Disclaimer: I do believe we've been over this before.

Chapter 20

As soon as he was able, Riku insisted on returning to Nadie. He needed to check on Sora and make sure that he was all right. Roxas had informed him of the curse that had gotten a hold of his love almost as soon as he left. Typical Sora. Riku was gone for a week and he'd gotten himself in to potentially fatal trouble. Roxas and Axel had left almost immediately after Maleficent had been destroyed. They'd wanted to try and get things back to normal and report the news of the dead to families.

Among the dead were Leon, Demyx, and Roxas' childhood friend Pence. Riku's heart had hurt for them, but more so for the people they left behind. Leon had been Riku's own mentor. Cloud had stayed strong on the outside, but Riku could see the break in his eyes. The feelings between the two hadn't really been all that secret, and he could only regret that they had never been able to truly be together.

Zexion had been the one to find Demyx, and Riku had never seen his brother fall apart like that before. He'd dropped to his knees, and shaken him, looking like he hoped for what he knew couldn't happen. Of course Demyx hadn't responded. Zexion had then collapsed across his dead lover's chest and cried his heart out, an emotional trait he'd no doubt picked up from living in Ne'erwas for so long. He'd stayed with Riku instead of heading back with Roxas and Axel. One night, he'd whispered in to the dark something Riku wasn't sure he was supposed to hear.

"We were going to get married," he'd said. "He asked me to marry him two weeks ago, and I said yes." Riku hadn't known how to reply, so he'd just stayed silent.

Roxas had mentioned something about having to tell Pence's wife. Riku didn't envy him the task. In a way, he felt very guilty. It was his fault that all those deaths had happened, though in bodies the count had been rather low. Still, a life was a life, and many had been traded for his.

And now he was back in Nadie, looking upon the grief that he'd played a part in causing. Riku walked with one purpose, heading quickly toward the infirmary. He hadn't been separated from Sora for so long in eleven years. It was wearing on his nerves. He pushed open the door the hospital, eyes sweeping the room quickly. He didn't see Sora, but he hadn't really expected to. No doubt he had his own room somewhere farther in. He started to trek farther in to the room, looking for the doctor, when he heard a voice speak.

"Hey there, Your Highness." He wondered momentarily who Kairi was visiting before the voice spoke again. "Yes, I'm talking to you. Prince Ansem!" With a jolt, he realized that he was the 'Highness' the voice had been referring to. He'd probably never get used to that.

Riku stopped and turned in the direction of the voice. The man lying in the bed had dark hair that spiked enough to rival the Strife men and deep blue eyes. He looked pale and sick but rather happy anyway, a grin cutting across his face.

"I'm glad you're okay, Ansem," he said. "I was almost afraid I wouldn't make it here, what with that nasty curse and all. What a lovely woman, my mother."

With a jolt, Riku realized that this man was his cousin Zack. He hadn't had a chance to actually see him, and he was surprised with how old he'd gotten. Obviously he knew that he had to have, but it was a shock to see. He was about Aeris and Cloud's age.

"Actually, I go by Riku now," he finally said, finding his voice again. Zack nodded slowly.

"Riku," he tried the name out. "I like it. Very nice. Man, you've gotten old…and big."

Riku snorted. "Did you expect me to stay the size of a six year old my whole life?"

Zack shook his head and grinned. "No. It's just…shocking, is all." Riku nodded slowly. His mind drifted to Sora, as it often did, and a sudden realization hit him.

"Hey…can I talk to you about something important?" Riku asked. "You don't have to agree, but I'd really like you to at least consider it."

Zack nodded slowly, looking a bit unsure. "Yeah, of course."


Roxas squeezed Axel's hand tightly, looking to him for comfort as he raised a fist and knocked firmly on Olette's door. He'd wanted to put off talking to her as long as he could, but it had gotten to the point where he just couldn't any more. It wasn't fair to Olette. They waited for what seemed like an eternity for the door to open. When it did, they were met with Olette's cheerful smile. As she took stock of their somber expressions and the long wood box balanced on the shoulders of the men behind them, though, her smile melted away.

