My Aladdin

A/N: Thank you for the amazing response to the first part of this. I hope you all enjoy this and review once again. Thanks. X

Disclaimer: Same as before

Part 2

Troy could feel eyes on his the whole time he was out but he couldn't figure out why or see anyone around him paying particular interest to him.

Heading back home after an unsuccessful day, Troy felt himself pounced upon from behind.

"We know the Princess is staying with you so if you and your sister want to stay alive then listen up."

Troy's eyes widened at the mention of Arabella. His voice was serious as he warned them. "Leave my sister out of this."

"We will do." A gruff voice responded as Troy was surrounded by palace guards. "You and your sister can walk away if you comply with our rules. First, you must take us to the Princess. Secondly, you must have no further contact with the Princess and finally, you and your sister leave Albuquerque and never return. Do we have a deal?"

Troy hesitated as the guard who'd pounced on him twisted his arm making Troy squirm. "Fine, fine. We'll go. Just don't hurt either of them and give me a chance to say goodbye."

The guard who seemed to be in charge nodded. "Lead the way."


Troy entered the empty run down building and headed up the stairs with several guards following silently behind him.

"Arabella?" Troy called and picked her up as soon as she appeared.

"Troy?" Her replica blue eyes saw the panic in Troy's which scared her.

"Gabi?" Gabriella stood up and walked over to him. He leaned down and kissed her passionately before pulling back and leaning down to her ear to whisper. "I love you, Gabriella Montez, and I always will."

Gabriella looked at his slightly stunned by his words. Before she could speak up, her father's personal head guard appeared. "You're a pretty hard person to track down."

Gabriella looked back Troy whose face was full of hurt and regret. 'I'm sorry.' Troy mouthed as he watched the men lead Gabriella out and into an awaiting car, against her will. "Go get your stuff, Bella, we're leaving."


Gabriella slammed her father's door open after over hearing the threat the guards had issued Troy with on the way back. "I fucking hate you! Hate you! Hate you! Do you like seeing me miserable? Is that why you can't let me be happy?"

"Sweetie, you were living with two street rats. They're no good for you, trust me. You are and deserve so much better."

Gabriella screamed in frustration. "They're not street rats, father. I love them more than anyone else because they love me too for who I am not what I am. No matter who you try and choose, I'll never love anyone but Troy."

Luigi Montez flinched as his daughter walked out the room and slammed the door behind her in frustration.


Troy and Arabella had left Albuquerque three months ago but had never settled anywhere. Troy and Arabella both missed Gabriella more than anything which is why they were returning to Albuquerque, risking punishment to let her know they would always be waiting if she wanted them.

"Ok, you stay here and I'll come back for you when it's safe. Do you understand?" Arabella nodded. "Good girl. I love you."

She kissed his cheek before watching him leave their former home as she wrapped herself in a blanket Gabriella had given her – it had been a comfort blanket for Gabriella when she was younger.

A few minutes after Troy left, Arabella climbed down the stairwell on the outside of the building to follow Troy, too afraid to be left alone without Troy or Gabriella around.


Gabriella heard raised voices coming from downstairs and decided to go see what was going on.

"Who let this street rat in?" She heard one of the guards yell as she descended down the stairs.

"Please, sir." Gabriella sprinted the rest of the way towards the back door hearing the familiar sobbing girl speak.

"Arabella?" Gabriella pushed past her mother and father and several guards to pick the heartbroken girl up. "Hey, sweetie, what's wrong? Where's your brother?" Wiping the tears from her scared face, she then rubbed her back soothingly, trying to encourage the fragile young girl to open up and talk. "Bella?"

Arabella sniffled hearing Gabriella use the nickname her brother gave her. "Some men beat Troy up and t-took h-him aw-away."

Gabriella turned to her father. "Release him or I'll go for good. I'll leave the country and you'll never find me." Gabriella threatened knowing her father and his guards were probably behind this.

The king nodded at someone as Maria led Gabriella and Arabella upstairs.

"How about I find this little girl some of your old clothes and then you can go talk to your father again?"

Gabriella looked down at the scared girl in her arms before turning to answer her mother. "I'm going to get her settled in my room while you try and find those clothes and then I'm going to Troy. It's up to you whether you want to help both Troy and I by looking after Arabella while I go or I'll go ask Taylor if you won't."

"Gabriella, mija, I'm on your side believe it or not. I want to see you happy and if this Troy person does that for you then I approve."

Gabriella sighed. "I'm sorry, mami. I didn't mean for you to get caught in the middle of all this. I'm just so angry."

Maria opened Gabriella's bedroom door for her. "I know and it's ok. I'm going to go look for those clothes and then I'll be back. You just look after this little one."

Gabriella sat on her bed and turned Arabella to face her, the blonde hair girl's grip never letting up once. "Are you ok? Did anyone hurt you? What happened?"

