Hey there! I was watching Mulan 2 the other night..... yeah my profile says I'm 18, so what! I have the mind of a 5 year old!XD

Anyway, when the movie was finishing, I had a vision.... and this it what came out of it! XD 1:30 in the morning and I had to write this! Can't wait to continue this fic! Hope you like it!



Edited: 15/02/10

Long ago, a war reigned between the kingdom of Praxus, under the rule of the gentle and fair Lord Silkshadow, and the great empire of Merak, under the firm and unforgiving emperor Blizzard. A war so ancient, that the rulers had already forgotten what the real feud was about. Many died in useless battles, leaving behind a broken legacy, a legacy that only knew hatred, anger and above all, the lust for revenge. The carnage grew with each attack, the goal of the war seemed to be who could wipe out the most villages and who could make it the most gruesome. Not even the Lord Prime could put a stop to the slaughters. All he had been able to do was offer Iacon as home for the refugees.

When all hope for a peaceful future seemed like a far away dream, a light shown upon the two kingdoms and the rest of Cybertron. A truce was reached. The Lord of Praxus had gone before Merak's ruler, and in front of all his council and a large portion of the nobles of Merak, he put aside his pride, kneeled with his head touching the ground, and begged him to stop this madness. Amazed by such display, and with the pressure of an uprising from his own subjects, emperor Blizzard had no choice but to agreed. For many, many centuries, both reigns were peaceful. Any rebel army was destroyed by order of Prime and the mechs and femmes from Praxus looked up at Lord Silkshadow like a god. Thanks to his selflessness he had managed what others had not. He brought back peace between the two kingdoms and all was well again.

But the calm times were not meant to be. Blizzard was getting tired at seeing the growing power and admiration Silkshadow gained. He saw how he would go down in history as a tyrant and merciless monster, while Praxus's emperor would go down as the most respectable and loved ruler in all of Cybertron's history. Blizzard did not like that. If he would be the sparkless ruler whether he liked it or not, he would be the sparkless ruler that would take down Praxus and kill emperor Silkshadow. After centuries of peace, war was drawing near. Silkshadow did not want to see the dark jours again. They had been full of horror, carnage and death. He would not let those under his care to go through that again. Not if he could help it. The new generations, those who knew not the horrors of war, would not survive if there was an attack. No. Silkshadow had to stop the impending war now!

After many jours of planing and consulting with his trusted council and even the Prime, although it broke his spark, Lord Silkshadow made up his mind. He would sacrifice that which he loved the most, his own youngling.

He sent a carrier to emperor Blizzard's palace with the news of his intent. The message was clear. They would form an alliance, an alliance so strong, that it would wipe out any chance of any war to occur for millennia. A sparkbond, between his son and Blizzard's.

All plans for attack halted while Merak's emperor thought over this. It was a very clever move, and if played right, could be used for his advantage. After much consulting and tactical planning, he sent a response. The sparkbond ceremony would be held as planned. Silkshadow's son would go meet his intended.

So there you have it. Can any body guess who Silkshadow's son is??