"No," she whispered imploringly. Roxas wished that he could grant her wish, but he knew he couldn't. "No!" she cried again, anguish filling her voice. Immediately, tears began to stream down her cheeks. She collapsed against her doorframe, burying her face in her hands. She just kept uttering that one word over and over again, as if saying it enough would bring him back.

"I'm so sorry, 'Lette," Roxas sighed. She moved from he doorway to wrap her arms around him, and for once Roxas didn't feel extremely awkward. He hugged her back and let her cry on his shoulder.

"Roxas…I'm pregnant!" she whimpered when she stopped sobbing long enough to speak. "How am I going to do it without him? He…he never even knew! I found out just after he left and…he never even knew!"

Roxas' heart throbbed painfully. "I'm sorry," was all he could say. "I'm so sorry."


Riku thrust the door to Sora's room open, a warm feeling spreading through his chest as soon as he saw the brunet. Sora blinked slowly for a moment, and then before Riku knew it, the brunet was out of bed and in his arms.

"Riku!" he cried, wrapping his arms tightly around Riku's middle, squeezing for all he was worth as if Riku might try to run away. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean what I said. I could never hate you! I love you so much!"

Riku hugged back just as tightly, pressing several soft kisses to Sora's forehead. "Of course, So. I know that," he assured the babbling brunet. "I love you too. I'm so sorry I had to leave you like that, but I had to help my kingdom…"

Sora suddenly pulled out of his embrace, face set in an adorable pout, eyes blazing seriously.

"You're a prince!" he exclaimed. Riku paused at the sudden subject change and then nodded when all other words failed him. "You're crown prince!" Sora cried once more. Again, Riku nodded.

"And you never told me!" he shrieked this last part, landing a smack on Riku's shoulder. The silver-haired prince winced at the impact, taking a defensive step backward.

"I couldn't tell anyone, Sora!" Riku cried in defense, catching Sora's fist as the brunet made to hit him again. "My aunt killed my parents for power, Sora. I wasn't safe being a prince, so I just became Riku. I never told anyone…okay, well I told Zexion when we were kids, but he didn't believe me…either way, I had to do it to keep myself safe."

Sora stared at him for a long moment, and all Riku could do was stare back. After what seemed like an eternity, Sora just shook his head and launched himself into Riku's arms again.

"I'm sorry," he murmured quietly. "I'm being a brat." Riku chuckled, pressed a kiss to his hair, and squeezed him tightly. He was content just to hold the brunet in his arms for a while and soak in that feeling of being loved and the faint scent of vanilla that had become so familiar to him before he had to dredge up the serious conversation.

"Sora," he spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb the fragile peace. "You should probably lay back down. I don't think you should be so active just yet." Roxas had informed Riku of Sora's illness as soon as they'd had a private moment, and Riku had been anxious and worried ever since.

"Will you stay?" Sora asked, his hands clenching the fabric of Riku's shirt and holding tightly.

Riku cocked an eyebrow, casting Sora bewildered look. "Of course, So. Why wouldn't I?"

Sora shrugged, looking away. "Well…you're not my guard any more, are you? So you're not required to…"

Riku snorted softly, scooping Sora up into his arms in a swift motion. "If you think I spend all my free time with you only out of duty, you're more delusional then I thought." Riku deposited Sora on the bed and grabbed the younger prince's chin gently, tilted his head up and pressed a hard kiss to his lips. "I love you, Sora. Always have, always will, okay?"

Sora nodded slowly, a small smile spreading over his face. He grabbed Riku's shirt once more and tugged on it until he got the hint, climbing on the bed beside his lover. Riku stretched out, arranging their bodies so that they could both fit comfortably. They wrapped their arms around each other, clinging together as they often did after being separated for too long.

"Go to sleep, So," Riku murmured pressing one more gentle kiss to Sora's face. The brunet didn't need much more prompting then that. He slipped away not long after.


Aeris brushed a loose tendril of hair behind her ear and approached her husband who was sitting on the edge of his chair, staring blankly at the wall. She placed her hands gently on his shoulders, resting her cheek against the top of his head.

"I'm so sorry, Cloud," she whispered. "I know how much he meant to you."

"I'm so pathetic," Cloud grumbled. "Leon's been around as long as I can remember. I don't even know who I am without him to define me."

