Story: Hogwarts, A History
Chapter 1: Unlikely Circumstances
Story Rating: T
Beta: None
Disclaimer: If I owned Yugioh and/or Harry Potter Yugi would be a kick-ass teacher... just saying...
Warnings: Spoilers, SLASH, ect.

Yugi is abandoned by his friends and becomes neighbors with Harry Potter. When Harry figures out Yugi can use magic, Yugi is sent to Hogwarts. Not only is he a new 'transfer' student in his fifth year, he's the new DADA teacher! SLASH

Chapter 1: Unlikely Circumstances

Yugi felt betrayed. All his friends turned on him when Yami- no Atem left. They decided he was no longer worth their friendship. Only Mokuba cared enough to tell him not to leave. Promising to keep him in mind, and send letters often he left Domino. He wandered around several cities, trying to find the right one for him. Finally after traveling for about a year, he came to England where he finally found a nice place called Private Drive to live.

He lived on the end of the street, in a nice house that would fit up to eight people. In Atem's pity, when he left and broke Yugi's heart, he gave him gold, jewels, everything. Yugi sold all of it, except for the millennium Puzzle, which Atem allowed him to keep, making him very rich. He spent barely any on the house, considering how much he had still.

Yugi was walking in the park, and was wearing a red hoodie, and dark black jeans along with Purple converses. He started thinking about his old life. I will never go back to that life again. They basically helped me off the ground just to push me back down again. Yugi thought to himself, his face automatically smirking. He did that a lot now. He was walking at a slow pace, and was shuffling his feet, kicking the stones around and didn't notice the messy black haired boy before he ran into him.

He looked up to see a boy about his age on the ground rubbing his butt, on which he had apparently landed on. Yugi held out his hand, which the boy grasped and allowed Yugi to pull him up. He brushed himself off then extended his hand out. "My name is Harry Potter." He said, mentally preparing himself if the stranger was a wizard and would start freaking out.

He was pleased to have the boy with Tri-colored hair, shake his hand. "Yugi Moto." He said, and smiled. "Do you live around here?" Yugi asked Harry.

He nodded and said, "Yea I live on Private Drive."

"Really I do too! Do you want to come over tomorrow or something?" Yugi asked, determined to make a real friend this time. Harry nodded and asked for his address. "114 Private Drive." Yugi said, happy to have actually memorized his address. He had been slightly worried about forgetting it, since he normally would, but ever since leaving Domino he had been acting more like an adult.

"How old are you?" Harry asked. He was un-sure of the boy's age. He looked rather young, but he had the mature side to him. He didn't act like a twelve or thirteen year old. He outfit also matched his hair, which was an odd color. He figured he could be too young, because he doubted any parent would want their 12 year old to dye their hair that color.

"I just turned fifteen." Yugi said with a straight face, waiting for Harry to deny it. He looked surprised for a minute then quickly composed his features.

"Really, I did too." Harry said, then was about to say something else to Yugi but he was interrupted by a shrill voice.

"Potter! I told you to come back two minutes ago! No diner for you! You will starve tonight!" Harry glowered in the direct of where he apparently lived.

"My aunt Petunia calls me." He said in a sarcastically happy tone. Yugi laughed with him, and after exchanging numbers they parted ways. As Yugi climbed into bed, he fell asleep immediately. He had no bad dreams that night as he had all the other nights. They had all been haunted with the day when his best friends turn their back on him.

Harry awoke to his aunt once again yelling at him to get up and fix breakfast for the only worthy people in the family. He would once again have to eat the scraps of his meal. He walked down the stairs and heard his phone ring. He answered the phone to hear Yugi's voice.

"Hello is Harry there?" he asked, and Harry mentally thanked himself that he got to his cell phone before his bloody aunt did.

"Hey Yugi! What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over for breakfast."

"Yea, are you I am allowed to?"

"Yea its fine with me, see you in a few."

Harry was about to note if it was alright for him with his family. He shrugged and put his phone in his pocket and slid on his jacket from the floor. Without telling his aunt where he was going, he stepped out onto Private Drive. He walked down the path and onto the road.

He walked up to the house with the address of 114 and rung the bell. Seconds later the door opened to show a smiling Yugi. "Come on in!" he said cheerily. Harry followed him into the living room where there was tea sitting on the coffee table waiting to be drunk. Yugi sat down and motioned for Harry to do so to.

He handed the steaming cup of hot tea that he wasn't drinking out of to Harry who gladly took it. "Are you hungry?" Yugi asked Harry, who shrugged and nodded, trying to be polite. Yugi rose and motioning for Harry to follow, and led him to the kitchen. "I am sorry, I haven't prepared anything yet, I wasn't sure of what you like." Yugi said and opened the fridge. "Do you want Blue Berry Bagels or Pancakes, or maybe some eg-" he was cut off by Harry's gasp. He spun around to see five cloaked men, with wands held out in front of them, pointing at Harry.

"Avada Kadava!" They all yelled at the same time. Yugi jumped in front of Harry, and at the same time pulled his deck out from his pocket. Pulling out the top card, without looking at it, Yugi yelled "I activate Mirror Force!" right before the green light almost hit them. The mirror appeared and bounced the light back to the cloaked figures who were killed instantly.

Harry turned to Yugi quickly but not before he stashed his deck away. Before he could say anything though, two figures appeared from thin air and looked at the death eaters in alarm. "Lupin, Sirius! Yugi countered the curse back at them." Harry said in confusion. Both men looked surprised, then flustered.

Sirius stepped in front of Yugi, and crossed his arms. "Who are you and where have you learned magic?" he asked one eye brow rose as he asked.

Yugi looked at Harry, alarmed at the question. "I have never learned magic, sir. I don't know what the hell is going on." He finished clarifying things.

"Dumbledore?" Lupin asked Sirius.

"Dumbledore." Sirius agreed, and after grabbing Yugi's arm he asked, "Do you have anyone you need to let know where you are going?"

"No, but-"

"Do you have all your valuables, anything important that could be stolen from you, with you?" he asked.

He automatically brought his hand to the puzzle under his hoodie. "Yes, but-"

"Hold on tight." Yugi gulped as Lupin grabbed Harry by the arm, and Sirius grabbed Yugi's. Everyone felt the sensation of being sucked through a tube, and seconds later they were standing- Everyone but Yugi, who was flat on his back trying not to hurl was standing, in the headmaster of Hogwarts office.

A/N: If I ever put we or I, I am sorry, because I am used to writing in the character's points of view, and it isn't easy to switch to normal point of view. Eventually I will have characters points of view, but I felt like starting for a while in normal point of view. I hope to have a longer chapter next!

A/N: 1.12.11 Wow... sorry you have to put up with these first few chapters!