Disclaimer: I do not own the Gallagher Girls, Ally Carter does. I'm just a fan of her books. I just own this story and Revenge is Sweet. I also own Brett Thornton. Don't know who he is??? Well then, read on and you'll see.


We're Back!

"Hey Zach! Guess what we're back!!!" Grant sang as he traipsed into the room. He jumped on the bed I was lying on and kicked me off.

"Ouch Grant, nice to see you too." I said. I was on my belly on the floor, my sides were hurting where Grant had kicked me. I looked up at him. Grant was sitting on my bed grinning at me.

"Wow Grant, can't you go one day without kicking someone out of their bed?" Jonas said as he dragged his bags in the room. "Hey Zach." He said as he threw them on his bed.

"Wait a minute!" My other roommate Brett said as he entered the room. "Grant, you knock Zach off the bed without me? I thought we were going to do it at the same time!?!" He exclaimed.

"Nice to see you too Brett." I muttered to him.

"Sorry about that man, but you were slow! I couldn't wait much longer." Grant said with a grin.

I picked myself up and knocked Grant of my bed. "So how's you're guys' summer?" I asked them.

"Mine was okay. I finally was able to take of the full body cast at the end of June." Brett said. I remembered that he was injured in a Cove. Ops. Mission in the beginning of last year and almost broke all of his bones. He was in a full body cast for the rest of the year and was unable to go the Gallagher Exchange with us.

"I was able to crack into CIA's new firewall. Only took a couple of days though. Nothing difficult." Jonas said with a shrug. Typical Jonas, he was the genius in the group.

"I stayed at home. Nothing really happened." Grant said with a sigh. "I was hoping for something awesome to happen. But nothing happened."

"What about you dude?" Brett asked.

"Let me think, boring… It's pretty boring here. No action." I said with a shrug. I usually stayed here during the summer ever since my parents went missing in eighth grade. Dr. Steve was fine with that. So every summer I'd just hang in the dorm room or wander around the school.

"Sooooo… heard from the girls?" Grant asked me and Jonas. I sat up on my bed and looked at Grant. Jonas appeared out of the bathroom while Brett finished putting his stuff away. Grant was smiling.



"I don't even know them."

Grant's face fell. "Oh…"

"What? Hoping to see your British Bombshell again?" Jonas teased. He dodged a pillow Grant threw at him.

"Bet you want to see Liz." Grant exclaimed. Jonas blushed.

"Aha! You do like Liz!" Grant grinned.

I knew Jonas liked Liz, it was obvious. He became even more clumsier when he saw Liz. And how do I know this??? One word: Spy. Another word: Duh!

"Well you like Bex!" Jonas exclaimed. He ducked again as Grant chucked another pillow at him. "I was right!" Jonas said as he punched his fist in the air.

It was just as obvious as Jonas liking Liz that Grant liked Bex. He practically drooled every time he saw her. I'm just glad I didn't have any drool on me. That'll be disgusting. Eww…

"Well, well, well, looks like Grant has grown up." Brett said. He was grinning. "But there is one thing I want to know." He asked.


"Does Zach miss his girl? What's here name… hmm… Connie?" Brett asked thoughtfully.

Everyone looked at me. "Her name is Cammie. And to answer your question Brett, I dunno."

Grant and Jonas' jaws dropped. "What!"

They looked at me like I was mad. "What?"

"Dude, you don't know if you miss Cammie?" Grant said exasperatedly.

"I don't know okay! I don't even know if I like her?" I sighed.

"Zach! You don't know if you like her?!?" Grant screeched. Wow I didn't know he could screech, but he is Grant, really random. Really.

"Yah Zach! You call her Gallagher Girl as her nickname and you even kissed her before we left! And you don't know if you like her!!!!????!!!!!" Jonas exclaimed.

"Whoa, backtrack there. You have a nickname for her? You kissed her? Who are you and what have you done with our friend Zachary Goode?" Brett said.

We laughed at him. "Well yah I do call her Gallagher Girl… And I did kiss her… But…." I started to say, but then Grant interrupted me.

