First time I've published my work on fanfiction. I write somewhere else, and it's really different, so I don't know whether or not I'm good at writing like this. Also first time I've tried a male/male relationship. Please be nice to me.

Disclaimer: Characters, unless not recognized, belong to J.K. Rowling.


The great hall doors slammed open and everyone looked up at the latecomer. He ducked his head and hurried to the Gryffindor table and sat between his best friends. Accustomed to his late arrivals by now, most of the hall had already gone back to their breakfast. "Forget to do your Charms paper?" Ron asked his best friend, piling sausages onto the plate.

"Just needed a foot more" Harry answered before stuffing his face.

"Well if you wouldn't spend all your time playing Wizard Chess.." Hermione began, but was cut off my Ron's groan and Harry rolling his eyes. "Well, I'm not going to let you copy." She crossed her arms.

Harry glanced at Ron, but looked away quickly to prevent himself from laughing. Ron then turned to drape his arm over Hermione's shoulders. "C'mon Hermione. We'd fail without you to help us. Just because we're bottom of the class doesn't mean we don't try" Harry rolled his eyes as Hermione's lips curled up at the praise. "We've got DADA first Harry" Ron suddenly said.

Harry groaned. "Just what I need first thing in the morning. That stupid toad" He glanced up at the staff table and saw Umbridge sitting in her chair like it was a throne. "You free tomorrow night?" He added under his breath, still glaring at the professor.

"We having another meeting?" Ron asked as Hermione turned back to them, all her annoyance slipping away. "I put hermione in a full body bind last time"

That annoyed Hermione. "Luna had just set Neville on fire, Ron! I wasn't watching you" Harry chuckled as they continued bickering. He looked at the Slytherin table and his gaze was grabbed by the gray eyes that had never left him since he walked in. His heart sped up, scaring him. Then the eyes looked away and Harry found himself able to move again, as if a spell had lifted.

"Harry?" Ron asked, shaking his arm. "DADA in 5 minutes. We're going to be late unless we run" Harry looked up, startled. He had thought there was 20 minutes left. Had he really been staring for that long? He followed Ron and Hermione to the classroom, trying to understand what had happened to him.

"Hey, Harry? Is there going to be another meeting soon? It's been weeks" Dean Thomas muttered as he entered the classroom.

"Tomorrow night" Harry whispered back. "Tell Seamus. And everyone" Dean nodded and then went to sit next to Seamus. Harry saw him lean toward the boy and whisper in his ear. He looked away, but not before he had seen Dean kiss his boyfriend's cheek. Dean and Seamus had announced that they were dating a few months ago, and the majority of the school had reacted negatively to them. Harry had been one of the few that had stood by the couple from the beginning.

"Mr. Potter!" Umbridge's voice snapped Harry back to reality. His head jerked up from the parchment he had been doodling idly on and he looked up at his professor. "Perhaps you would like to enlighten the class on how to perform a patronus. I know you have a fondness for casting them" Her sickly sweet smile reminded Harry of the dementors he had saved his cousin from the past summer.

"Yes, ma'am" He said, smiling because most of the class was in the DA, so they already knew how to cast patronuses. "You have to think of a happy memory" He began, pulling his wand out of his bag. "The happiest memory you can think of and allow it to fill you up" He cast his mind back to the lessons he had received from Lupin to remind himself how to explain it. "Then you saw the incantation expecto patronum" He turned his back on Umbridge and quickly searched for a happy memory. He pointed his wand at the wall and repeated the incantation again. A giant silver stag burst from his wand and cantered once around the room before vanishing.

"Thats quiet enough Mr. Potter" Umbridge snapped, clearly angry he had dared cast a spell in her classroom. "Detention for the rest of the week. You will clean each trophy in the trophy room. No magic. Show up 8 o'clock this evening for your first one." Her mouth was stretched in another smile that made Harry want to turn his wand on her. But he stuffed it back in his bag and sat down, stepping on Ron's foot as he did so.

"Don't you get in trouble too. You know she'd just love to land the whole lot of us in detentions" Harry mumbled. He dug in his pocket for the galleon that Hermione had charmed. He wanted to tell the rest of the DA about the meeting. It would start at 6, a half hour after dinner. He planned on telling them to keep going even after he left because they were all progressing so much.


