A/N: Because some of you guys want me to continue my other story I Would, I figured I'd make...A SEQUEL! Anyways, here is my first ever sequel called... Security Blanket (although, you should know what it's called 'cuz it's in the top left corner of your screen.) P.S., this is some time after the series finale. RxR! And, before I forget, the German stuff was roughly translated on the Internet, so those of you German speaking people, Don't kill me!

Auf wiedersehen und glück- Goodbye and good luck

Ich denke, dass ich bis zu einem Engel erwacht bin- I think I've woken up to an angel

Kurt inhaled deeply as he tried to catch his breath. For the love of all that was good in the universe, he could not understand why Logan hated them all so much. It's not that he minded the danger room sessions, it's just that there were so many other things on his mind to occupy him, that he didn't need near-death training accidents to keep his mind agile over the summer break. There was anti-mutant controversy, hate crimes, Kitty...Not to mention the fact that Logan sent everyone in on a free-for-all scavenger hunt. Kurt growled as he ran on all fours wondering, when would he ever be in a situation where he'd have to fight off all his teammates?

Continuing to gallop forward as fast as his legs would allow, Kurt managed to spot Bobby and Amara racing each other in some attempt to find the treasure--which was later revealed to be nothing more than a rugby ball. Teleporting forward to meet them, Kurt gave them a wide smile while running alongside them.

"Vould either of you happen to have it?" he asked his fellow X-Men.

"I wish," Amara said.

"Nope," Bobby replied. Kurt shrugged, having already made up his mind about what he was going to do to them.

"Vell, in that case," Kurt grabbed onto their shoulders and teleported them back to what seemed like a mile from were they once were. "Auf wiedersehen und glück!" He called before disappearing in a puff of smoke. He reappeared much farther ahead of the younger mutants yet, he still couldn't find any of the others. He continued running for a while until he noticed Rogue darting towards him.

"Sorry 'bout this," Rogue said as she pulled off a glove and attempted to touch his head. Kurt quickly dodged, to find that his adopted sister had already gone on a spree of power stealing when she and few clones attempt to electrocute him. So Amara, Bobby, Jamie, and Ray were all down. At least his job was that much simpler.

"Thanks for the apology, but it vasn't necessary," Kurt said as he teleported behind her and pushed her off balance. To his surprise, Rogue merely passed through the ground and disappeared. A wave of panic shot through Kurt. Where was Kitty? What had Rogue done to her? In a worried flash, he searched every area of the simulated room in search of his Kätzchen. He thought to himself stupidly as to why he was looking for her so desperately. He wasn't even sure where he stood with her. Was he still her friend? Did she really mean it when she said she loved him? Did she even say she loved him?

Well, she heavily implied it, and that was enough for him.

"Kitty!" Kurt cried as he spotted her passed out on the floor. He ran towards her as quickly as he could and lifted her so that she was sitting upright. "Vake up," he asid as he shook her gently. She stirred slightly and her eyes fluttered open.

"Whoa," she groaned. "Massive headache."

"Rogue stole your powers." Kurt explained. "But I don't think it matters now. It looks like Scott and Jean have already von." Not that is was shocking to them. Jean and Scott would never fight each other. It was a well-known fact. Their powers put together were enough to take down any other mutants without exerting the slightest bit of effort.

"Game over!" Scott called. The X-Men sighed and dragged themselves out of the danger room tired from running around like maniacs. Kitty jumped to her feet and wobbled, still a bit off balance.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked her. Kitty nodded and rubbed her temples.

"I'm still a little confused." she admitted.

"About what?" Kurt asked cocking an eyebrow. Kitty smiled slightly.

"I'll tell you later," she said out of fear that the others would overhear. Kurt wanted to ask another question, but she ran to meet up with Rogue before he got the chance. He made a mental note to do some prying later. After all, if Rogue had Kitty's thoughts in her mind, Rogue could very well tell him whether or not Kitty had feelings for him. And that in itself was a very interesting prospect.

Kurt teleported up to his room and put his shower on the coldest setting possible before jumping into it. He shivered but it was the fastest way to cool off, so he figured he might as well deal with it. When he couldn't take the cold anymore, he stepped out of the shower and dried his fur, anxious to find out what Kitty wanted to talk to him about. It was at that moment he heard someone yelling from downstairs... Rogue? Kurt rushed to get dressed and appeared in the kitchen doorway where, as he assumed, Rogue stood with her arms across her chest.

"No way! I've changed my mind." she said. "I don't think it's a good idea anymore."

"We just want to try. It would be a shame for you to have to always wear those gloves," Jean reasoned.

"Well, what makes you think I've got enough self-control for this to work?" Rogue said. "I'll just end up puttin' Scott in a coma. I don't think I'm ready to try and master my powers right now."

"But Rogue, we--" Scott was cut off by Jean.

"Forget it." Jean said. "When you feel ready, you can try it." They were going to try to get Rogue to contain her powers?

"Thank you." Rogue mumbled irritably as she walked off. Kurt, who had cleverly hid himself behind a cabinet was about to make his escape, but accidentally bumped into Rogue instead. Her wrist grazed his cheek and he immediately fell out of consciousness. Rogue groaned and rubbed her head. His thoughts began to merge with her own, but the one that caught her attention was a memory of Kitty kissing him on his balcony. It was the exact same memory she'd gotten from Kitty in the danger room.

"That's what you were thinkin' 'bout? When did y'all do that?" Rogue asked. She sighed and teleported him to the living room where she could let him lie on the couch. Kitty and Tabitha were lying on the floor when Rogue brought Kurt in. Without having to explain, they knew what happened.

