This is the "censored" version of the fic, if you wanna read the "uncensored" one check my profile for further information.

If you are under the age of 18 you shouldn't read this fic as tempting as it can be. Even if it has been censored it still has adult contents.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters of this story.


She was sad and crying outside of the orphanage. The world hated her. Why? Because she was a half-elf: the most despicable being in the world. Did she have any reason to live in a world that would never accept her? She couldn't find any. Her parents, the only people that had ever shown some love to her, were now dead and everyone else hated her just for being alive.

"Hi…" A shy voice greeted behind her.

She lifted her head to see the owner of the voice and she saw a young boy with blue hair and sapphire eyes. His clothes were dirty and ragged, and his pale skin had a large mosaic of wounds and bruising.

"And what do you want?" She asked coldly. Did that kid want to revenge all of his angers by beating her? That wouldn't be very surprising.


And without saying anything more, the boy with introverted and melancholy eyes took a seat at her right side. And for some unknown reason that gesture appeased her and all the hopeless thoughts began to leave her mind.

"My name is Decus."

She still had doubts about the intentions of the boy but decided to give him a chance; He seemed to be too pathetic to be dangerous.

"I'm Alice."

The boy began to cry when he heard her pronounce her name.

"Would you like to be my friend?" He asked desperately.

She had never had a friend. No one, with the exception of hers parents, had ever looked at her with kind eyes. But having that boy near her made her feel less lonely in the world, so she just smiled and nodded with her head. A wide smile suddenly crossed the boy's face. Where would that answer carry her? Only time would tell.


Pain. That was all she could feel. Pain in her head. Pain in the back. Pain in her legs. Pain in her arms. Pain in her eyes. There wasn't any inch of her body not squirming in pain. When she finally managed to open her eyelids all she was able to see was deformed forms and colors: black , blue, red, white.

"Today is the 765th day. I guess that… that this one was just another scam too."

Soon, all the memories of the last few events began to come back to her mind. And as soon as they came she wanted them to leave her mind.

"Alice… You always- - You always said that I disgusted you."

The clearer the image was, the more terrifying was the reality.

"But I…"

She began to beg that all the memories were false. That her mind was only playing with her. That what she had before her was nothing but an illusion.

"I love you…"

But when the image finally cleared up it proved all her fears were right. In front of her in a pool of blood was lying the lifeless body of her friend and lover, Decus.


Using all her might she managed to put herself on four legs, but as soon as she took the position an immense pain crossed her back sending her to the soil again. "Aaah!" The blood began to flow freely for the recently re-opened wound. Using all her might she crawled over the pool of blood and exhaustedly dropped herself over his torso. Desperately and without knowing if it would work she began to cast one of her healing spells.

"You don't need to do it all by yourself. I can be your knight."

"Don't you mean my slave?"

"I'd be happy with that, too."

Alice began to cry. "If I hadn't been so arrogant."

"Alice, maybe you shouldn't obsess over power so much."

"Why? Have you forgotten how my parents died?"

Decus didn't respond to the treatment "If—if I hadn't obsessed."

"I hate relying on others. And you are a human. You might start treating me like all humans treat half-elves. You could betray me at any time."

"I would never betray you."

"I'm the only one I could ever trust."

"Alice, wait!"

"Shit! If only I had paid attention to him!" All his wounds were already cauterized but Decus's face was still smiling proudly for his sacrifice. Death was laughing at her.

"If-- if I had only been more powerful!" She cursed herself for not being able to protect him.

She didn't know what to do. She had spent all her mana trying in vain to revive him but it seemed to be completely useless; he was already dead. So without any more ideas she did what her instincts told her to do, and so she embraced him and begged for a miracle. "Decus, I- I love you." The weeping choked her words. "You- you ca-- can't leave me." Alice was well aware that her words and tears wouln't be able to resurrect him, but even if it was stupid she hoped that they did. "Decus… Please…" The only thing she wished for was one of those hugs she had always rejected. "Why Decus?" To hear him telling her that everything was going to be fine. "After all I did to you. Why did you give your life for me? Why!?"

"My life is yours."

"Ha! It's easy talk. I'm sure that you would let me die if something bad was about to happen."

"What!? Never! I would rather die than let something bad happen to you."

"Liar! You should give up and forget about it. You would never get my heart with those dirty tricks."

"Why you did you do it!?" She screamed. "Why!?"