"But What Zach!" He exclaimed.

"She probably doesn't like me, she probably isn't over Jimmy." I explained with a sigh. Yes I know that Cammie's ex-boyfriend's name is really Josh. But what's the fun of calling him that?

"But Zach---" Grant started whining. But thank goodness, or should I say Jonas that he was interrupted.

"Just drop it Grant. Give Young Zachary here time to think about his Gallagher Girl." Jonas said, finishing with a chuckle. Then yet again, he duck. But not because of Grant, no it was because me and Brett threw pillows at him.

We started laughing. "Maybe we'll have an exchange again. Maybe we'll see them." Brett said.

"Maybe someone, I'm not going to say any names besides Brett's, is wanting to meet some girls." Grant said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You can't blame him." I said. "He was supposed to go to with us to the Exchange but had to stay here in a full body cast."

"Well maybe we can set you up with Macey." Grant said. He was rubbing his hands together and was grinning like a maniac.

"Macey will kill you when she hears that, you know very well that she hates being set up." Jonas said with a "strict" tone. He was trying his best not to laugh and to remain grim.

"Whatever. Let's just go down to dinner, it starts in like 10 minutes and I'm starving." I said and got up and headed to the door.

I looked behind me and saw that the others were racing towards me, probably trying to be the first in the Grand Hall. But to bad I started sprinting out into the hall way with them close to my heels.

I'll never admit defeat to them! I thought to myself. They'll never beat me. Why? Maybe cause I'm a Goode. And Goode's are great at being good.

I shot out of the hallway and slid down the banister. "Hey that's not fair!" Grant exclaimed. He and the others were at the top of the staircase and were now watching me zoom down the banister.

"You know we can do that too." Brett said as he started zooming down the banister. Jonas quickly got on while Grant started running down the stairs.

By the time they were down I was already halfway to the Great Hall. "WHOO! I'm gonna bet all of you!" I shouted as I neared the door.

I burst through the door, seconds after I fell to the ground with a large thump. I felt a body crash and knock me down with two other bodies falling on me.

Great! I thought to myself. I am now in a dog pile with Brett, Grant, and Jonas. Just great.

I saw Dr. Steve was standing right in front of us and was chuckling. "It's great to have you boys back." he said.

"Thanks Dr. Steve." Brett said as he and the others stood up.

"It's great to be back." Jonas said as he pulled me up.

"Thanks." I muttered to him.

"It looks like you recovered well, Mr. Thornton." Dr. Steve told him.

"Yep, Brett here got it of last June." Grant said while punching Brett in the arm.

"Ouch. Thanks Grant." He muttered.

"Tomorrow boys I am letting the school go to town. Can you guys come to my office when all of the boys are gone?" Dr. Steve asked. He seemed excited about something.

"Sure we could, sir. But why do you need us?" I replied.

"Oh you'll see. It's going to be very excellent tomorrow, I'm sure of it." he said mysteriously. Dr. Steve's eyes had a excited, but also mysterious, look in them. He walked away.

"What was that all about?" Jonas whispered to us. We shrugged.

All the boys were now coming in the Great Hall. Grant threw back his head and yelled, "WE'RE BACK!!!"

Everyone started cheering and clapping. Some of the teachers looked at him in disgust at his yelling. "Dude, I bet you just got detention for yelling." Brett muttered to him.


This is going to be a long year. Not to mention a boring one. I sat down at the Junior Table and thought. How is this year supposed to be exciting? The Gallagher Girls made school a lot more fun. To bad they're not here. This IS going to be a LONG year. Great, just great.


Author's Note:

So basically this is Revenge is Sweet but in Zach's POV. Like it? Love it? Hate it? Please review! I'm in a MAJOR writer's block with Revenge is Sweet, so I decided while I'm stuck with Chapter 8, I might as well start Zach's POV in Revenge is Sweet. I know some of you wanted me to write it. Please Review! I'll do my best to update R. S. and I'll add another Chapter to this as soon as I can. I don't have school till September so I'm good. R&R!

