(I have added a Prologue to this story, please go back and read it:) )_

Chapter 2

Sheriff Timothy O'Neil and Detective Anthony DeMartino's flashlights lit up the dank, dark corner of the alley behind McGrundy's, as they studied Brittney's body. Detective DeMartino crouched down and poked the implement that had been driven through her chest; originally thought to have been a tire iron, the object in question, was in fact, a curling iron.

"HOPEfully, the ASSailant was dimWITted enough to leave finger prints." Detective DeMartino said as he stood and turned to his commanding officer.

"We can only hope Tony, we'll have to bag it and send it to forensics for testing." Sheriff O'Neil replied quietly.

"Fuck forensics Timothy. Let just NAB that ASShole Lane and get this OVER with." DeMartino replied; his annoyance was evident.

"Now, Tony we can't jump to conclusions. Go and question the boy that found her," Sheriff O'Neil flicked through the small note pad in his hand. "Max Tyler, the peaky one at the end of the alley. I'm going to talk to Janey, Trent's sister."

Janey stood motionless, eyes glued on the lifeless form in the alley; discarded like a piece of trash at the foot of the dumpster. They hadn't been friends, not by any stretch of the word, passing acquaintances or work colleagues, would have been a better definition of the relationship they had shared. Brittney and her had lived in the same town their whole lives, whilst they had gone to the same schools and shared some classes, they hadn't been close. Brittney had ran with the popular crowd, and being an early bloomer ensured she was never short of a male companion. Unfortunately, Trent had been her last known consort, only hours prior to her death.

"Ms. Lane...." Sheriff O'Neil failed once again to gain Janey's attention. "Janey." he prodded quietly.

Janey's gaze sluggishly moved toward Sheriff O'Neil, the quietly spoken head of Lawndale's law enforcement. "Huh?"

"I asked you when was the last time you saw Trent?"

"I...I don't know a few hours before this I suppose." Jane shrugged; she knew her answer wouldn't help Trent's case.

"Hmmm..." Sheriff O'Neil nodded slowly and wrote in the small notepad he was holding in his hand.

"He didn't do it." Jane said defensively.

"I'm sure he didn't, but Janey he is a suspect. Is there anything else you can tell me, how did Trent and Brittney appear when they left?"

Jane looked over toward Brittney once again as the coroner and his new assistant loaded her body into the back of the truck.

"You don't have to be gentle boy; she's dead." The coroner laughed heartily as he watched his assistant struggle.
'Jesus, why did I agree to do this? I could have had a job in dad's office the next county over.' Jane smirked as she heard the young man' s thoughs.

"Janey?" Sheriff O'Neil asked.

"Huh? Oh, they were fine, a little tipsy, but fine. Although..." Jane replied, her eyes glazed over as she recalled that evening.


Jane stood behind the bar and eyed Trent carefully, as she set the beer stein in front of him. "What are you doing with her? I thought you were back with Monique."

Trent took a long sip of his beer then set it down and let out a deep burp. "Nope, we're on the outs again. I spent all last night breaking up with her. So I'm free to see, or do, whoever I like." He said with a cheeky smile.

Jane's brow furrowed. "You know Monique's working tonight, she'll be in any minute."

"So?" Trent shrugged.

"So, she will hit the roof. I don't need to clean up another one of your break-up's, and Tom sure as hell doesn't need that kind of shit happening in his bar; last time you wanted to make Monique jealous Tom had to replace the pool table."

"I'm not trying to make anyone jealous Janey, Jesus get off my back. But if I do, it's a bonus."

Jane shook her head. "You're unbelievable Trent. Just promise me you will be careful; Brittney just split with her boyfriend, and I got the feeling it wasn't that civil."

"So what?" Trent replied nonchalantly.

"Her ex-boyfriend is Kevin Thompson, the big football star; he'll kick your ass. Even if you're not trying to make Monique jealous, she's trying to make Kevin green with envy."

"I can take care of myself, Janey. And I'll thank you to stay out of her head. I know she didn't tell you that." Trent replied his temper flared.

"Believe me, there's not a whole lot going on between those platinum ponytails." Jane scoffed, Trent stared her down and her expression fell. "Look, I'm just trying to help. You two had better..."

"Hi Trenty-babe. Janey." Brittney's inflected voice squeaked as she took the empty seat beside Trent.

"Brittney." Jane replied through clenched teeth. "What can I get you?"

"Umm, one of those drinks with those really cute umbrella things." She replied; a vacant smile plastered across her face.

"Coming right up." She replied tersely.

Before Jane had a chance to make the drink, Monique stormed through the front doors. "I should have known you wouldn't waste any time latching on the first slut that would open her legs for you." she seethed as she approached the bar. She reached out and yanked Brittney's arm and pulled her to a standing position.

"Hey, you, you..." Brittney started.

"Save it Blondie, Trent take this piece of trash and get out of here."


"So Monique threatened Brittney?" Sheriff O'Neil's asked tentatively.

"Yeah, there was a whole bar load of people to confirm it." Jane replied.

"How long was this before the body was found?"

"About two hours I guess."

"Did, you know where Trent took Brittney when they left?"

"No, home maybe?"

"You said Monique was working, did she start her shift after the confrontation?"

"No, I had to cover her shift; Tom didn't want her working while she was so wound up." Jane shook her head and watched as he scribbled in his notebook. "Is Trent in the clear?"

"I'm afraid not Janey, although it seems more than a coincidence that Monique called Brittney trash and her body was discarded near the dumpster."


Detective DeMartino sighed with frustration as he tried once again to get a straight answer out of Max. He shook his head and tried a different tact.

"Trent was quite a ladies' man, wasn't he?"

Max shrugged and rubbed his hands across head; the pain of the withdrawal was excruciating 'Just give him whatever answer he wants, then I can go back to Nick's and he can give me more; then everything will be okay.'

DeMartino bent down and shook Max. "You listen here you little JUNKIE just tell me that Trent did this and you're free to go." He spoke low, to assure only Max could hear him.

"Sorry Tony, I don't know; I was in the kitchen all night. I didn't see anything, I only found her." Max replied; his voice strained.

Detective DeMartino released Max from his grip and muttered incoherently as he joined Timothy.

"Tony, it seems there may be a few more suspects in the case."

"You're KIDDING me right, it's Lane. Janey's just making up shit to cover his ASS." DeMartino challenged.

"Well, her story checks out there are witnesses to confirm, this case may not be as open and shut as it first appeared."