
Star Trek is in no way, shape, form or fashion owned by me. It's just much beloved by me.

I'm dyslexic. I will skip words or use the wrong ones if I start typing too fast. And my grammar skills are the best. But I did try and I hope you enjoy it.

Last time:

"She is gone."

What Was Lost...

Having the ability to multi-task is an inherently female trait. If not born with the ability females will acquire and hone that ability as part of the rearing of offspring. While Jim Kirk was not female he did have a healthy respect for them in whatever form they took. During his endeavors to enjoy the many traits and aspects of as many females as he could he had managed to pick up a few of their more useful habits. Such as multi-tasking which at the moment was coming in very handy.

All at once he heard many things. Sarek asking Spock clarify the statement he'd just made. Something that Kirk would very much like to know the answer to himself. Spock quietly calling out for the women he just deemed lost. A heavy metal door squeaking it's protest at being used after years of disuse. And a language that sounded a little like Vulcan but not enough that he could figure out the majority of the words. One that sparked a repressed memory but set him on alert, and set his mind alight with questions.

"Ambassador are those guys part of your party? If so mind telling me why the hell they are all the way out here?"

"I see none that I recognize. And taking into account all that has gone on this night I believe answers to your queries are warranted."

"Well okay then. You don't have to tell me twice." Kirk stepped closer to the newly emerged group and noticed absently that they were splattered with large amounts of water. Something that would cause a problem to a desert race especially with the cold winds of the Hudson Valley. "Hello gentlemen, mind telling me where you came from and what it is you're doing so far away from the main buildings. And wet no less"

Hearing Kirk's words had brought Spock shattered attention on to the men who had just stepped out of the water pumping station for the campus. None were moving. None were speaking. Answers were not forthcoming and the younger Vulcan was quickly losing his grasp on his over taxed control. "You will identify yourselves as the requested!" The edge in his voice was sharp and unmistakable. It crawled over Kirk's skin and visions of the last time he'd heard such a tone from the normally sedate Vulcan.

There was a study done that said in stressful situations while time does not actually slow down it will appear to do so for those being held within the grasp of said situation. It had become a part of the officer training that taught people how to handle themselves appropriately. Jim Kirk thrived in these situations. He loved the rush he got from them, to the point that he could waltz through them as those taking a summer stroll through a field of flowers. However, with recent events being what they were he knew that this was not one of those times that he would be waltzing through unscathed.

When the group finally decided to speak up the spokesmen they chose was one whose face was known and got an instant reaction from the younger Vulcan. "We seem to have been lost we were looking for an exterior tunnel to return us to..." The sentences was never finished. In the time he had used to say those words another male had joined them. He was wet from the middle of his person and not in a manner that spoke of being splashed. He was wet in the way on would be from wadding through waist deep water.

This struck Kirk as odd, so as any good officer would do he stepped back to look at the bigger picture being presented. They said they were looking for a way back to the hotel but, no such tunnels existed on this ancient campus. They were presenting themselves in a manner that didn't match with their behavior. Add to the fact that he had just thrown a rather large bomb over the side of the mountain that should have gone off about this time – it would have been an excellent diversion. Then that they were speaking in a language he did not understand but the key words he'd gleaned were of a missing, much beloved crew member. Considering she'd been threatened and Spock had said she was gone this was adding up to one answer and it wasn't good.

Sarek ever the diplomat stepped forward to take the lead and hopefully gain some answers. "We would be happy to find escorts for you. As a matter of fact this very night after there are several parties of individuals out in search of someone that has gone missing."

"Which person has gone missing? Do we know her?"

Spock spoke next making his voice much calmer than her felt, while taking his father's approach. "Yes, it is Cadet Nyota Uhura. You met her just the other night in the lobby of the mail hotel. She was speaking the Captain Pike and myself. I remember a seeing another of your present party that night as well. Have you seen her in your... wanderings?"

A series of looks passed between the members of the group. The underlying sense of panic set within those gazes where not lost on those seeking information. So Spock continued. "If there is some information you would care pass along it would be most helpful. Cadet Uhura is very important, as is the necessity that she be found quickly. The Federation would be displeased if anything were to happen to one of the... what title did you use the... 'Saviors of Earth'. So if there is any information..."

"Yeah and while you're sharing why don't you tell us why he's all wet. Not a good idea for the middle of winter in New York, and especially not with those winds ripping through the Hudson Valley." Kirk was wound tight and ready to fight. He knew theses guys knew something. It was just a matter of either getting them to spill or slip up.

The one Spock recognized as Thorval spoke, "It is most unfortunate that your friend has gone missing. But as you can see there are no Federation personnel with us. You are the first of such we have seen tonight. Had we but seen another then perhaps we would not have become so misdirected. As for why my companion is wet... We had not counted on venturing outside during our stay so came ill equipped for the conditions. So your offer of an escort is most welcome. Now if you would be so kind as to do so..."

Spock was rapidly losing what little patience he had left. "You are not answering the questions posed to you. Do so, quickly." The threatening posture was not lost on anyone present. And it seemed the closer he moved to the evasive group the more so it became. He completely ignored the insistent demands his father was broadcasting to him. Nor did he listen to Jim Kirk's hushed pleas to calm down. He recognized Thorval. He knew that he involved in all that was threatening Nyota. He knew that his male held the answers he sought. And that he would give those answers even if he had to take them from him in pounds of flesh.

Spock leapt over the railing to land directly in front the one who was no doubt at or very close to the center or all the recent disturbing events. As he drew breath to reassert the importance that the questions posed to him be answered he heard the sound of large amounts of water rushing. "What have you done." The words were barely that, more a growl and their native language only adding to their menacing sound.

"I have done what needed to be done. I have done what was not finished. I will bring down all those that would stand in our way." A maniacal glint showed through the obsidian orbs. "The full effects of what I have done will not be known for sometime, and by then it will be far too late."

Kirk had thought what he had witnessed on the bridge was the full extent of an enraged Vulcan's fury. He might have been close in his assumption, but this was far worse. Spock's movements where a blur. He had obviously held back when they had fought, and after seeing what was being brought to bear, he would be eternally grateful for whatever had caused Spock to do so. Six to one would have been impressive odds before he'd been witness to this, but now he though Spock might be able to handle more. Kirk knew without a shadow of a doubt any future Away Missions he went on he was bringing Spock with him, regulations be damned.

"Where is she!" Thorval laughed which enraged the younger Vulcan more. "You will tell me or you will die by my hand." Spock growled as he again threw the smaller males body against the heavy metal door.

"Help me! Please someone, help! Can you hear me? We need help!"

I didn't drop off the face of the Earth. I did have my life run threw a blender though. And while the blender is slowing down it hasn't stopped. I promise the story won't be abandoned, and it is drawing to a close. Bear with me and I will get there. Also please forgive any glaring errors it's 4:52 as I upload this and my eyes are crossing from lack of sleep...

But if you wanna help me light my muse?

Please Review!