Shia: Waiii!! Finally, final chapter is up!!! This chapter is quite long… I hope you'll like it! Thank you for all reviews!! I really appreciate it! Well, please enjoy your reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own Eyeshield 21


By: Shinku Amakusa a.k.a Shia

"Omg, omg, omg, omg! What the hell was that?!?!?" Mamori flustered and buried her face in her hands. Her words scattered and she didn't realize that she just let out curse words… hahaha… ^^

Her heart beat still hadn't back to normal. Her face so hot and she could feel her hands still trembled furiously. She tried her best to calm herself from that demon's intoxicating touch.

"Okay… calm down, Mamori… haah… I didn't think it would be turned out like this. I shouldn't let Kurita talk with Sena and Suzuna at the supermarket before came here! Oh, no no no…. I should join their conversation and didn't come here before them! Aaaahhh!!!" Mamori raked her hair frustrated.

Mamori started to cook the porridge while thinking what she should do next.

"Hmm, maybe that's just because he's dizzy. So he can't recognize what he was doing…" Mamori nodded her head. "Yeah, it must be like that… So, I don't have to take this all seriously…. Yeah… he's not serious… It's just because he's sick… yea…"

Mamori felt her heart ached when she realized that. She shook her head and tried to erase that thought.

"Don't think about it! What actually do you want from him, huh? C'mon, Mamori! You're here because you're his manager and you're worried about him! That's all… Yeah… that's all…"

And Mamori's voice became weaker and weaker, until the kitchen went into complete silence.


"Why didn't you join Mamori-neechan to visit Hiruma-san, Kurita-san?" Sena asked while paying his shopping material at the cashier.

"Musashi called me, and he said that Hiruma won't be cure from his illness if I come. Hiks…" his eyes began to water and he started sobbing. "So… It'll be better for me not to visit Hiruma…" sobbed again. "But, I really worried about him!"

"Kurita-san, calm down!" Suzuna tried to stop Kurita's crying.

"Musashi-san said that?" Sena asked.

Kurita nodded and he still sobbing.

"There must be a reason… don't be so sad…" Sena tried to cheer him up. Suddenly, a light bulb popped on Suzuna's mind.

"Yeah… there must be a reason…" Suzuna repeated with her mischievous smile.

"???" Sena and Kurita looked at her with a big question mark in their face.

"And I guess we need to help him…" her grin widened, and the questions marks in Kurita and Sena's face getting bigger, too.

"This is gonna be interesting…" Suzuna chuckled silently.


"Hiruma-kun, here's your porridge!" Mamori went into Hiruma's bedroom and put the bowl on Hiruma's lap. "After you eat your porridge, don't forget to drink the medicine, okay?" she reminded him.

Hiruma, who was sitting on his bed, just stared at the porridge silently. Not moving even an inch to touch the porridge.

"What's wrong?" Mamori asked.

"Feed me" he command.

"What?!" Mamori jumped. "What… did you say…?"

"Hey, you know I'm sick, don't you? Who will let a sick person eat by themselves?"


"If the one who is lying here is Sena, I bet you'll—"

"Okay, okay!" Mamori gave up and took the porridge. She sat beside Hiruma's bed and started to feed Hiruma. Hiruma's invisible grin became wider as Mamori walked near him, and finally sat next to him.

1 minute of silence…

"Well… Hiruma… I'm… sorry…" Mamori said quietly.

"For what?" he asked.

"Because of me, you get sick…"

Hiruma silenced for a while.

"Yeah… you know… That night… Ano, I mean… That night was raining so hard, and you still went to prepare a surprise gift for me. So… it's all because of—"

"Where's my medicine?" Hiruma cut her sentences.

"What?" Mamori stared at him questionably.

"Enough with the porridge. I felt dizzy again…" Hiruma said and touch his head.

"Oh, I'll bring the medicine right away!" Mamori said and stand, then rushed to the kitchen to get the medicine.

"Tch… She found it out… Yeah, she's always looking through me…" Hiruma 'tch'ed and lie himself down on his bed, closed his eyes slowly.

'Fucking Mamori Anezaki… She will always be like that… fucking manager…' Hiruma's mind gone wild as his dizziness getting worse. 'Ugh… She was the one who caused all of this damn dizziness…'

"Hiruma-kun!" Mamori called him. He could hear her, but he didn't want to give any response. "Here's your medicine… Hey, please wake up and drink your medicine…" She said again.

"Are you sleeping?" Mamori asked.

'I'm not' and Hiruma didn't intend to pretend to be like that.


'Don't call my name with your damn cute voice…'

"Ah, your body is so hot! No wonder you get dizzy!" Mamori said as she touch Hiruma's forehead with her palm.

'Don't touch me…'

"You must drink the medicine! You could get worse than this!" Her voice sounded very worried.

'Don't make me open my eyes…'

"I have to do something!"

'Leave me alone…'


'Yeah, just go… from here, my head, and… my heart…'


Mamori looked at the medicine on her hand.

'What should I do? Hiruma's body temperature is so high! If he didn't drink his medicine, he could get much worse than this!!' She thought worried.

She looked at a glass of water on the table, and then at the medicine on her hand, back to the water, and finally to Hiruma, who is lying on his bed covered with sweat all over his body. She decided to put the medicine on the table, beside the glass of water. She sat on Hiruma's bed and took her handkerchief out.

She gently wiped the sweat on Hiruma's face, neck, and some parts of his body.

'He looks like a child when he's like this…'

She touched Hiruma's eyes with her handkerchief.

'But also looks so mature and…'

Down to his nose…


…And then his lips. Her face got redder and redder as her thought gone somewhere else. She shook her head and tried to back to the reality.

