Warnings: Mech on Mech, nothing too hot and heavy

Edited by the wonderful Taralynden

Seduced via Saboteur

1 of ?

Vision blurred and after a moment Prowl jerked his head up again.

He was beginning to think reading over reports while soaking in one of the warm solvent baths was a bad idea. What was the point of having brought the reports with him if all he was going to do was fall into recharge over them.

Initially, he had come here to soak in the bath to help himself relax so he could get some decent recharge. Work just seemed to flow in nonstop, all of it accumulating on his desk. The amount of it lingered on his mind and he simply couldn't relax enough to get a proper recharge, not while all that work still lay untouched on his desk. Didn't matter is he knew he couldn't get it all done in one cycle, it was still….there.

Perched on one of the four seats inlaid in the side of the large sunken bath, the warm solvent solution settled comfortably around his waist. Prowl set a data pad on the floor, next to several others he'd brought with him, and twisted so he could lean on his elbows and read.

He didn't last long. Slowly, this time without jerking himself out of it, Prowl sank deeply into recharge. Slumping forward over several data pads his arm pillowing his head.

Jazz rubbed his sore neck and shoulders as he walked.

He'd been back from his mission for a few cycles now but the stiffness from crawling around and waiting in cramped spaces had yet to leave him completely. He'd seen Ratchet about it but there wasn't much the medic could do for him aside from a pain suppressing injection, which Jazz had declined. He may be within the safety of the base but he still liked to avoid anything that dulled his sharp senses too much. Having to defend himself while overcharged was very different than defending himself while drugged.

Drugs out of the question, he had tried recharging but his berth only seemed to agitate the problem. He had even took to standing for some time under the warm spray of solvent in the wash racks. While there had been some improvement, it wasn't enough to make him happy. It did, however, bring to mind a time when Prowl (of all mechs!) had told him, in one of those rare moments when Prowl wasn't talking tactics, how he would use the warm solvent baths late at night to help him relax.

Jazz had scoffed to himself, at the time, at Prowl's admission. Prowl didn't know what relaxation was, let alone how to indulge in it. He was too serious. Anything that might "relax" Prowl would probably make any other mech tense. But, at the present moment Jazz was willing to take any advise, even that of Prowl's, if it helped ease the stiffness and allowed him some recharge.

He entered the room, holding a nice sized cube of high grade, and looking straight ahead was surprised to find Prowl seated in one of the baths….slumped over. Jazz frowned, if the tactician had locked himself up again Ratchet wasn't going to be very happy. Moving quickly and quietly, Jazz made his way to Prowl's side. Kneeling down, Jazz could hear the soft rhythmic sound of Prowl's intakes and he had to smile. Prowl wasn't locked up, he was recharging. And deeply by the look of it.

Jazz looked at Prowl's relaxed face and suddenly realized he'd never before seen Prowl without that hard edged seriousness set firmly in his features. Without it, Prowl looked….young, if not a touch vulnerable. And (dare he admit it?) attractive. It wasn't until black fingers almost touched that peaceful face before Jazz realized what he was doing. He jerked his hand away and leaned back, completely unaware he had even leaned forward or reach out to touch Prowl to begin with.

Thinking it best to leave the tactician to his much needed recharge, Jazz knew the mech worked long hard hours, he quietly stood. Given the circumstances, he decided it wouldn't be the best idea to run another bath, it would undoubtedly wake Prowl. So he walked around the bath Prowl had already drawn and silently stepped down into the soothing warm solvent.

Sitting as far down as he could he let the warmth seep in and sooth stiffened joints. Leaning his head back against the wall, he let his optics flickering off. It felt soo good. Jazz would have been content to sit there, just like that, had not the softest sound caught his attention. Unable to identify it, Jazz powered up his optics. He didn't have to look far to find the source.


Prowl's doorwings to be exact.

They twitched and moved, creating the softest of sounds. A normal mech wouldn't have heard a thing but Jazz's audios were some of the most sensitive around. It was in no way an unpleasant sound, just soft.

The sound may have caused Jazz to power up his optics, however it was the movement of the doorwings that kept his optics on. From behind the blue visor he stared, transfixed by the graceful movements of those doorwings. They'd twitch a little, shift up, then down, flutter out a bit in a graceful little arch, before returning to their original position. They'd still then start to move again.

Beneath the warm solvent Jazz's fingers twitched and that little impulsive voice in the back of his processor, the one that got him in soo much trouble as a youngling, spoke up.


