"Gimmjow!" A breathy moan rippled through the quiet night air; the said man grunted as he pounded harder into the person lying underneath him.

Tan, muscular legs was hitched onto Grimmjow's shoulders as he gently pumped the dripping cock of his lover. Ichigo arched his hips upward making Grimmjow drive deeper inside him. Gripping the pillow behind his head, Ichigo felt his orgasm fast approaching. A deep moan left his lips as Grimmjow picked up the pace.

Bliss filled the soul reaper, as he saw stars and strawberries. Ichigo's orgasm covered not only his stomach but some of Grimmjow's as well. The former arrancar slumped next to his cuddle-buddy, completely spent. A tired, cocky smirk graced the blue-haired man's sinful lips as he watched his berry through heavy-lidded eyes. The teen was trying to regain his senses and was failing. It was Ichigo's fault really, he would have been nicer, but the teen had been asking for it.

One Hour Earlier

Grimmjow had been lazing on the bed petting Ichigo's psycho cat, Akuma, when Ichigo came storming into the bedroom looking rather irate. In his anger cloud, he didn't see Akuma when he threw his backpack onto the bed. It scared the car and making the four legged creature run from the room in freight.

In his content-state, Grimmjow smirked when he remembered Ichigo bitched at him for causing the teen to be late for school. It wasn't really the Pantera's user fault… mostly. The big cat had been horny and needed something to hump. The man watched the anger completely take control off the non-amused berry. Ichigo glared at his lover before punching Grimmjow in the face; hard.

Rude, despite the pain hurting like a bitch, it was a major turn on. He had grabbed Ichigo's wrist and popped a slender finger in his mouth. He had sucked and nibbled on the digit, causing the teen to groan softly. The look of anger had faded into pleasure.


A sweaty head was pulled on his chest, rousing him from his thoughts. Smirking, Grimmy petted the sweaty orange locks. Ichigo's eye lids slipped closed as he relaxed.

"I'm still mad at you." Grimmjow gave a sleepy chuckle before he fell asleep.

The arrancar was dream of a field of yarn when he was startled awake by a stomach growling in full fierceness. Cracking open an eye, Grimmjow saw a deep red blush on Ichigo's face. The berry huffed and scowled when his stomach growled again, loudly.

"Fucking hell strawberry; do you ever feed that thing?" A light growl and a punch in the arm made Grimmjow smirk appear. The loud rumble came back proving his point.

"I do! Sorry for not feeding it, I was planning on it, but no, you had to seduce me instead!" The slight shrillness of Ichigo's voice made Grimmjow flinch.

With a withering glare, Ichigo got up and stomped over to his closet. There he donned a pair of sweat pants.

"Heh, well I have something you could eat." Bright blue eyes glittered with lust as the former Espada waggled his eyebrows. A thick trigonometry book was thrown at Grimmjow's head.

Sitting on the kitchen chair was a pissed off cat. His teal eyes glared at a concerned and currently panicking blur of orange. Ichigo was running through the kitchen looking desperately trying to find a hand towel so he could put ice into it. Grimmjow's head was pulsing with pain that made him wince.

"Berry, for fucks sake! Will you chill out! It's not the first time I've been hit with a six fucking pound book!" Grimmjow growled out irritated, a headache was starting to wiggle inside of his abused head.

"You can die from that bump you know! I wish you'd care more!" Ichigo stopped in front of his lover and slapped the ice on top of the bump. A grunt escaped Grimmjow's lips as pain shot through his head.

"I still see you are getting your ass beat, tradh." The trade mark word brought two pairs of eyes to the former fourth Espada, Ulquiorra. His harm was around Squad Ten's Captain, Toushiro Hitsugaya.

"Let me throw a book at your head, then we'll talk about being beat, bitch." Grimmjow tried to stand up, but he was forced back down into his chair by Ichigo.

"I am much too fast to let that happen." The cool remark infuriated Grimmjow even more.

End Chapter One

A/n: Here's the netter revised version of What the Cat Wants. I added somethings and took somethings away. Thanks for reading!