Suddenly a hand caressed her face and hair. "Cause you are my only friend, and I love you."


"How romantic… each time I remember it…"

"It didn't happen like that!"

"No? Are you sure? Because that's how I remember it!"

Under the look of the moon and the light of the stars Alice and Decus were in the perpetually snowy city of Flanoir. A week had passed since the disastrous events in the Monsters Graveyard. And even if the superficial wounds were completely healed other wounds had began to open.

"That doesn't justify your lies!"

"O.K, O.K… Maybe I've dramatized it a little."

"Dramatized!? That's what you call it now!?"

"I only know I was dead." Decus told as he began one of his dramatic shows. "I was falling into the deep shades of the Niflheim." Suddenly he looked to the sky. "There was no one around me." He looked at Alice. "But when all my hopes were disappearing…" He took her hand. "Your beautiful visage appeared before me making me know that I was alive!"

Alice took away her hand. "Idiot." She said in a serious voice. "Can't you see that you almost died there?"

"Alice!" Decus exclaimed, surprised. "Then it's true! You do! Don't you? You love me too!"

"How many times I've got to tell you that I don't--" She suddenly sighed and stopped. "I'm already tired of this."

"I don't care If you love me or not. You can count with me anyway."

"Decus I--" Alice took a deep breath. "Listen Decus. I don't love you. At least I don't feel anything in the stomach or all those things people say that you feel when you are in love. But the truth is that… That we have lived together for a long time and…" Alice stopped to think the correct words to express what she wanted to say. She couldn't find any. "And when I saw your body on the ground, I thought you were dead! And a part of me died at that moment." Alice closed her hands in fists and looked ashamedly to the ground. "All this time I've been trying to convince myself that I didn't feel anything for you. And I really wish it was like that, because everything would be easier in that way. But the truth is that even…" But in the middle of her explanation when she looked up to Decus she saw something she didn't expect. "Why are you crying?"

"And what else do you want me to do!?" He asked rhetorically. "I've always thought that you found me disgusting. And now you love me back!?" Suddenly Decus stopped crying and started laughing in a maniacal manner. "Haha- haha. Hahahaha!"

Had he finally fallen into the madness? Had she played so much with his emotions that he was unable to believe her? Had she finally made fall off the cliff? "Decus! Are you O.K?" Decus's laughing was giving her a chill. He hadn't acted like that since he was in contact with Solum's Core and that was something she didn't like to remember.

"Hahaha! If I'm fine, are you asking?" Alice took a step back. "Hahaha! I'm better than fine!" Decus knelt over the snowed soil and looked at the sky opening his arms. "I'M DEAD!"

"Mommy! Mommy! Look." A little kid said pointing at Decus. "What's up with that man?"

"Shhh… Don't look at him son. Just keep walking." The mother answered to her son as she began to walk a little faster.

"What the hell are you doing idiot!?" Alice asked grasping his shoulders. "Stop making a scene!"

"This must be a fruit of my own imagination." Decus said getting up and ignoring Alice's words. "It must be!"

"Me? A fruit of your imagination!?" Alice repeated, offended. "I'm real!" And after those words she slapped, him making him fall to his butt over the ground.

Decus touched his burning cheek. "This is-- is this real? Then… All you said is true?"

Without any unnecessary words, and after verifying that the acts were more efficient than words, Alice grabbed the leash Decus had tied around his neck and pulled it next to her until she was face to face with him. "Thank you for everything." After whispering those tender words she gave him, a long passionate kiss, enclosing her lips with his and introducing her tongue in his lover mouth.

Decus couldn't believe what was happening to him. All his muscles froze as her lips caressed his.

"A- Alice." He said, stunned, once the kiss was over.

She hugged him and rested her head in his chest hearing his beating heart. Alice felt something that she had never felt before or that she had never allowed herself feel. Was it love? Suddenly she took Decus's hand and ran with him to the inn. She needed to prove something.

Once they were at the inn Alice pushed Decus inside the room and closed the door behind her.

"Alice. Wha- what's wrong?" Decus couldn't understand the sudden actions of his beloved.

"Decus." She needed to prove it. As selfish as it was, she needed to know the truth. "I want to consummate the time lost."

"Oh! It was only that. You just wanted to consummate the--" Decus stopped for two seconds to analyze the implicit meaning of the sentence. When he understood what she meant, he took some back steps until his legs hit the bed making him fall onto it. "A-Alice. Don't get me wrong. I would love too but I have the feeling that we wouldn't be doing it for the right reasons."