'He looked so weak… and he didn't used to be like this…'

Mamori clinched her fist.

'Yeah, I have to do something! It's for him! I'm his manager, after all…' She thought and took the medicine. She put the medicine in her mouth, drink the water, and slowly moving closer to sleeping Hiruma.

'Gomenasai!' she yelled in her mind and opened Hiruma's mouth, sealed it with hers, trying her best to make him drink the medicine.

She pulled herself from him slowly as she could feel that he's already drinking the medicine. But, at the same time she lost her body-contact with him, he opened his eyes. The blue met the green emerald. Suddenly Mamori felt the electricity jolt in her body, same with the one before. She's freeze. He pinned Mamori down to his bed and hold both of Mamori's hands.

"That fucking medicine is not enough to heal me…" he said as his mischievous grin grew wider.

"Wha… wha…t…? You—"

"You're so brave for dare to kiss me when I'm sleeping…"

"I… I'm not!!!! I… I just… I just tried to help you!!"

"Touching me, kissing me… Are you trying to seduce me?" he smirked.

"In your dream!! Let me go!! You devil!!" Mamori yelled. Her face turned into deep red.

"Be my medicine" he said and suddenly his lips were already sealed Mamori's. Mamori tried to free herself from that demon's intoxicating kiss. His tongue demand for an entrance, and Mamori was not going to let him. But, he didn't easily give up.

"No…! Stop this!! Hiruma!!" Mamori tried to stop him.

"You're the one who caused all of this…" he said.

"What…?" she stop struggling. Hiruma looked at her eyes.

"You've been in my dreams every night, filling my head every time, you make me want to touch you so badly… my fucking manager…"

Mamori's eyes widened at his words.

"You've to take responsibility for making me like this" he whispered in her ear.

He touched his lips with hers once again. Mamori's already knew that she couldn't win against this devil. She will never. Deep inside her heart, she knew that she want this devil as much as he wanted her now. She let him leaded her into a passionate kiss and she kissed back. She couldn't hold her feeling anymore. It's overflowing and couldn't be stopped right now. She circled her arms around his neck and her fingers ran through his hair.

Hiruma's tongue caressed every inch of her mouth and tasted her. Although he didn't like sweets, he couldn't resist this sweetness from her. The only one who was able to make him crazy and stupid. Anezaki Mamori, his 'fucking' manager and (hopefully) his lover.

They broke the kiss for air. Mamori was breathing heavily, as also Hiruma.

"Fucking manager…" he called between his breaths.


"I… fucking lo—"

"Huwaaaaa~!!!" And then a loud thud was heard. Mamori and Hiruma turned their head to the sound near the bedroom's door.

Suzuna, Sena, and Kurita were laying there and they got up as soon as they could.

"Ehehehe… Hi, You-nii, Mamo-nee…" Suzuna smiled nervously.

"Suzuna? Sena? Kurita?" Mamori asked panicked.

"Ah… eeto…" Sena frightened.

"We… we just… worried…" Kurita said trembling.

"Yooouuu… fucking brats…" Hiruma growled and walked closer to them with a gun on his hand.


"Go… gomenasaaaaiiiiii!!!!!!" they yelled helplessly.

The next day…

"RUN! RUN! RUN!!!" Hiruma yelled and aim his shoots to the air. "Run 150 laps more!! Yaa-Haa!!!"

"The devil is back!! Mukyaaa~~!!" Monta frustrated.

"He just back from the deepest hell!" Jumonji commented.

"I still can't believe that he could sick!" Kuroki said.

"Kurita! Was he really sick yesterday?" Togano asked.

"Ah… it was…." Kurita couldn't concentrate on answering the question and running. He's going to rolling in 5 more seconds, not running anymore.

"Yeah, he had lovesick" Musashi answered.

"Whatt?!?!?!?!" Ha-Ha Brothers and Monta yelled.


"Don't chit-chatting during practice!!!" Hiruma yelled.

"Aye, aye, sirrr!!!" They answered in unison.

Mamori stared at Hiruma. She seemed to ask about something that bothering her. But, she didn't know how to ask.

"Hiruma-kun…" she called.


"Eeto… about yesterday…"


She nodded. "Were you serious about your words…?" she asked, not sure with her question.

"What do you mean?"

'As I thought… He didn't remember a thing…' Mamori thought.

"What do you mean, fucking manager?" Hiruma repeated his question.

"No, never mind…" Mamori said as she walked away.

"Oi," Hiruma called.

Mamori turned her head.

"It's yours" he said and threw something at Mamori.

"What…?" It was her handkerchief.

"Today I'll walk you home, fucking manager"

Mamori looked at Hiruma and blinked her eyes.

"Oh yeah, I'm waiting for my turn…" he said.

"What 'turn'?" Mamori asked, confused. Suddenly, Mamori felt her nose itchy. "Hatchiii!!!"

"I mean 'this' turn…" he smiled devilishly.

Hiruma grinned and then he leaned his face closer to kiss Mamori.

"Then, the best way to heal a cold is… pass the cold to someone else…"

"Hey!! You do remember about yesterday!! You tricked me!!" Mamori scolded him after they kissed.

"Kekekeke!!" Hiruma chuckled.

'Then… I am his… aren't I?' Mamori smiled.

.The end.

Shia: How was it??? I hope this chapter didn't disappointed you… I was really confused about how to end this fic. And, suddenly it's turned out like this… Phew~~ what a long journey… hahahaha… ^^v Any request theme for next fic? Feel free to PM me!

Well, don't forget to leave me a review and let me know what you think! Okay??? Thanks for reading and gomenasai for any grammatical errors and OOCness!! Ja ne!
