AN: A silly little idea that popped into my head as I was trying to write something more serious and refused to leave until it was committed to paper.

Disclaimer: I don't own Atlantis etc, etc.

Keller's Challenge

As soon as Todd walked in front of the open puddle jumper door, Jennifer knew she had to help him. Unlike Colonel Sheppard and the others in the jumper, this was her first visit to a hive and she'd certainly never seen a being quite like him before. She looked him up and down several times and was totally mesmerised.

The bright feline eyes, the iridescent green glow of his skin, the slight smile that touched the corners of his wide sensual mouth, the fascinating star tattoo that circled his left eye and led her to think about what other tattoos might adorn other parts of his body. Combine these attributes with the sleek leather outfit and the deep, multi-layered voice and Jennifer knew she wouldn't be able to relax properly until she'd changed his destiny forever.

That meeting had gone well. He'd politely listened to her proposal about the gene therapy treatment although she knew everyone had doubts about whether or not he'd seriously consider going through with the whole thing.

And now he's here, on the Daedalus, in her laboratory, having further discussions with her about the feasibility of the treatment.

She's aware of his presence as he wanders around behind her, inspecting the monitors and other equipment, watching the results of her experiments roll across the screens. They discuss the prospect of how successful the treatment might be, who should take it, what it would do to the Wraith's whole sense of identity.

Finally he notices the two little bottles that she's place strategically next to her computer; his long slender fingers brush against hers as he reaches down to pick them up.

"What is this?"

"It's another treatment I thought you might be interested in."

"Indeed. Has it been tested?"

"Oh, yes extensively."

"And you think I would be interested?" Todd turns the little bottles over in his hands wishing he could read the labels.


"To what end? What are its benefits?"

"It'll help to get rid of the tangles. You just rub it in when your hair is wet, comb it through, rinse it out and then dry your hair as normal.

"For my hair?"


He is silent for several minutes, still turning the bottles over in his hands.

"I believe your treatment might have some benefits Doctor Keller." That cheeky little smile appears again and he bends his head closer to hers. "Especially if you'd care to help me apply it."


AN: In no way, shape or form does this story infer that I'd like to see Todd with smooth, straight hair!!