Jazz licked his lips, optics glued on those tempting sensor panels. Despite the low lighting in the room they seemed to gleam and glisten. The small amount of warm steam coming from the solvent bath created ever changing patterns and textures on the shiny surface of the panels, seeming to dance and move in the low light.

Touch….touch, touch, touch…

Jazz frowned at himself, hands balling into fists. He was no youngling, he could control himself and his impulses.


Jazz set his jaw, clenching hands tighter. His resolve was firm, No.

Touch….you may never get another chance….

Now, that got Jazz thinking. He most likely wouldn't get another chance. There was no way Smokescreen would let him touch his door wings, mech had never shown interest in him. Even if Bluestreak was willing, Sunstreaker would step in and put a quick stop to that. Which meant this one moment with Prowl could be his only opportunity ever to touch a mech's doorwings.


Jazz silently rose, OK.

He wadded through the solvent slowly and as silently as he could. Optics fixed on Prowl, watching for any sign he might awaken. But Prowl stayed deep in recharge even when Jazz finally came to stand next to him.

Jazz watched those doorwings a moment longer before carefully reaching out to slide finger tips very gently over one sensory panel. The doorwing twitched up and away from his questing fingers. Carefully, Jazz reached out with both hands and gently, tenderly trapped the gleaming panel between his hands. The doorwing twitched again before settling into his grip.

Slowly, with the lightest of touches, he ran his fingers over the warm metal. Jazz was fascinated. After a few moments, he caressed further down the doorwing, finger tips gently grazing over the wing joints. Jazz had to grin when he heard the mech sigh and Prowl's systems began to quietly purr.

Jazz looked down at the tactician, the other doorwing now lay relaxed against a shoulder. He looked at Prowl's face, relaxed, lips slightly parted….enticing. Jazz gently lay the doorwing he'd been handling flat against Prowl's back then he leaned over bring himself level with Prowl's face.

His optics roamed all over Prowl's serene features, mapping them, memorizing them. Reaching in, Jazz gently hooked a finger under Prowl's chin tilting his face up and toward him. Leaning in, he ever so slowly pressed his mouth to Prowl's in a tender kiss. Jazz had to suppress a moan as he reveled at the softness, his glossa caressing those lips before pressing between them. Sneaking in to steal a taste.

Prowl gave a soft moan optics flickered briefly before going dark. Jazz quickly drew away certain Prowl was about to wake. He moved silently back to his seat. He watched as Prowl's doorwings twitched before relaxing then Prowl suddenly jerked awake.

Jerking awake, optics flickering until they powered up properly, Prowl stared down at the data pads before him. He felt…funny. One of his doorwings tingled, his systems were practically purring and his mouth…. Prowl frowned raising a hand to touch his lips before wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. What had he been dreaming of?

"Didn't mean ta wake ya."

Whipping around, Prowl was shocked to see Jazz lounging in the seat across from him. When had Jazz come in? The sting of embarrassment tinted his face, he couldn't believe he'd been caught not only soaking in one of the solvent baths but having fallen into recharge in one…over his reports no less. Very embarrassing.

Prowl stood, quickly gathering his reports.

"Where ya goin'?"

Prowl kept his embarrassed gaze down, stacking the reports, "I think it would be best if I collect my things and return to my quarters. That being the proper place to recharge."

Jazz frowned as he watched Prowl quickly gather his things and step out of the bath.

"Proper places ta recharge are overrated, Prowl. Why don' cha…uh.." Jazz looked around for the cube of high grade he had brought with him. Spotting it a little ways away, Jazz leaned over reaching for it. "Why don' cha stay n' have a -"

"Good night, Jazz."

Jazz quickly turned around, sloshing some of the high grade out of the cube in his haste. He turned just in time to see doorwings disappear hurriedly through the doorway.


Jazz sat back with high grade now in hand.

Mech moves quick.

Optics still on the doorway Prowl had just walked out of, Jazz licked his lips savoring the brief taste he'd been able to steal.

"Just means I'm gonna have ta move quicker."

He smiled licking his lips once more before taking a sip of high grade.

***Authors Notes****

No dark over tones, nothing! This is a straight up Jazz chase Prowl + Jazz nab Prowl = robot fluff turns into robot smex type a story.

And as always, I do really enjoy it when ya guys read and review...it feeds me! XD