Hi. Sorry i've havent updated for a while, but quite a long chapter here for you! Thank you for your kinds reviews, and to those of you that are still reading but not reviewing - thanks as well.


Lauren woke on the first day of the new term with butterflies in her stomach. It was stupid, she told herself, she had taught kids before. She had taught them well back then and would do so again.

In her first class of the day she received a big shock. As the other children filled miserably into the room, one child had stood out to her. She looked at him closely and felt her heart nearly stop. Unless she was imagining things, Lucius Malfoy had just walked into her room.

Shaking her head, she realised this could not be the actual Lucius Malfoy – it was a child. A child with blonde hair slicked back and pale skin that made him appear almost luminous. Snatching up the register from her desk, her eyes scanned the list furiously. Aha! There it was: Scorpio Parkinson-Malfoy.

Parkinson-Malfoy? She snapped the folder shut with a smirk of satisfaction, looked like she had a lovechild in her class. The boy was ten years old – he must have been conceived as soon as Draco and Pansy was seventeen.

The class began smoothly, the children being wary of her, but eventually someone felt the need to test her boundaries – and of course it was little Scorpio whilst Lauren was giving instructions on how to best slice the 'Guy' root.

"The root is very sensitive so I would be gentle at first, and then quickly go down on the 'Guy' with all your might."

"Do you go down on guys, miss?" There came a little shout from the back. Lauren did not blush easily so kept her calm façade in place – underneath she was fuming to be spoken to in that manner by a small child.

"Who said that?" she said, straightening from where she had been demonstrating on the root and staring out across the class.

A few telltale heads turned to look at Scorpio, who sat, blond head held hair, smirking at her.

"Mister Parkinson, perhaps you would care to come to the front of the class for a moment?"

The boy stood up behind his desk but made no move towards the front. "My name is Malfoy!" he shouted, spittle flying from him in an extremely unattractive manner and his face reddening.

"Oops." Lauren smiled sweetly at him. "Well, Mister Parkinson-Malfoy, I suggest that in future you keep your mind out of the gutter, or you might just find the rest of yourself ending up there too. Sit down."

Smiling again with giddy satisfaction Lauren watched the boy sit and knew that she would be just fine in this school.


That evening, Severus was sat in the Great Hall eating his dinner when Lauren plopped down heavily with a sigh in the seat beside him. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"My day was fine thanks, I'm just tired." She said humorously answering his unspoken question. "Although I did meet an interesting little boy in my first lesson – a Scorpio Parkinson-Malfoy."

Severus nodded. "Yes, he can be a…difficult child."

"You can say that again. He has a filthy mind, you know." Lauren said, thrilled her and Severus were managing a normal conversation.

"Does he? I thought that was your speciality around here." He smirked at her. "How do you know the contents of his mind?"

Lauren poured gravy over her meal and snorted. "He pretty much shared them with the rest of our class."

"With no encouragement?" Severus questioned. Lauren didn't like the slight accusation in his voice.

"No without any -" Lauren stopped and chewed thoughtfully on a piece of beef before answering. "I can't help it if my classroom is awash with innuendo."

Severus smirked again. "Yes, I believe that was your problem last year with a Mister Andrew Seamen."

Lauren burst out laughing nearly spilling her glass of wine down her front. Many heads of students looked up, staring at the snarky DADA professor and the new, apparently hysterical potions mistress.

Severus, for a brief moment, smiled at Lauren and her contagious laughter, until reality crashed back down.

He stood up abruptly causing her to cease laughing at look up at him with worried eyes.

He leaned down, placing his mouth next to her ear and whispered dangerously. "I have a reputation, one that I wish to retain. I also believe I've told you nothing will happen here. Drop it, witch." He straightened up and walked away, but as he passed by the back of her chair, Lauren's hand flew out and, just for the briefest of seconds, their fingertips touched. It was enough to send electricity racing through her for minutes afterwards.


At ten o'clock Lauren arrived outside Severus chamber door. It was well disguised and could only be found if you were looking for it – which she was.

She knocked and the door flew open almost instantly. He had a half smile on his face…until he looked at her.

"Oh…" Lauren could have cried. He looked so disappointed. "I'm sorry. Were you expecting someone else?" He didn't speak, just stared at her. "I'll go." Lauren said hurriedly and turned to leave.

"I was expecting someone else, in a way." Lauren didn't bother to ponder this. "What can I help you with?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, but if you're busy…"

He sighed and stepped out into the hallway. "I thought I'd made myself clear – I don't want to be your friend, I barely want to be your colleague, I don't want anything to do with you! So if you're eager for idle chit chat I suggest you try Minerva, or even one of the kitchen elves, rather than me." His voice was low and tired. It sent shivers through her spine. His voice was delicious. She imagined that if it were a food, it would be the darkest, richest chocolate truffle. She lost herself in the thought of it melting on her tongue before snapping back to the real world.