"Just leave ol' Blue Boy here," Tabitha said. "Kitty-Cat and I will take care of him real good." Kitty eyed Tabitha. Kitty-Cat? Really?

"Sure, whatever." Rogue said. She never talked to Tabitha much, mostly because Tabitha confused her, but she gave Kitty a knowing look. "He's wonderin' if you're ever gonna talk about what you two did. It's drivin' him off a freakin' wall." Kitty blushed.

"Wait! Does that mean he..." Kitty paused, not wanting to say anything in front of Tabitha, noticing that Rogue was careful not to. "He's like, interested?"

"Interested? No." Rogue said. Kitty's face fell, but Rogue continued. "I'd use a different word like 'obsessed'. His mind is weird." Kitty beamed.

"You sure?" Kitty asked.

"I didn't touch him for that long, so I mostly got to see his recent thoughts, and let's just say the boy has hopes." Rogue left without another word, knowing from Kitty's thoughts that the two would easily get together as soon as they were alone long enough to talk. Tabitha seemed to show little interest in the conversation that Rogue and Kitty were having as she was avidly texting on her phone.

"Hey, you mind taking care of cutie-Kurt? Amara, Rahne, and Jubilee wanna go hit up some stores, and I can't let them go alone. Those paranoid townspeople will totally tear 'em to shreds!" Tabitha exclaimed.

"It's like, totally fine," Kitty said. She was just glad to have an excuse to be alone with Kurt. "Get going!" Tabitha grinned and dashed out grinning.

"I so owe you Kit-Kat!" Tabitha called as she ran off. Kitty rolled her eyes. Tabitha made it a habit to almost never call anyone by their real names. Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, she leaned over to Kurt and took his furry hand in hers, memories of the first time Rogue had touched him surfaced in her mind.

"I remember when we were going after Rogue," Kitty whispered. "You like, scared the living hell out of me, passed out on the ground like that. But that's when I realized how much I care about you." She stroked his knuckles gingerly and tilted her head to the side lovingly. Kurt shifted in his position and yawned loudly. He wiped his eyes and smiled warmly. He didn't mind waking up to Kitty.

"Morning sleepy head," Kitty said.

"Ich denke, dass ich bis zu einem Engel erwacht bin," he murmured to her quietly.

"Huh?" Kitty asked. Kurt blushed as he realized what he said.

"It's not important," he mumbled. One good thing about being German; when he said his thoughts aloud, they were almost never in English. Kitty was still on the floor beside him, looking up at him with a wide grin.

"Come on," she said. "Let's go somewhere to talk. Before anyone realizes we're gone." The fur covered boy got off the couch and teleported them up to the roof, the one place he knew no one would think to look for them.

"So..." Kurt said awkwardly. He rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of where to begin. He took a deep breath and decided to start from the beginning, to make sure she knew what he was thinking. "Listen Kitty, I'm confused. I mean, you kissed me and you told me you love me... I think... and then you phase through my floor and never bring it up again. And then today you tell me that you want to talk. Vhat is going on vith you?"

"Kurt, I--" Kitty paused as she gathered her thoughts together. "I meant that. Everything I said. And I had to tell you because I wanted you to know. And I was hoping that like, you'd feel the same way." Kurt was quiet for a moment. How was we supposed to respond to that? The only sounds were the light breeze blowing the leaves in the trees and the muffled sound of people talking from deep within the institute.

"I guess Rogue was wrong," Kitty said. "Look, I'll leave and--" Kitty began to sink through the ground, but Kurt grabbed onto her.

"Vait!" Kurt said. "Don't leave me. It's just... I'm just not good at romance, or vith vords." Kitty looked him in the eyes and hoisted herself back onto the roof.

"You had like, no problems with Amanda," Kitty pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ja, but she's no you." Kurt said, tilting her chin so that she was looking dead at him. "I care a lot about what you think of me."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" she asked. Under the moonlight, she could hardly see him, but his golden eyes seemed brighter than daylight.

"Only if it works," Kurt said with a smirk. Kitty rolled her eyes and stood on her toes so that she was eye level with him.

"So now, you answer my question. Do you feel the same way about me?" Kitty asked, wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled and leaned forward to capture her lips. It was like their first kiss, both a little off-guard but loving it just the same. He pulled away to give her a lopsided grin.

"Is that enough of answer for you?" Kitty blushed, unable to speak. She nodded at him, and he grinned. "I care about Amanda, but somebody told me that there is a difference between caring about someone and loving them."

"Do you love that person?" Kitty asked.

"I think I do." Kurt replied. Her eyes lit up when he answered, her heart skipped a beat. She let go of him and stepped away from him and to her surprise, Kurt's face was dark purple with a goofy, lovesick grin that challenged the moon's brightness. In an odd way, she found that incredibly adorable.

"We should... like, go downstairs... before the others start looking for us." Kitty stammered. Her cheeks were still red from blushing, but she continued beaming at him.

"Oh, uh, ja. Good idea." Kurt said. He teleported them back into the mansion--the top floor to be exact--and luckily, no one seemed to notice their absence yet.

"I'll like, see you tomorrow." Kitty said. She started to walk to her room, but she turned around and placed a kiss on Kurt's lips. It was short and sweet, and left him wanting to kiss her more the second she pulled away. "Um, like, goodnight Kurt." He watched as she skillfully dove through the floor and stood there in awe.

"That girl," he mumbled, shaking his head, smiling bitter sweetly. "That girl."

Well, how'd I do? Leave your reviews now! :3