Authors Note: Well, the reason this chapter took so long was because basically I had given up. I honestly had no idea if anyone was still reading it or still interested, so I didn't feel the need to update. This idea was floating around in my brain so I thought I'd post it anyway...

Oh, and I don't have Word at the moment, so I currently do not have a spell check. Sorry if there are any really obvious mistakes!!



Ryan lazily walked downstairs, in grey checkered pyjama pants and a black short sleeved t-shirt. He absentmindedly rubbed the last remains of sleep from his eyes, and slowly padded barefoot into the kitchen of the Evans manor. He yawned tiredly, shook his head to wake himself up, and looked to see who was making the noise that was coming from the kitchen. He almost walked right back out again when he saw that it was Sharpay and Zeke, but unfortunately his stomach gave him away by reminding him it was hungry, and upon hearing the noise Zeke turned to see who was standing there.

"Morning Ryan! Wanna join us for breakfast?" Zeke ask in his normal chirpy voice. Ryan sighed, at this point his hunger out-weighed the horror that was Zeke and Sharpay being all coupley."..mhmm" Ryan mumbled, and walked over to the cupboard to see if any cereal was available. Smiling as he came across a box of something that said it was the 'most tasty and delicious cereal around!', Ryan proceeded to pour himself a bowl. He added the milk, grabbed a spoon and sat down at the table, opposite Zeke and Sharpay.

After a few minutes Ryan contemplated running back upstairs, and just abandoning the cereal altogether. He wasn't sure how much longer he could take this. "Do you want me to feed you your breakfast, Shar? After all, I'd do anything for you" Zeke purred. Sharpay giggled, and let Zeke feed her. After Zeke fed her a mouthful of food, he would kiss her, making Sharpay smile what seemed like an impossibly big grin.

Ryan tried to look away from the sickly sweet pair, but he could still here them cooing at each other. It was with a pang that Ryan thought of the lack of Troy right beside him, and tried to finish his bowl of cereal as quickly as possible. He was then about to pick up his cereal bowl and clear it away, when his elbow caught his glass of juice and knocked it to the floor. Mentally cursing being such a clutz, he then had to endure more of Sharpay and Zeke, as he cleared the broken glass from the floor.

"Stupid elbow knocking off the stupid just didn't want me to make my escape.." Ryan muttered. "Er Ryan? Are you okay? You seem to be talking to yourself" Zeke asked, sympathetically. Sharpay laughed "you know Ryan, he's always doing something crazy, just ignore him" she said, and then kissed Zeke. Ryan briefly thought of stabbing himself with the glass, to escape them, but dismissed the thought as quickly as it came.

Ryan stood up with the pieces of broken glass in hand, and threw them in the bin. He turned back when he thought he heard someone say something to him; but instantly regretted it. Zeke and Sharpay were "sucking face" and Ryan felt that his eyes were burning. He sighed loudly hoping that they would get the hint, and turned to make his exit. He was surprised when he suddenly felt and arm slide round his waist, and turned to see Troy standing next to him.

He had been so engrossed in clearing up the broken glass that he hadn't heard Troy padding downstairs and only noticed when he was right beside him; something Ryan put down to a lack of sleep. "What's taking you so long? I only thought you went to get some food" Troy asked. Both Zeke and Sharpay stopped kissing each other and looked at Troy, who was shirtless. Zeke turned to Sharpay and raised his eyebrows, he didn't know that Troy had stayed the night.

"My elbow caught a glass and knocked it off the table, so I had to clear it up...sorry" Ryan explain, and let Troy lead him towards the door. "Never mind, as long as you're alright. Come on, let's go back upstairs" Troy said in a soft, loving tone. Ryan smiled at Troy, let him steer him towards the stairs, his arm never leaving Ryan's waist. Soon Ryan and Troy were back upstairs, leaving a stunned Zeke and Sharpay behind.

Even though Zeke and Sharpay had been making a very public show of their love, much to Ryan's discomfort, it was the small gesture of Troy's arm around his waist that spoke volumes. It told him that Troy would never leave him, how he'd always love him and that the two didn't need to show the whole world that they were together.

After all, they could do that behind closed doors.