Author: Uh, yeah... hi? Well, sorry for the long wait, but I've been spending time with family at the family beach house for some time, and the beach house doesn't have a computer, so yeah... Sorry! And welcome to my FIRST yaoi!! Woo!...What? I'm the only one that's excited? (Sigh) Fine, be that way. -__-'

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. There. Short and to the point. Also, Mokuyosei isn't a real church in Japan, I made it up, okay? Sheesh...

Warning: Yaoi, maybe some OOC-ness and darkness.

Summary: Long ago, in the early thirteenth century, vampires arrived in the human world and started to feed off of them. For decades the humans suffered through the vampires' torment. Then one day, a man raised a rebellion against the vampires. They attacked the vampires together and managed to capture one of the vampires. They tortured the creature into telling them their weaknesses. Once they recieved all of their weaknesses, they started to 'test out' the weaknesses on captured vampires. This way of life carried on through the centuries, thus creating an organization called De Beveiligingen, an organization that experiments and tortures vampires. But what happens when a member falls for one of the enemies?

...Much better than that crappy summary, trust me. Now on to the story!

Year: 1986

Location: Unknown

Time: 12:56 a.m.

A door was opened, letting in unwanted sunlight into the dark chambers. A man stomped down the stairs, dragging the limp body of a young man behind him. The man rushed over to a cell near the bottom of the steps, reached over his side and grabbed a silver key.

He quickly opened the cell and threw the young man inside, being sure to lock him in right away, afraid that the captive may awaken soon. The man then glared at the unconscious body and said with a voice thick with malice, "Welcome to Hell, monster."

Twenty Years Later, 2006

Location: Underneath Church Mokuyosei; Hokkaido, Japan

Time: 5:00

A young man placed his left hand upon an ancient book and lifted his right hand to the side of his head, looking dead ahead with an unreadable expression and blank eyes. The man was gazing at a woman that was sitting behind a desk, her elbows resting upon the desk and her fingers intertwined with her chin resting atop of her hands.

The woman had bright orange hair that reached to the bottom of her neck, a single stray hair escaping to her left eye, which she quickly tucked behind an ear. She had large brown eyes, which held a mysterious gleam. She wore a tight black shirt that showed a part of her midrift and came down to the middle of her forearms. She wore an equally tight mini-skirt, with fishnet stockings and low black heels.

An outfit that most men would be drooling over the moment they saw it, but the young man paid no mind to it; All he was focused on was the oath he took when he first started training to one day be a part of this group.

The oath to never betray the organization and to never fall for one of Them.

Many in the past have broken this oath, due to the fact that they were hypnotized by those devils, being lured in by their unearthly beauty and sweet nothings. They were all weak-willed, and they all ended up dying, most being killed by the very same Monster that they gave their hearts to.

They were all fools. Fools for actually believing that something without a heart could love.


The young man broke out of his thoughts and focused intently on the woman before him, eyes filled with determination.

When the woman felt that she obtained his full attention, she continued. "So, you are finally going to become one of us." She then gently placed her palms upon her desk and leaned forward, a mischievous smile gracing her lips. "How does it feel to finally be able to fight alongside us?"

The young man thought for a moment, trying to come up with a true and reasonable answer for his new leader. After giving much thought, he responded, "I honestly don't know, Nami-Sama. I'm feeling so many things right now, that I don't know what to say, Nami-Sama."

The woman sat back fully in her chair and raised her eyebrows in mild curiosity. She almost immediately snapped out of it and said, "Interesting. Never had someone answer like that before."

"Did I say something wrong, Madam?" The young man asked half-heartedly, not really caring about what he did wrong.

The orange haired beauty waved her hand back and forth dismissively and shook her head. "No, not at all. Just saying that everyone in the organization answered either happy, proud, or scared. It's unique, and I like unique."

She then pushed herself off the desk and strutted over to the young man, stopping two feet before him. She gazed at him intently, as if to see who would avert their gaze first. The orange haired beauty then put her hand upon the young man's hand atop the book.

"Are you sure you don't want to back out now?"

"I never back away from my promises."

"Hmph. Good answer."

Nami then raised her right hand and reached diagonally across to the young man's right hand and announced, "I hereby proclaim you to be an official member of the organization, De Beveiligingen(1). Congratulations, Monkey D. Luffy."

She then let go of Luffy's hand and spun around, pointing to a blond man that guarded the entrance.

"You, Sanji, escort the new member to his new room. And once you're done, make me some dinner."

The blond gave an enthusiastic salute and declared, "Right away, Nami-Sama! Luffy-San, this way please."

The brunett followed the older man up the stairs, a huge grin on his face the whole way there.

Location: Underground Dungeon, Underneath Church Mokuyosei

Time: 11:17 p.m.

Sanji lightly push an incredibly rusty door open and flicked his flashlight on. He temporarily searched the area, assuring himself that the current prisoner did not succed in escaping.

When he was sure that the captive was still in his cage, he started to stomp down the steps, swinging his flashlight about. When he came to the very bottom of the steps he saw the prisoner. And what he saw gave him a pang of pity.

The captive was lying on the floor on his stomach, his head turned toward the door of his slowly rusting cage. His eyes were blank and void of life. He was bare naked, his body completely filled with the scars from him fighting back, and track marks from the the endless experiments. His left arm was reached out from his side, no doubt trying to reach the door in his half-dead condition.

Sanji slowly shook his head, feeling pity for the tortured soul. He slowly bent down and placed a plate of leftover food from Nami-Sama's dinner like he did every friday, the one day Nami-Sama gave the tortured soul a break from the endless torture.

The blond couldn't stand seeing a soul in this much pain, even if they were his enemy.

He then turned on his heel and walked away, lighting a ciggarette in the process.

Live. Live long enough for me to finally save you from this hell.

(1)De Beveiligingen: It means 'The Protectors' in Dutch.

Author: Well, what do you think? Good enough for my first really dark fic? Or not? Constructive criticism is appreciated, along with compliments! ^_^