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Ziva stared in shock as her father loomed over her, a displeased expression on his face. Shooting from her chair she stood to greet him, confusion still evident on her face.

Standing tall she allowed her father to inspect her, swallowing hard as he took a step forward, closing the gap between them.

"Ziva." he greeted, taking her face in his hands and placing an emotionless kiss on her forehead. For a moment they just stood there, Ziva standing stiffly in front of her father as he continued to inspect her, her eyes cast down to the floor, not daring to look up at him. Making a noise that sounded like he was pleased, he stepped back.

"Look at me." He ordered, Ziva obeyed, lifting her head.

"What are you doing here?" she dared to asked, still not looking at him directly in the eye. Her father opened his mouth to say something when a whiny voice interrupted him.

"I phoned him." Ziva looked towards the stairs, frowning angrily as Doctor Crilling hopped towards them, pushing his glasses up his nose he stopped beside her father, she would have found their size differences amusing if it had not been for the lump she felt in her throat.

"You phoned him!?" she asked Crilling, her eyebrows raising high and her lips thinning. Doctor Crilling nodded, glancing between father and daughter. Clearing his throat.

"I phoned him after your session with me, he agreed to accompany you at the remainder of your session, I expect you both upstairs so we can sort out your issues…" Doctor Crilling said, the with a final glare at Director David, the turned on his heel and made his way upstairs.

Eli watched the retreating form of the physiatrist, then, angrily turned to his daughter she looked at him fearfully.

"Exactly what issues do we have?" he asked, warning in his voice. He took a menacing step forward, Ziva took on back, nearly falling on her desk.

She tried to speak, but her words come put as incoherent mumbling. He stepped forwards again, the vein in the side of his head seeming to grow.

Gibbs watched the scene unfold before him, debating with his self whether or not he should intervene.

"What issues!" He screamed, finely Ziva eyes glanced at Gibbs, pleading for his help. When he saw Eli raise his hand, he stepped in front of Ziva.

"It might be best if the two of you join Doctor Crilling in the meetings room, the sooner this is over, the sooner you can get back to the work I am sure you have to be doing" He said calmly.

The bulging vain in the Mossad Directors head seemed to disappear, and he nodded at Gibbs, looking over the marines shoulder at his daughter.

"Lets go, I don't want to be here any longer then I have to!" he said angrily then stepping round Gibbs, her tightly clasped a hand round Ziva's bicep and pulled her toward the stairs.

Gibbs watched them as they went.


Doctor Crilling sat quietly and observed the two people that sat opposite, their bodies tense and facing away from each other.

Eli sat straight with his hands clasped in front of him. His eyes unwavering as glared at the doctor through cold brown eyes. How white suit contrasted against the jet black chair he sat in, making him stand out.

Ziva didn't sit as straight as her father, and although her back was turned slightly away from him, Crilling could see her eyes searching the room, looking at him then quickly looking away.

"Is there anything that the both of you would like to discuss?" Crilling asked after a moments silence. They said noting.

"Do you have anything to say to your father Miss David?"

Ziva opened her mouth to say something, but one look at her father made her shut her mouth. Doctor Crilling noticed this and frowned.

"Talk and you get out of here. Don't talk you are going to be here a long time." he said, his eyes narrowing.

Taking a deep breath, Ziva bit her lip. Still facing away from her father she spoke.

"You were never there for me." she said quietly, glancing out the window at the far end of the room. The Director shrugged his shoulders.

"I have always been busy and I always will. Besides, every child should learn how to make it on their own in the world!" he explained. Ziva glanced angrily in his direction.

"Don't give me that, you were always there for Tali, for Ari…but never for me…Why!" she shouted, her fathers head snapped to look at her, anger clear in his eyes.

"Don't you dare talk to your father like that!" he warned. Ziva sighed

"But it's the only way you seem to hear what I am saying… what did I do that made you hate me so much?" she asked, her voice breaking. Her father looked at her, but said nothing.

"I always seemed to do something wrong, something to make you angry…I am sorry I wasn't perfect…but I am still your daughter, and you never treated me like it..."


"I'm talking, Everything I did was for you. When I could have been out with my friends, I stayed in and learned a new language…I trained until my bones cracked, but still I was always a dam disappointment to you!"

She fell silent, visibly shaking with anger and fear. Her father stared up at her, no emotion crossing his face. Finley, he sighed and stood up, forcing Ziva to look at him.

"That must have been the first time you have actually stood up to me Ziva…and you were never a disappointment to me…but you are still, just an officer of Mossad…nothing more."

He smiled and kissed her on the forehead then, with no more words spoken he started for the door. Ziva watched him go, her mouth slightly agape. when the door was closed, she turned to the doctor.

"Now that was a good start--" the doctor started, but two small but strong hands grabbed his fistfuls of his shirt and slammed him hard against the table.

"If you ever call my father again I will personally put a bullet through you skull, do you understand me!" she screamed at him, the doctor nodded fearfully, lost for words. pushing away from him she went for the door, slamming it behind her.


When she was out of the meetings room, she could see her father and Leon conversing quietly through the open doors of his office. Each with a cup of tea in front of him. She was so concentrated on the two Directors that she almost fell down the stars.

Regaining her composure, she descended the stairs and flopped down into her chair, folding her arms across her chest like a moody teen. She was getting sick and tired of her past coming and biting her on the ass, and she was pretty sure that the others felt the same way.

Sighing she looked round the Bullpen, and for the first time in all the time Doctor Crilling had been here, she smiled. Gibbs was drinking another cup of coffee, and from the pile of white polystyrene cups in his bin, it was probably his forth or fifth.

McGee sat quietly at his desk, the tapping of his keyboard being the only noise interrupting the silence. With his earphones hanging out phones ears he uncommonly moved his lips to the songs words.

Ziva then looked across at Tony, who was now enjoying a large burger and fries with a large can of soda, his desk bombarded with fast food wrappers, stray lettuce and piles of paper with greasy fingerprints. It was only then she noticed a sandwich wrapped up next to her computer, with a large Berry madness sitting beside it. She smiled and unwrapped her lunch, the Smell of steak and cheese greeting her nostrils.

She looked up at DiNozzo again , who smirked at her.

Biting down into her sandwich, she finely breathed a sigh of relief.

The past was past was past for a reason.


There ya are guys finished and done…hope you liked it…