Alice looked annoyed at him.

Decus looked at her with a serious expression. "Are you sure?" Alice nodded. "If that's what you want. You'll get it."

He got up and walked to the bathroom. Of course whatever would make Alice happy would make him happy too. He loved her more than his own life. But for some reason he didn't feel right about it.

Once inside the bathroom he began to walk from one side to the other. "And what am I supposed to do now?" He stopped before the mirror "Will she like me?" After taking a look of himself in the mirror, he removed his jacket and his black vest. "Should I remove my pants too? Hmm… No. I don't want to give to her the wrong impression." Then he removed his shoes and socks. After looking to himself one more time he took out his ponytail "Much better." He looked one last time to the mirror. He was only dressed with his pants and his blue leash. He thought that maybe he should remove it too, but he decided not to do it, after all, that leash was a gift that Alice bought him for his twenty-one birthday. "O.K Decus. You can do it. Go out and show her how much you love her." After himself encouragement Decus opened the door with decision and firmness. "Alice! Your blue prince De-e-e-c-c…"

"Something wrong Decus?"

Alice was sat at the corner of the bed just dressed with her long pink shirt handkerchief-style and her puffy shorts.

"P-p-perfectly." Decus answered squeezing his teeth and grasping strongly the door frame.

"Are you sure?" She asked playfully. "You are completely red and some blood is coming out from your nose."

Decus verified the information touching his upper lip. "This? Oh, this is nothing. But if you excuse me a moment I'll enter again in the bathroom again. I need to… I need to clean my nose. Yeah, that's it… Clean my nose." Once inside the bathroom he closed the door and pulling down his pants and his underpants he took a piece of toilet paper. "Premature ejaculation… Damn! Just what I needed." Once it was completely cleaned he removed his underpants, put his pants on, and after cleaning his nose he come out of the bathroom.

Alice was lying over the bed waiting for her lover.

Decus nodded and began to walk to the bed. "Here I go." But when he was finally near her, he took some steps back. "No. I can't." Decus tried again. "I gotta do it. I can't fail her." But when he was again in front of her he took some steps back; again. "No. I can't"

Alice sighed at his strange reactions. Though, after so many years together nothing could really surprise her anymore.

"She is prefect… I- I can't touch her. That would be to taint her! Her soft and tender skin… Her perfect legs, her delicate hips, her swan neck, her soft breast… Stop you damn perv! But she is so- so beautiful… No! This is wrong… I'm not worthy of her. Not only that but she is eighteen and I'm twenty-four. That would be desecrate her body. I… I don't have such a right."

But Alice's patience had a limit. "What's wrong now Dumbo-Decus!?"

"Listen, Alice. It's not that I don't want to do this… I've been wanting to do this since I was twenty." Decus noticed something in his sentence and tried to rectify it. "No wait! I didn't mean that I wanted to have sex with you when you were fourteen and I was twenty. What I wanted to say is that I've always wanted to show you how much I love you."

Alice noticed Decus's difficulty and nervousness and she decided that it was a good moment to play with him. "Have you ever masturbated thinking of me?"

"I've always loved you but-- What!?"

"I've asked if you have ever rubbed you dick thinking that you were fucking me." She said coldly pointing herself to make the situation tenser.

"No! Never!" His first reaction was to lie to her, but the lie didn't last too long since he was unable to betray her trust. "Well… Maybe a few times. But a very few times! And I've always felt very bad after doing it." Decus knelt and asked for forgiveness for his impure actions. "Forgive me Alice. I knew it was wrong. I was nineteen and you were only thirteen. But… but…"

Alice smiled looking at the results of such a simple question. She grabbed his hand and made him took a seat next to her on the bed.

"It's OK Decus… I understand it."

"It was wrong. I shouldn't have done it."

Alice hugged Decus. "It's OK. I don't care if you are a dirty pedophile." She got up from the bed and walked towards the bedside where she had left her toy rapier.

Decus tried to follow her "Even so I--" but when he got up he suffered a jerk at the neck. "But what…" When he turned his head to see the problem he saw that his leash had been tied at the bed's headrest.

"But..." she said while she waved her rapier. "You were a bad boy and now mommy has to punish you." She said, smiling, and bending the whip with her fingers.

Decus looked ashamedly to the ground but without any complaints, he took a four-legged position to recive his punishment.