Arabella shook her head. "Nobody saw me. Troy had told me to stay hidden at home but I snuck out and followed him because I was scared on my own." Gabriella dried her tears again as she continued. "The guards were shouting at him because they said he shouldn't have come back but we really, really had to because we missed you. Troy was worried about you." She stopped to take a breath. "These other really big scary men then pushed him and Troy was telling them to stop but they wouldn't." Her sobs were barely controllable. "They took him somewhere and I couldn't find them. I want Troy."

"Shh. I know you do and I promise I'll get him back for you. You know you're very brave for doing the right thing in coming to find me and telling me." Gabriella told her with tears in her own eyes.

"I didn't know where I was going and I remembered you said I could come to you here." Gabriella held Arabella close, unaware of her mother watching and listening to everything from the doorway.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." Gabriella nodded at her mother signalling for her to come in. "I couldn't find much but at least they're dry. I've asked someone to go get some new clothes for her. Why don't you let me go bath her and get her some food while you go sort everything out?" Maria suggested.

Turning her attention to check with the young girl, Gabriella spoke. "Will you be ok to stay with my mom while I go help Troy?" The young girl nodded. "I'll be back as soon as I can." Gabriella kissed her forehead before handing her over to her mother and disappearing out the room.


Gabriella walked into the city's main dungeons; shivers running down her back as she passed the city's real criminals as the prison officer lead her down to Troy. As soon as she saw him, her heart fluttered but ached at the same time seeing his bruised and battered body.


Her angelic voice made his ears perk up, his eyes making their way up her body to her face. "Gabriella."

She launched forward at him and he only just about caught her in his arms as he stood. Her scent filled his nose as he buried his head in her hair. "I've missed you so much and I'm so sorry." Her grip tightened on him, making him wince as his bruised body suddenly remembered its condition. "Sorry. Come on, let's get you out of her and cleaned up. I have someone back at the palace waiting for you."

Troy was beyond confused as she led him out of the place which felt pretty close to hell to him.


Gabriella ordered Troy to go shower as soon as they reached the palace, – Troy had protested the whole way about needing to get back to Arabella but Gabriella had assured him she had it covered – handing him a towel and some clean clothes her mother had gathered for him.

"I promise I'll be here when you're done. Now go." She placed one last kiss on his lips and tapped his backside as he turned making him smile.

"I won't be long."

Once he'd disappeared into the bathroom, Gabriella walked out of the guest bedroom next to her room and went to find her mother and Arabella.

Heading downstairs after checking her room, she stopped just outside the kitchen when she saw her father.

"Gabi, I-"



"No, dad, I'm not interested in anything you have to say because your people hurt the guy I love following your orders." Gabriella pushed past her father and walked into the kitchen where Arabella and her mom were sitting whilst talking to the cook, Zeke. "Arabella, come with me. I have a surprise for you."

The petite girl slid off her seat and took Gabriella's hand as they headed back upstairs. "What is it?"

Gabriella smiled. "You'll have to close your eyes and I'll carry you the rest of the way. Can you do that?" Arabella nodded. Picking her up, they headed back to the guest room where Troy was now probably waiting with the time it had taken her to get from one part of the palace to another. Opening the door, Gabriella put a finger to her lips telling Troy to be quiet when his eyes fell on the pair. "You can open your eyes now."

Arabella opened her blue eyes and jumped out of Gabriella arms to allow her to reach her brother. "Troy! Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. What about you?"

Arabella nodded. "Gabriella and Mrs Montez have been looking after me. Gabriella's friends, Chad and Taylor and Zeke are funny."

"Thank you." Troy turned to Gabriella who smiled and walked into his embrace. "How did you end up here anyhow?" Arabella filled Troy in on the same story as she had told Gabriella before.

"Are you mad I snuck out?" Arabella asked, hesitantly.

"Of course not. I'm sorry I left you alone. I promise I'll never do it again." Troy hugged his sister close as they lay on the bed in the room.

"How about you go find Zeke and ask him to make you some of my cookies? They're really yummy and I'm sure if you ask nicely he'll let you help him make them." Gabriella suggested knowing Troy wanted to talk without Arabella around.

The couple waited for the door to close before Troy spoke up. "We can't stay here." He pointed out.

"Yes you can and you will. I'm not letting you and especially not Arabella go back on the streets. I was stupid enough the first time I knew to leave you guys there. I'm not losing you again." Gabriella moved from her position at the foot of the bed to being curled up in Troy's arms.

"But what about your dad? I know he won't be happy I'm here."

"My dad can go to hell. He forced you out of my life and out of the city and ordered you be beat up should you return when he knew full well how I felt about you."

Troy smiled. "How do you feel about me? Strictly speaking, I clearly remember telling you how I felt but you never got the chance to respond and tell me how you feel."

Gabriella moved so she was straddling Troy. "I am very much so in love with you, too."

Troy flipped them over causing Gabriella to squeal, ignoring the pain searing through his body. "That's very good to know because I am very much still in love with you." Gabriella pulled his down the rest of the way crashing their lips together; the two felt for the first time in their lives like real teenagers.