Aeris sighed quietly, pressing a kiss to his spikes. "I can't really understand what you're going through," she said quietly. "So I found someone who might. Do you mind if I let him in?"

Cloud shrugged noncommittally, so Aeris took it as a yes. She opened the door, revealing Reno Sinclair, who looked as down as Cloud felt.

"Reno, Tifa died almost a year ago. It's really time for you to start letting her go. Cloud, you have fresh wounds to try and heal. You two share the same feelings. Help each other get over it," Aeris instructed. Hesitantly, Cloud looked up at Reno. He could see the very pain that was ripping his entire being apart reflected back at him in the redhead's eyes. Hesitantly, Reno held out a hand. Cloud stared at it for a long moment before clasping it in his own. Aeris smiled to herself and slipped out the door. She had her own man to go care for.


Though no one would know it until it was far too late, there was a person in much more need then Cloud, Reno, or even Sora across the castle. Zexion was alone in the apartment he had shared with Demyx, and he was dying.

He hadn't been home long before the pain and realization had really sunk in and hit him. Before he'd even really had a time to think about what he was doing, he'd drawn his blade and slit his own wrists.

He'd meant to make it fast and had been going to go for the throat next, but the pain was so much he just couldn't manage to lift his sword again. He didn't regret his decision, but he wished his body would hurry up and shut down on him. As his vision started to black out, Zexion laid down, resting his head against the pillow. With the last of his strength, he closed his eyes, and the pain slipped away.

When he next became aware, something cool was pressing against his face. He groaned quietly, hoping that he hadn't been found before the cuts had managed to do their job.

"Zexy, why'd you have to go and do that, huh?" Demyx's sweet voice filled his ears and he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

Instead, he merely said, "Because I love you."

Not that it mattered to either of them, but Zexion's body wasn't discovered until the next day.

When Sora awoke, he discovered that Riku was no longer at his side. He frowned at the wrongness of it all before slipping out of bed and approaching the door. Through the little window, he could see his mother and Riku sitting around the Hollow Bastonian man's bedside. Their discussion looked rather serious, and he couldn't help but eavesdrop. Sora cracked the door just enough to allow their voices to flow in. Riku was speaking.

"…love him more then anything, you know? But Hollow Bastion doesn't allow same-sex marriage, especially not from the king. So that's why I have to do it…"

Sora slipped the door shut quickly, not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation. He sat down on his bed, panic flaring in his chest.

Riku couldn't marry another man and still take the throne. Riku was going to leave him because he was honor-bound. If there was one thing that was obvious about Riku, it was how much he stock he put in his responsibilities. There was no way Sora could stand between the two, because he couldn't really compare in seriousness.

He was going to lose Riku.


Having informed the last family of their loss, Roxas was glad to flop down onto his and Axel's bed. It was a sad and very hard job, to report the death of a family member. A moment later, Axel flopped down next to him, sighing quietly.

"Depressing work," he said off-handedly. "I feel like such an asshole."

Roxas cocked an eyebrow and raised his head to glance at his husband. "Yeah? Why's that?"

Axel looked back at him and shrugged sheepishly. "Because I'm really happy right now, since you're not one of the people who died." Roxas kissed him on the mouth then, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"Yeah, me too. I don't know what I would have done if I'd have lost you in there," he admitted quietly.

They were quiet for a long time, just appreciating each other's presence before Roxas spoke again.

"What do you think of Riku's decision?" he asked.

The silver-haired prince had approached them both soon after he had arrived back in Nadie to reveal his plan to them and ask for their support. Of course they had granted it to him, though Roxas was wondering if Riku would regret it later.

"To be honest, I'm not really surprised," Axel sighed. "It's a very Riku thing to do, you know? He's all about honor and loyalty, so that's right up his alley."

Roxas nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. I just hope he doesn't come to regret it later. It's a really big decision."

"He knows what he's doing," Axel assured his lover.

"I hope so," Roxas responded with a sigh.


"Well, well, well. Aeris Shinra," Zack said with a grin. He was still bedridden and sick looking, but Aeris could see the shadow of the man she'd once known in his features. He would be back, once his health was better, she was sure.

