Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my story. :-D

Don't forget to check out the poll on my profile, along with my other stories!

Disclaimer and Summary can be found at the first chapter. :P

Where the last chapter ended:

"Would there be any chance to see any tears shed?" he asked hopefully, only to have his hopes dashed as the old man smiled, shaking his head.

"Now why would I do that?" Dumbledore asked calmly, "It was I who taught you everything you know." He finished smugly.

"Point," Voldemort conceded.

Chapter Three

"I really must be going now." Voldemort said somewhat regretfully as he saw the time.

"So soon?" Dumbledore asked surprised.

"Will you not stay for a cup of tea?" he inquired as Voldemort silently gather his celebrating chess pieces.

"Yes, well as fun as it has been beating you," He took the opportunity to send a small gloating smirk Dumbledore' way, "I really must be going back to the lair…" he trailed off.

"I have cookies in the oven." He specified as Dumbledore raised an enquiring brow in his direction.

"Cookies?" A bemused Dumbledore asked faintly.

"Cookies." Voldemort confirmed.

Since when did Dark Lords bake cookies? Or bake at all for that matter? Dumbledore found himself pondering briefly.

"Are you ill?" The Dark Lord asked, squinted accusingly at the old man. Normally he was a little quicker on the uptake than this!

"Why?" Dumbledore asked in bemused curiosity.

"Why are you sick?" Voldemort asked confused, "How in the blazes would I kn-" Tom began, only to be cut off.

"Why are you baking cookies?"

"Oh that," Voldemort said off-handedly, waving a hand in dismissal.

"New advertising campaign we're working on." He said proudly.

"Oh?" the Old Coot prompted.

"Join the dark side!" Voldemort exclaimed passionately, "We have cookies!"

"Whose idea?" Dumbledore asked faintly.

"Mine." Tom said smugly, making his way towards the door.

"So are we still on for a game next week?" Dumbledore called out to him.

"Of course." The Dark Lord drawled, his stride not faltering in the least as he exited the room dramatically.

"Good luck with that…" Dumbledore said to the now empty room.

He had never understood his son.

Sooo? What do you think? Did you see that coming? Talk about family issues eh?

Should I continue with more silly chapters filled with unexpected twists? Not update at all? You tell me!

Reviews are loved.

~Autumn Skyie