
DISCLAIMER: naruto is in no way, shape or form mine nor that hobo's that keeps trying to steal my root beer. This is purely fan made so if you're thinking that i make money off of this stuff then you are sorely mistaken and i laugh at you for thinking that people would buy my writing anyway.

A/N: I just want reviews so give them to me or else I will be sad and then i will destroy you. No pressure. smiles

Through out the years there had been many unexplained murders that never had any evidence of foul play and there were never any witnesses, if there were then they would just say that the murdered person had been severely unlucky. People were cooked to death by faulty wiring, crushed under collapsing bridges, sliced in half by pieces of metal that somehow had been propelled into the air and everything that happened was blamed on the Uchiha family. The family that seemed like assassins. Even though everyone knew that the family was behind the murders, they had no evidence to prove that these assassin-like people were the ones that brutally killed all those people and people were too afraid to go against them for fear of being brutally murdered as well.

Sasuke stared at his teacher as she walked away with his scissors and a threat to call his parents to tell them how he had been inches away from murdering a "poor, frightened half to death girl." The girl had deserved it, she kept stealing his pudding cup and then she had actually had the nerve to eat a spoon full, so he'd decided right then to just kill her for it. After all, no one steals a Uchiha's pudding cup and gets away with it. He'd raised his beautiful metal scissors above her head and was about to sink them deep into her when his stupid second grade teacher smacked them out of his hands and lectured him. Well, now he had to save more than just his pudding cup. He shifted his eye's to his scissors that were still in her hands and smirked before he balled his hand into a fist. Mrs. Futotta dropped the scissors to the ground with a bloody scream and held her hand up to her face, staring wide eyed at the mysterious gash that had formed on her. He smirked, he wasn't done with her or the girl that ate his pudding. There was still so much left to do.

Mrs. Futotta left to go to the nurses office, leaving the classroom in total chaos and even more, she had taken his scissors with her. He glared at the desk were his pudding cup had been before he'd thrown it away. Now he just had to get rid of that stupid girl and figure out how to do it without seeming suspicious. He looked around the room until he noticed something that caught his eye on the teachers desk. For a second grade teacher, she was pretty stupid about leaving sharp things laying around. He pranced over, picked it up with a nearby rag and snuck it into his pocket.

When Mrs. Futotta came back she had a nice bandage wrapped around her hand which was already bloody. He felt himself smile proudly at what he'd done.

"Okay children" she said shakily, "we're going to go walk down to the school field. Remember to make a hand holding train."

Sasuke shivered at the idea of having two different people hold onto his hands. It was bad enough that he had to put up with such idiots, he couldn't understand why they didn't just let him skip a grade, he was a lot smarter than any of these losers. Plus, if he were holding some ones hand then it would be impossible to pull out the thing in his pocket and teach his teacher the rules of life; don't take a Uchiha's scissors. So he would be in the back of the line today, as he always was and Mrs. Futotta would be in the lead, as usual.

As they walked outside sasuke pulled his sleeve over his hand, reached into his pocket and pulled the item out without it touching his skin. With one hand being held by an idiot in front of him, this made his job harder but he dropped the item on the ground, glared daggers at his teacher and then snapped his fingers.

Everyone was screaming and running to the school as something metal-like mysteriously got lodged into the back of his teachers head. The woman fell forward onto her face as the back of her light purple jacket got soaked in blood. He feigned terror and ran away just like the other children, internally chuckling madly at his success. Now he just had to take care of that pudding eater. He looked out to where the teacher's parked cars were and he snapped his fingers again. One of the empty cars started rolling backwards towards the other children, getting faster as the momentum built. The pudding eater stood frozen in the street with two other children, screaming bloody murder before getting flattened by the empty car.

Sasuke ran into the school to hurry up and report the "devastating turn of events" and seem innocent and frightened.

What felt like an hour but probably wasn't, there were ambulances that packed up the pudding eater and the other two children and also his annoying teacher. His parents drove up soon after the ambulances left, his mother seemed disappointed and his father pissed, his brother had an amused smirk on his face though. There was one thing sasuke had forgotten during his grand plan, his father had eye's everywhere. Was it too late to say sorry?

A/N: Review!!!! I really hope you liked it, it's not really a chapter but more of a...prologue! (did i spell that right?) Anyway, I want to know if this might even have a chance at living on so leave me a couple of nice comments or suggestions....scratch suggestions, you would need a good idea of what's going on to give me those. Oh well, give me reviews anyway then. Dewa mata! Ja ne! Bye Bye! =3