"Actually, it's Strife now," she admitted. "Though I'm not sure if it will be for long. Cloud and I have been discussing getting divorced."

"Wow, I'm sorry," he said, a small frown coming over his face. Aeris pulled a chair to his bedside, settling down in it and taking one of his hands in hers. She smiled and shook her head.

"No, it's all right. Cloud and I will always be friends, but we were only together because we were duty bound. Now that Roxas and Axel have taken over, there really is no real reason for us to continue being married. But I'm not here to discuss that. I'm here to see how you are."

"At the risk of sounding cheesy, I'm a lot better now that you're here, Beautiful," Zack said with a teasing grin, using the pet name he'd called her back when they'd dated. Aeris flushed, looking away, but unable to stop the wide grin spreading over her face. "I've missed you."

She nodded sadly. "I've missed you, too. I didn't really think I would ever see you again."

"Yeah," he agreed with a sigh. "Do me a favor, Beautiful?"

"Of course, Zack. Anything."

"One kiss," he said quietly, and her heart swelled in a way that it hadn't in a long time. She stood up and leaned over the man she'd never once stopped loving, and kissed him firmly on the lips.


"So?" Riku asked as he reentered the room. "What's the matter? I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up, but I had something important I needed to discuss with Zack…"

"You can't be with me anymore," Sora cut him off abruptly. "I heard. So…just get it over with or something. I don't want some drawn-out dramatic parting, all right? I don't think my heart could take it."

"What are you talking about?" Riku asked with a frown, reaching out to touch his lover and trying to hide his hurt when the brunet jerked away from him as if he were on fire.

"You can't be with me and be king, so you're going to break up with me. I understand that, okay? I just don't want it to be too emotional…because I couldn't take it." Sora said, his voice a mix between snappish and sad.

Riku shook his head slowly. "Sora…if you would listen to me, I could tell you the part you're missing," he said gently.

This seemed to capture Sora's attention. He looked up, pulling his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. "What?"

"I had to talk to Zack first, to make sure that he was okay with it, and then I had to talk to Roxas and Axel to make sure I still had a place here, and it was a lot of explaining and convincing and debating and organizing, but I finally figure it all out."

"What, Riku?" Sora demanded impatiently.

"I'm going to abdicate," Riku admitted. "I don't know the people of Hollow Bastion like I should in order to rule them, but Zack does. If I'm out of the way, he's next in line. So I'm giving up my title, Zack will become Crown Prince and then King, and Roxas and Axel assured me that I could stay on as head of the Royal Guard here. So…I'm not going anywhere, and I most certainly am not breaking up with you."

Sora stared at him, completely dumbstruck for a long few minutes. When he could talk, all he got out was one word. "Why?"

"Because I love you, Doofus," Riku snorted.

"But…" Sora protested. "You're all about honor, Riku. Whatever happened to the whole 'having an obligation to your kingdom' crap you were throwing at me last week?"

Riku grabbed Sora up in to his arms and kissed him quickly. "Its simple, really. I love you more then I love my kingdom."

As Sora was confronted with the very same words he'd said himself, he suddenly smiled.

"God, I love you," he cried, hugging Riku tightly.


"So…" Axel said slowly, running a hand through Roxas' permanently disheveled hair.

"So what?" Roxas asked, leaning in to the touch, his head rested on Axel's chest.

"Do you think we'll ever reach a point where things are sufficiently peaceful?"

Roxas snorted. "I'd like to say yes, but something in me kind of doubts it."

Axel nodded in agreement. "Yeah…that's what I thought to."

"Well," Roxas sighed with a shrug. "Let's just enjoy the calm while we can."


With a wicked grin, Axel flipped them over so he was stretched out above Roxas, a predatory grin on his face. "And I think I know the perfect way."

Roxas' responding giggles were smothered by hot, devouring kisses.


A/N: THE END!!! God, those last few chapters were awful to write. It was just so hard! I'm so glad this is over, though I will admit, I'm going to miss this world a lot. But I am not writing a part three. That's getting just a tad bit ridiculous, if I do say so. Thanks so much to all of those who have been with me through all of this, and thanks you those of you who read it even later. As a favor, how about dropping one last review?