Gabriella had fallen asleep in Troy's arms while Arabella had been given Gabriella's room. Gabriella's mother, Maria, had popped her head in on Troy and Gabriella to let them know Arabella was asleep. Troy had been awake when she'd entered, Maria playfully but still semi-seriously warned Troy she was trusting them to stay together in a room, – not more than sleeping was to happen – something Gabriella's father would completely disapprove of.

Not being able to sleep, Troy carefully and quietly slid out of the bed, cautious of not wanting to wake Gabriella up. She looked so peaceful and angelic when she slept. Heading to one particular room in the palace that Gabriella had pointed out; Troy took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

A deep voice answered. "Come in."

Troy turned the gold door handle and entered the room, making sure the door was fully closed behind him. "Sorry to interrupt, King Montez."

The King, Luigi, turned from his desk to focus on the young man causing him so many problems. "What are you doing here, Mr Bolton?"

"I just wanted to say thank you for letting me go." Troy told him.

He sighed. "I only did it for Gabriella's sake."

"You know, although she may sat she hates you, she doesn't. I can tell. I think she just wants you to be her dad for a change and not the king when you talk to her. She misses you but the only way she can get your attention nowadays is by not talking to you or doing something drastic."

The elder man's face was blank. "I don't know who you think you are to tell me how to treat my own daughter. I mean you left your daughter to wonder the streets alone. I honestly don't know what my daughter see's in a street rat like you."

Troy did the opposite of what his head was telling him to do as he walked further into the room. "Forgive me, sir, if I'm stepping out of place here but I love your daughter and care about her feelings unlike some of the Princes you try and enforce on her. I know she deserves so much more than me but I love her and know leaving her causes not only me but pain to her too. She's my world and I would do anything to give her what she deserves. And the girl you think is my daughter is actually my sister. I've raised her since birth after my mother died in labour and my father and family abandoned us. Never would I intentionally put her in any danger unnecessarily so please get your faces right before you accuse me of anything." Troy walked out of the room leaving King Luigi slightly surprised that for once someone was standing up against him and not just backing down. Maybe he'd been wrong about this young man after all.


Troy, Gabriella and Arabella were eating breakfast outside on the patio with Maria.

"Where did you go last night? I woke up and you were gone." Gabriella asked as Troy turned to face her, his hand playing with her natural long, curled hair.

"Just had some things on my mind."

"Anything you want to talk about?"

Troy shook his head at her offer. "Thanks but I'll be fine. Would you mind watching Bella for me this morning as I need to try and find a job while I don't look a scruff because we really can't stay here permanently."

Gabriella sighed knowing it was something Troy needed to do for himself. "Sure."

Before either could speak again, they were interrupted. "There really is no need because it's sorted."

Everyone turned to see Luigi standing there. "I'm confused." Troy spoke up.

"If you are ok with it, I have an important job that I think you are perfect for." Troy and Gabriella looked at each other confused. "I need a personal guard here every day to take care of my daughter and my wife when she is around. No one else seems fit enough to do the job. What do you say?" The confusion was clear on Troy's, Gabriella's and even Maria's faces.

"Are you serious?"

Luigi nodded, smiling. "Are you up for it or do I need to find someone else to look after my daughter on a day-to-day business? "

"Thank you, sir."

Gabriella sat completely confused as her father shook Troy's hand before taking an empty seat in between Maria and Arabella. "What? Can't I just enjoy some quality time with my wife, daughter and my daughter's boyfriend and sister?"

Maria and Gabriella exchanged a look knowing he never did this so something must be up. "Explain." Gabriella said grabbing Troy's hand on the table in concern.

"You got yourself a pretty decent boyfriend there." Gabriella turned to Troy who just shrugged in reply. "Gabriella, mija, I'm sorry. I just wanted what was best for you always but sometimes I think instead I actually forgot what was best for my little girl. I just want you to be happy and if it's a street rat," Gabriella glared at him, "and not a prince that does that for you then I guess that's ok." Gabriella seemed genuinely shocked by her father. "Forgive me? I promise I'll make more time for just daddy and Gabi time, if you'll let me?" Gabriella smiled and nodded. "Thank you. Now, I've heard from Chef Baylor we have a new cook in the making." Luigi turned his attention to Arabella, his eyes shining in happiness as he remembered the times when Gabriella was that age. "How about you and I go raid the kitchen and make some of my famous chocolate brownies?" Arabella nodded as Gabriella smiled seeing for the first time in a long time her father again and not just a king.

Maria got up and followed her husband, leaving the young couple alone.

"I know you said something so don't even try and deny it but thank you." You gave me my dad back."

"You are most welcome. It was the least I could do but I think it's going to take a while to sink in the fact your father is the king. On top going from living on the streets and rundown buildings to this!" Gabriella watched Troy intently as he stared at the surroundings.

Watching from the window in the kitchen, the three sets of eyes watched the two as Troy held Gabriella in his arms and knew Troy was the only Prince this Princess would need in her real life fairy tale.

A/N: Please review and let me know your thoughts! I don't care if it's a short review or you feel like leaving a random review, just please review because feedback helps me heaps. Thanks. X