"I didn't come here for idle chit chat. We need to talk about us, to get our feelings out in the open. I can't live on the edge all year, believing you're my friend again one moment and getting the cold shoulder the next!"

He stared down at her for several moments, long and hard. She stared back defiantly.

Eventually, he stepped back and allowed her to enter his chambers. "Come in, then."


Lauren sat on his leather sofa; he stood in front of her with his back to the roaring fire, casting his face in shadow. He frightened her once again, though she would not show it.

"You wanted to talk…" he drawled. "So talk."

Lauren suddenly felt nervous and wondered what the hell she was playing at. "I just…I can't go on like this."

"I've made myself perfectly clear – there is nothing between us. You left me. End of story. Game over. You loose." He bit out each word.

Lauren felt a big lump rising in her throat and swallowed. "I think we've both lost out here."

He suddenly swooped away and sat behind his desk at the other side of the room, staring at her intently. It made her blush. Only he could do that to her. She loved it.

"Maybe. Maybe there was a time I cared I had lost you. But time heals wounds, and I've gotten over you. I suggest you do the same."

Lauren stood and walked over to his desk. She walked around it and stood in front of where he sat, his knees poking into the tops of her thighs in a very sexual manner.

She noticed he very subtly widened his legs – it was almost definitely subconscious and he probably didn't know he'd done it. But his brain did; which meant he still wanted her.

"I don't want to get over you, Severus." She leaned down and whispered into his ear, ignoring the fact he stiffened and looked down her top. "I want to get under you."



Thought Lauren as minutes later, Severus was licking a long wet trail down from between her exposed breasts further down and down and down…

He hit the spot and she ran her hands through his hair, pushing his face closer to her thrusting, wet sex. As his firm, flexible tongue ran circles literally around her aching clit she felt herself drawing closer and close to that inevitable high that came with sex – especially sex with Severus Snape.

She came hard, her eyes tightly shut as she held Severus' face between her thighs with a shuddering sigh.


As she awoke the next morning underneath the potion masters bed sheets, the early morning sun coming through the windows filtering through her eyelids. They fluttered open and as she took in her surroundings she could not help but smile. Severus was spooning her from behind, his now flaccid large member resting on the in between her thighs.

She sighed and snuggled backwards onto him. He awoke. She could tell because he started to harden between her. She smiled wider, but it quickly fell fast as he rolled away and stood up. She rolled over too and saw his backside disappearing quickly into the bathroom where it shut with a bang.

Frowning, Lauren stood and started to scavenge around for her missing clothes. She managed to locate them all, apart from her underwear which seemed to have vanished completely. Tired from all the sex, sad from his reaction to having her in his bed and now miserable from lack of vital clothing she was near to tears already when he emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam fully dressed.

He glared at her for a moment before a slight smirk came to his eyes and he held out a pair of black underwear. She pouted and made to snatch them away from him, but he withdrew his arm. She lunged forward again and he sidestepped her. She laughed and wrapped both her arms about him, trying to pin his arms to his side. He easily slid out of her grasp, but her hand caught him at the last moment, spinning him off balance. As he tumbled down he pulled her with him, until they landed in a big pile on the floor. Lauren sat atop him on his chest and smiled down at him. He merely stared up at her, obviously deep in thought. It disturbed her and she soon broke the eerie silence.

"So…?" She asked an unspoken question.

He shrugged with a hint of mirth. "Yes, I suppose I can manage being your colleague for now."

She laughed. "So is there anything we need to do? Alert the headmaster that two of his best professors are dating?" She said with a giggle, bending to kiss the tip of his nose.

He didn't smile and looked up at her with unusually dark eyes. "I wasn't joking when I said I was just your colleague."

Lauren merely stared at him. All the air had been sucked out of her lungs, and her world was falling apart.

He laid stiffly beneath her, waiting for some sorts of reaction.

"Lauren, I told you earlier that I do not want a relationship with you again…well, not that we had much of one in the first place."

She swallowed and turned her upwards, staring at the ceiling as she blinked back tears. She let out one strangled sob before pushing her self up off him.

He stayed on the floor and half sat up as she struggled into her shoes, smothering whimpers.

"Lauren," he began.

"No! Don't you dare!" She screamed, pointing a shaking finger at him.

"I told you that you couldn't just bat your lashes and all would be forgotten!" he found himself yelling again.

She stood over him looking murderous and for once he felt scared for his life.

"I can't believe that I have now twice found myself in the bed of a dirty," her voice had started soft and was now rising, "bastard, fucking death eater!"

She raised one high heeled foot and brought it down sharply on Snape's chest, right above his heart. He coughed and rolled over, clutching himself in pain.

She bent over him. "That is a fraction of the pain I am feeling right now."

She turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. He lay on the floor, hearing her footsteps echoing along the corridor, up the stairs and finally across the floor in the room above him. He heard a few bangs and then silence. He stood, brushed himself off and went to class.

Business as usual for Severus Snape.

please please please please please please please please review ;)
