Okay as always I own none of the characters in this story however much I might wish that I did. Oh well a girl can dream right. Unfortunatly Auntie Beeb owns them and I have to live with that face.

So this will be the final chapter in this little story, to those of you who have stuck with it since I first statred it thank you so much I could wish that some more of you would have let me know what you thought but hey its cool I read and don't review myself. To this of you who have this story on allert and have added it to their favourites thank you so much. I hope you wll enjoy this last instalment . It was fun doing this story and I really hope you like this story.

Game over

You have successfully completed level one if you wish to save this game or to add extra players press #, if you wish to continue to level two press *, to exit this game do nothing. If you enjoyed playing this game you might wish to consider others in our range of reality role playing games all available at an outlet near you.

Rule one

The advert signalled that this level of the game was in effect over.

Jack faltered to a stop as he realised what had happened. "Owen put that bloody cube down and get away from it." He snapped.

Owen in fact dropped the cube as if it had burned him. Jack ran down the steps and carefully picked the offending object, placing it carefully on the nearest desk. The team all looked nervously at each other, Ianto sank down into the nearest chair gazing at the rest of them. Owen and Tosh were looking sheepishly at each other. Gwen was blushing furiously and Jack, well Jack looked his normal bouncy self.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Owen said at last trying to look anywhere but at Tosh, he could still feel how it felt to hold her in his arms and kiss her lips, more so he could still feel how it had felt to make love to her. Would it really feel that good with Tosh he couldn't help wondering?

"That." Jack told them looking at the offending object. "Is in fact the alien version of a hand held game system, we boys and girls have been playing a romance reality game designed for aliens."

"That was a video game?" Gwen asked looking at him then blushed, looking away.

Jack grinned at them all knowing that what had just happened had embarrassed the hell out of them all, Jack being Jack had found the whole thing enjoyable, still he could be nice. "Owen get the retcon for anyone that wants it." He looked at Gwen and smirked. "Yes that was a video game, an alien kids game, seems like procreation for relaxation is the norm now doesn't it."

That was greeted with a round of groans and blushes, Owen stalked off to get the bottle of retcon pills, stopping at the medical bay to glance back at Tosh with a slightly wishful expression on his face. Jack would be willing to bet that Owen had enjoyed the seducing Tosh portion of the game, but then Jack was pretty sure that despite the brash act for everyone, Owen actually had as much of a thing for Tosh as she did for him, he had just been tormenting her by denying her what he knew she wanted namely him. He had been doing it for so long that now, even though he knew he wanted her he didn't know how to stop ignoring what was there.

"Now then all of you what is rule one?" Jack asked.

Gwen, Tosh and Ianto dutifully coursed. "Don't play with the alien tech."

While Owen pulling out the bottle containing the short term memory retcon pills muttered. "Don't use alien devices to get women into bed."

It was too much for everyone else to hear Owen's rule one, they all began to laugh, giving them all a dirty look Owen stomped back with the pills, while Jack stood there smirking at them all, Ianto grabbed his with a disgusted look at them all.

"I'll take it when I get home." He announced to them all. "The last thing I need is memories of you lot making out and me not getting involved, why did I have to be the one thinking up the dares and not getting any, that is just so unfair." He gabbed his coat and headed off out of the door.

Owen offered a pill to Tosh and she took it rolling round in her fingers looking at him, he took one out for himself then wrapped it in tissue and stuck it in his pocket, before putting the bottle on the table so Gwen and Jack could take theirs.

"I guess I'll do the same as Ianto." Tosh said reaching for some tissue and wrapping her own pill in it before picking up her bag and coat and looking at the door.

"Tosh wait, I'll walk with you." Owen moved over to join her. "You know I really think we need to talk." He told her as the walked out the door and up towards the tourist office.

She looked over at him and smiled, then slipped her hand into his, he smiled too, just maybe this could work out.

That left Jack and Gwen in the hub alone, Jack picked up the bottle and offered it to Gwen, she took the bottle and shook a pill out into her hand looking at it and then looking at Jack.

"If I'm going to take the pill anyway, can I ask you something Jack?" She asked looking up at him,

"Yeah sure ask away since you're going to forget anyway."

"What do you mean I'm going to forget, what about you aren't you taking any retcon?" She asked in surprise.

"You guys want to forget, at least I think you do, me I'm okay with it." He gave her one of his wicked grins.

She took a step towards him looking him right in the eye. "Then I want to know something, Jack Harkness, do you really kiss like that?"

With another smile he swept her into his arms looking down into her eyes. "Gwen Cooper I thought you were never going to ask."

He kissed her long and deep till he took her breath away and she found that just like the game she had pressed herself to him, he was growling softly into her mouth. She clung to him because if she didn't she knew her legs were going to give way, at last he broke the kiss, and looked down at her.

"Shall we continue this somewhere more comfortable?" He asked her quietly.

She slipped out of his arms and popped the pill back into the bottle. "You know." She said quietly. "I think Ianto's the only one that's going to be taking the retcon tonight, where did you have in mind for us to go?"

He laughed softly and pulled her up the stairs to his office and then to his bedroom. Well lets face it games are one thing but you really can't beat real life.

Okay so thats if you can imagin whats going on in that bedroom or maybe I'll write a sequal, thanks for reading.