"Well, well… If you are cooperative it'll be easier."


"Then. Let's begin the punishment," she said with a wide happy smile.


Each painful whiplash produced a subtle moan of pain from Decus and with each moan Alice's excitation grew more and more. Decus's moans were music for her ears so she decreased the interval time between whiplash and whiplash.



"Who was going to think that you would enjoy this as much as me?"




The lashes began to make cuts on Decus's back but the relief produced by the pain was pleasant. Not only the relief but the fact of being hit by Alice was producing in him a morbid excitation.




"You love it! Don't you?" She asked as she heard his moans become a little louder.




"My, my Decus… You aren't just a pedophile." she said almost laughing. "You are also a masochist!" Raising her arm she finally hit him one last time using all her might opening one last wound in his back.



Alice threw carelessly her whip to the floor. "But I can't blame you for that." She knelt delicately beside Decus. "After all…" she whispered, as she moved her hands over his waist and enclosed her lips near his open wounds "I'm a little sadistic." She began to lick the open cuts on his back tasting the sweet and metallic flavor of blood.

Decus moaned softly as he felt the hot and moist texture of Alice's tongue.

"The saliva is a natural disinfectant." She said, smiling with some blood still in her mouth. "I can't let my knight fall ill, can I?" Alice continued the delicious process until the blood of the last cut disappeared. Then she decided that it was the moment to take one step farther and she removed the leash from Decus's choker to release him.

"Turn around." The order was followed instantly.

Alice put her hands on the belt and while her hands unbuckled it her eyes looked at Decus's dumbfounded face.

"W-what are you going to do?" Decus said after hearing the zip of his pants.

"Isn't it obvious Dumbo-Decus?"

Decus breath was becoming faster and faster as he felt Alice's warm breath on every inch of skin. Was she really going to do it?

Alice looked surprised. But what did she expected to find? "Well at least I know that he wasn't trying to compensate for anything with that sword." But she hadn't arrived so far to stop so she took it with her fingers and began to rub it slowly. She was amazed to see how hard and hot it was becoming just with her touch.

"A-Alice you- you don't need to…" But his words were cut off as soon as he felt her tongue licking his most sensitive spot. "A-aaah."

"That I didn't need to do what?" She asked tantalizingly.

"If- if you continue- aaaah." His words were cut off again when she bit delicately the tip. Then she took it with her lips and began to move the teeth from side to side. When she looked up she saw Decus squeezing his teeth and grabbing the bed sheets with a strong grip. She finally took away her mouth.

"And? What you where about to say?" She said tantalizingly.

"P-please, s-s-s-stop. I- I won't be able to hold it any longer."

"Do you really want me to stop?" Decus looked ashamed but wasn't able to say anything "That's what I thought…" And without further words she resumed her job passionately moving her head up and down repeatedly.

"A-Alice!" She looked up to her lover without stopping. Her pupils were completely dilated and her cheeks blushed. To see her like that was too much for Decus. "Alice! Alice! Wait! No! No!" But despite his warnings Alice didn't stop. On the contrary. She began to do it faster until he wasn't able to hold it any longer.

Decus was barely able to talk. "A-Alice…" But she didn't respond. Instead she gave him a deep tongue kiss. Decus was took a little surprised but returned the kiss with the same passion.

Alice couldn't ignore anymore the wetness in her underwear. The heat produced by her clothes was beyond all bearing and she had begun to feel the urge of being touched in some personal places. Unable to stand it longer she removed her shirt and her puffy shorts and quickly she put herself over Decus' face.

Her soft and almost inaudible moans, the hypnotic and movement of her were driving him crazy. And it didn't take too long to Alice to notice that. "You want this. Don't you?" Decus sniffed strongly the alluring aroma unable to contain his libido any longer. This was more than enough for Alice to answer her question who opened her thighs. "Go ahead."

Decus nodded, and opening his mouth as far as he could, he sucked her panties trying to squeeze the ambrosia juices of her underwear in his mouth.

"Aaah… De-Decus…" Alice couldn't hold any longer. She needed to feel his warm tongue inside her. Using her fingers she put aside her panties. "Decus… Do it."

Taking her hips with both hands Decus began to lick her second pair of lips like a thirsty dog savoring each inch of her wet and warm inner flesh.