"Potter?" Harry dropped the rag he was scrubbing the largest trophy with when he heard that voice. What is he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" Harry said, grabbing the rag and pretending that he didn't care. He watched Malfoy out of the corner of his eye just in case he tried a curse.

"Got detention from the toad" He replied, dragging his cleaning supplies to a different trophy. "You too?" He asked casually, beginning to clean the trophy only 3 away from Harry.

"What did she give you detention for? She loves the Slytherins" Harry asked, still watching the other boy. He cursed himself and turned back to his trophy as Malfoy caught him staring.

"She seems to have a problem with casting spells" He answered, shrugging. Silence fell between them as they cleaned. About and hour later, Umbridge walked in, her heels clicking annoyingly on the hard floor.

"You may leave tonight, boys. Come back again tomorrow. You need to learn your lessons" She informed them in her girlish voice that made Harry clench his fist. He and Malfoy dropped their rags into their buckets and left.

"What did she get you for?" Malfoy asked as they put the cleaning supplies into the closet.

"Same" Harry replied, wiping his hands on his robes. "She tried catching me off guard and told me to teach the class how to cast patronuses. So I told them, and cast one. Waste of time really, most of them already kn--" He stopped himself and mentally kicked himself. He had nearly told the blonde about the DA. What was wrong with him?

"How do so many kids already know how to cast patronuses?" Malfoy asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

Maybe, Harry thought, he doesn't know how. I could tell him. But why should I help him? He's the enemy. "Gryffindor. You know" Harry answered, shrugging. Malfoy seemed to get more annoyed at that and stalked off, muttering what Harry thought sounded like 'Damn boy.' Harry walked up the staircases to the Gryffindor common room, still going over the detention in his head. Had he really just had a civil conversation with Malfoy? And what did the Slytherin care how the kids learned how to do patronuses? Why had Harry almost told him?

"Harry! I thought Umbridge was going to keep you there all night. You still have the potions essay to write" Hermione was waiting at the table, scribbling furiously on her own parchment.

"Oh yeah" Harry said, only just remembering. "How long did he say?"

"3 feet" Hermione answered, conjuring a measuring tape. "I'm a foot and a half over. Will he mind do you think?" She asked nervously.

"Probably, considering it's Snape" Harry replied. "You better cut it short so he doesn't use it as an excuse to take points off us again. You know how he hates anyone not in his house" He threw himself into the chair next to her and glanced at her parchment. Her writing was so tiny, he could barely read it. "How do you write so much?" He asked as she waved her wand, causing the bottom part of it to rip itself neatly off.

"Oh, you know. I read and research it" She replied, rubbing her eyes. Harry looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight. "Do you want this? It's so late" She handed the parchment she had torn off her own essay.

"Really?" Harry asked, taking it. "Thanks a load Hermione" She smiled at him and rubbed her eyes again. "You better get some sleep" He told her as she ran her fingers through her hair, causing half of it to stand on end.

"Good idea" She yawned. "Good luck with the essay Harry" She stumbled up her stairs and left Harry alone. He deciphered her handwriting and copied it onto a new parchment. In the end, he only needed what she had done. Harry rolled up the essay and stared at the dying fire. What could it be that had made Harry feel so relaxed earlier? He had almost told Malfoy about the DA. A Slytherin. His enemy! But he couldn't help it. He just felt calm and relaxed around the boy. Which made no sense. He could easily catch Harry off guard if he was distracted by... by what though?

Maybe his silver/blonde hair falling so delicately around his face. A voice in the back of Harry's head said. Or maybe the way his cleaning robes had fit his form and showed Harry the muscles hiding behind his everyday robes.

Harry shook his head. He was going crazy. He couldn't think that way about Malfoy. He was a Slytherin. He began drifting as he sat in the comfiest couch in front of the fire. His imagination went back to when he had been taking his cleaning supplies back. Except this time Harry and Malfoy didn't talk, they closed the door and Harry leaned closer to the boy in front of him. His whole body buzzing with anticipation. He sat straight up in the chair in front of the fire. 'Oh god' He thought. 'Im in love with Draco Malfoy'