spot next to me. "Poor boy didn't know what hit him."

"I don't know what your talking about darling. I did nothing but give the tiniest little push in the right direction." I smiled, "When did you get here I thought you were pulling a double tonight?" I pulled my feet up and placed them in his lap.

"I traded with Jane so I could come home and see if the house was still standing." He said with a lazy smile that made me tingle in all the right places. Oh if we didn't have all these people here I'd make the most of his night off. "So how did the last day of shooting go?"

"Great, the fight scene with Zac and Nova went down just how I'd hoped. Not that it was much work for them. It was just like when the cameras off, only this time they got paid for it." He laughed, as I sighed, "I'll be so glad to get away for a few days."


Just as I thought we'd get though the party with out a problem I was proven wrong. I was walking into the living room to talk to Zoë and Jenny but as I pasted by the hall I heard the pair fighting. "Again I say , you are such a jerk! Other people have to use the bathroom you know!" I watched as she stood with her hands on her hips.

"You don't know how to knock do you? It's the nice thing to do!" He was leaning carelessly against the wall looking at the brunette.

"The door was partly open! I didn't know anyone was in there! And to be doing that! It's disgusting!"

"Oh come off it, your just having a fit because I wasn't in there with you." I wanted to walk away and let it play out all on its own but I couldn't do it. I waited for the big explosion.

"Oh! Get OVER yourself! I am not and will never want to be one of your groupies!" She pointed her finger at him, "I have far better taste then wanna be actors who Think! They can sing."

"Oh excuse me miss I've been waiting for my big break since I was in diapers! Not all of us have mommy and daddy paying our way in to the parts! Some of us have to work for them!"

"Fuck you ! My parents didn't pay my way into anything. If one of us paid to get a role it was you!" She tossed her drink in his face and stormed off. She didn't even see me as she hurried past me. Now if I was writing the scene nothing would have changed. The passion between them was raw and untamed, one day when they both got over their selves maybe they would see it too. Because let me tell you I saw it, I saw it all the time. I walked away leaving the actor to wonder just what happen with his leading lady.


Later in the evening I was talking to Rose when Emmett pulled me aside, "Have you seen Bella?" Oh did I not tell you Marie's real first name? Oh sorry it's Isabella, but she dropped that years ago. Same goes for Anthony his real name is Edward, why he doesn't use that is beyond me. I like it.

"Not since she was fighting with Edward a few hours ago." I shrugged, "Did she go MIA again?" She would do this from time to time, a fight with Edward and bam she would be off in a corner with a bottle of vodka making out with the closest male in the room.

Emmett nodded, "I've looked everywhere. She's not here and I swear she told me she wanted me to drive her home."

"Rosie? Have you seen Bella?" The blonde shook her head, "Well she will turn up, give the party a once over one more time check all the rooms I bet she's just hiding."

"I can help you look for her Emmett." Rosalie perked up, any chance to be alone with the hot actor she would take it. How I loved the girl she was always so determined, got what she wanted but when it came to guys all she wanted was Emmett. Alice and Jasper, Emmett and Rose, Edward and Bella, almost, that was how it was most of the time on set or out parting. Or fighting. Ah yes, my second family gotta love 'em.