Wow, I can't believe it's been 3 years since I updated this story! I really struggled since I had no plan for the next chapter. I was pretty meticulous in planning my chapters but I left to chapters open for updating things that I may have forgotten about. After that struggle I sunk into a good comfy bout of writer's block, from there things just kept spiraling. I feel like I don't have as much of a grip on the characters anymore. With GG being off the air for more than 5 years I feel like I have lost the understanding of the characters mannerisms, quirky comments and use of body language. I feel these things are key elements in stories.

I absolutely plan on finishing this story, and when I am able to get my chapter notes from my mom's house I hope to pick it up again. I appreciate all of the reviews, favourite ads, and pm's I have gotten over the years and hope that there are still people around who want to read this story. I truly must apologize for the long wait, and having gone back and reread the story now I can see how off my timeline is, as well as how hard it was to keep reading through my mess of past tense/present tense switches I did in the first chapters before I had a BETA.

I hope to begin writing the story again in the next month or so but know I will struggle with getting going again. Please bear with me as I do not want to leave this story unfinished as I truly felt this was a unique story and fell in love with the idea of writing it. Also I have a random question about a story I read years ago. If anyone knows what story I'm talking about and can send me the name I would really appreciate it, I remember little about it but would love to go back and reread it, or see if it has been finished. The story involved Jess being injured in some way, and Luke having to sell the diner to be able to afford the medical bills. The town tries to buy it but taylor is outbidding them. Step in Richard who buys the building. Luke and Lorelai get together while sitting on the steps and talking when he tells her his fears of how he is losing everything.

I know it's not much to go on, but if anyone remembers this story I would love to reread it. Thanks again to those of you who put up with a 3 year hiatus on the story and I do promise to get back into this soon.