Authors note: Hello all this is my first story so I hope you like it! please review!:)

In no way do I own Inuyasha or any of the characters from it, this is only a fanfiction.

Caution: In later Chapters there will be ***lemons**** and in most chapters violence and/ or profanity.

This story is rated M for mature content.


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Looking out at her lands through the window of her chamber with a practiced eye , soon I will have to take a mate to

rule alongside me". Thought Kagome irritably. It had been the will of the council that she should take one. Yet she could

not fathom taking a mate that would make sure she had no say in ruling the Eastern lands. She would not have it. She

had announced a week ago that she would in fact choose her own mate with no interference from the council, and the

people on the condition that she was to pick a suitable mate to rule alongside in two months or the council would decide for her.

Kagome sighed heavily. "Would she ever have something that someone was not trying to take from her?".

Shaking her head, she walked gracefully in her full 12 layer deep blue kimono that complimented her azure eyes and porcelain skin, a red scaled dragon circling up her leg to her right arm. Its fangs bared gleaming silver in the morning light;a deep russet obi tightly wrapping her lean stomach as she continued walking to the royal gardens. She enjoyed the bright, exotic smelling flowers pruned perfectly to her liking as she strode ramrod straight down the stone paths of the gardens.


Sesshomaru looked coldly on at his lands, recalling the fearful expressions of the lords he ruled over when they discussed that soon he should think of acquiring a mate. One of the council members, Kouga no less spoke." hey, dog breath you need to find yourself a female-hopefully she'll be able to help you with that stick up your ass". Looking smug as ever Kouga leaned back in his chair pleased with himself over getting the dog riled- Sesshomaru glared daggers at him wishing to behead him at that moment. Even his right hand Daisuke said with respectful boldness." My lord it would be wise to choose a mate before another winter passes". The other lords agreed talking amongst themselves quietly. While Sesshomaru was trying his best not to kill each and every one of them and instead spoke in a deadly tone "I will pick a mate when it pleases me to do so."he said in a cold demeanor stalking out of the room.

Sesshomaru digging his claws into his palms furiously thought." This Sesshomaru needs no mate for they are

demanding, frustrating and overall needed lots of attention to keep them happy. All they are really good for is producing

an heir to rule after him." After cooling down a bit, Sesshomaru sighed keeping his stoic mask in place heading to the

dojo. Dressed in only his hakamas he used Bakusaiga to quickly cut down the lower demons, a blow to the side and

another to the shoulder, he was ruthless showing no remorse nor compassion. Sesshomaru humphed" such child's play

it is no longer amusing to even enjoy there weakness in comparison to his power." Haughtily he strode out of the dojo

heading to his chambers when suddenly a tiger demoness shimmying her hips up to him giving her most seductive smile

which only seemed to nauseate him and her stench . What do you want Kotone." he asked shortly. "Awww Sesshou, I

was wondering why you haven't come to see me in so long, Kotone pouted." I have no wish for your company

".Sesshomaru growled out.

Kotone replied dismayed." But Sesshou- you used to enjoy my company".

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes more then a little irritated, snapped out. " I do not wish for your disgusting scent

and all the other males I smell on you anywhere near my person". Sesshomaru turned away leaving Kotone staring at his back as he briskly walked down the hall.
