this story is a what-if. what if Simon wasn't a Daylighter in City of Ashes when the sun rose over Valentine's ruined ship on the East River? i don't have a copy of the book, so if anyone knows the dialogue throughout this part i would love to know it. okay, enjoy!


It amazes Simon, how one word can hold so many emotions at one time. Clary's voice is heavy, frightened, and sad, among other, unidentifiable feelings. The word hangs in the air like humidity, detectable and thick, before Simon really realizes what it means.

It's sunrise. And he is a vampire. He is going to die.

This is the second time in the last day that he's been face-to-face with death. He has evaded it once, but Simon knows, with a twisting wrench of his dormant heart, that he won't escape this time. There are so many things he wants to say, but they are cut off as Clary—beautiful Clary, reckless, rash Clary, the Clary he has loved and will always love—throws herself on top of him, her body a feeble protection from the flaming ball that in just minutes will torch him where he lay.

Clary sobs, her body shaking his, and Simon feels nothing but the warmth of her, spreading through his perpetually cool body. "Simon! Simon!" she's screaming, and her screams are pain in his ears, because he knows he can do nothing to stop them.

"Clary," he says quietly, "get up."

She obeys, but clings to him. In his last moments, he wants her to cling to him. He wants to feel her touch. But he doesn't want her to see. It's probably too late for that.

A brilliant sunbeam lights up the world suddenly. Simon smiles, the grin tight and humorless. He stares into the face of the sun, which he never thought he'd see again, and then he feels himself start to sift away. His last memory is Clary's arms around him and her voice, shaking and tearful: "I love you, Simon."

His last thought is that he wants to tell her that he loves her too, but can't find his mouth.

From ashes we rose / And to ashes we shall return.