Alice began to sway her hips performing coital movements as pleasure began to overtake her. Alice took his head by the hair and pressed his face against her as she felt the unavoidable orgasm coming. "Decus! Hmm… Just- just a little more."

Decus obeyed and began to feast himself with great voracity until Alice burst in a strenuous orgasm. Overtaken by the pleasure Alice felt and lay over the bed.

Decus looked at Alice who was breathing heavily. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked concerned by her state.

"De-Decus…" Her breath was still a little unstable and agitated. "Let's-" She blushed not believing what she was about to say. "Let's do it." Decus was confused by the ambiguity of the question. "I want you inside me. I want to feel you inside my body."

His heart began to beat madly. Since the morbid games began he knew that it was just a matter of time but he never thought that she was going to be to one asking for it. He began to cry as he noticed that she really trusted him to do it. She loved him! It was the only reasonable answer. So he was going to surrender to her in body and soul. "Let's do it, Alice."

They undressed themselves completely until they were completely naked in front each other.

Decus couldn't believe how beautiful her naked body was. Her moon skin and her small, perfect breasts. He liked everything about her, from her pointed half-elf ears to her toenails, she was the incarnation of the perfection.

Alice was impressed too to see the man in front of her. Part of his long blue mane (free of his ponytail) rested over his pectorals. And even if she never was going to tell him, he was really hot. It was unbelievable how the weak and coward kid she once knew was now a real man. A man who loved her more than his own life.

Alice decided to take the dominant position and put herself over Decus. She smiled. She couldn't believe what she was about to do. The fetishes were one thing. This was other much more different. And even if both were a sample of trust, this was a farther step. Alice knew the meaning of what she was about to do, but she was willing to do it, after all Decus was the chosen one. So without a second's hesitation she began. "Aaaah…" Each inch it moved forward her core she felt more and more complete. She simply stayed still enjoying the plenitude she felt at that moment.

"Alice..." Decus began to cry. He couldn't be happier. He was forming part of her.

Soon Alice lifted her waist a few inches and let it fall again. Slowly she began to increase the repetition of this movement as the pleasure began to grow. Decus placed his hands over her hips accompanying in perfect symmetry each or her movements. Unable to stay still any more he rose up and embracing her with his arms he began to whisper at her earls how much he loved her and how much she meant to him. Alice began to feel how some hot tears began to moist her eyes as she knew everything he said was true. She adjusted herself to the new position embracing him with her arms and legs.

"Decus!" She rubbed her body against his as she nailed his back like a cat trying to keep herself caught with him.

Unable to stop her moans and hating to feel so great but not being able to stop she closed her mouth biting strongly his shoulder making him bleed in the process. But far from discouraging him, the pain produced by his back and shoulder mutilations only encouraged him more, and pulled both bodies over the bed forcing Alice under him. Part of her wanted to protest for his decisive act but she finally decided to enjoy each second of the pleasure that Decus was giving to her so she let her body completely limp and simply let herself be carried away by the pelvis movement of her lover.

"I love you Alice."

She simply nodded as tears of pleasure, joy and love began to run down her face.

Decus was aware that he couldn't be able to hold on much longer. Her naked body, tears and moans weren't making it easy to him. "Alice. Alice I-I can't- I- I'm going to cum."Alice just kissed him strongly as response. Both looked at each other eyes as Decus began to penetrate her faster and faster wanting to make her feel as much pleasure as he did. Finally both bodies surrendered to each other in a mutual orgasm.

"I love you Alice." She never responded to him. Even if she wanted, she just couldn't. But she felt too nice being with him like that, so instead of telling anything to him she just gave him the back and let him embrace her until they fell asleep.




Alice woke up yawning after hear the loud scream. "Wha-aaaaaa… What's going on Dumbo-Decus?" But when she looked to both sides of the bed she didn't see him. "Decus?"

"Aaaaaah! Here… Tsch. Aaah… On the floor."

"What are you doing down there complaining like an idiot?"

"I have… I have fallen from the bed." He said getting up awkwardly.

"Ptch… Whatever. Just put on anything and prepare the breakfast. Today I wanna make a visit to two old friends. I'm sure that they will be happy to see that we are alive."

"As you wish my beloved." He said wearing an apron without wearing anything else under it.

Alice smiled. She didn't know if it was love what she felt for him. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, she wasn't really sure about it. But she liked his company and friendship, and for now, it seemed to be enough.


Special thanks to my beta-reader whose name will be keep in the anonymity.