Yo every body I'm redoing shadows embrace hope you enjoy

'Human thoughts'

"Human Speaking"

'demon thinking'

"Demon/Devil trigger speaking"


disclaimer: I... OWN...nothing

shadows embrace




The 2 attacks clashed in a battle of supremacy for both had a different reason behind it. Behind the sparking blue chakra was what most would find disturbing the boy, no older than 12, had dark grey hair, a navy blue shirt, white shorts, blue ninja sandals, and a navy blue hiate with the symbol for konohagakure based on it . That's not the disturbing part, the disturbing part was that the boy's hair had grown to the small of his back ,which had grown two had like wings. His eyes glowed the blood red of his sharingan. All his might was based on one thing to get revenge. Opposite him was a boy his same age wearing an orange and blue jumpsuit, with the same hiate, surrounded in an eery red fox-shaped cloak, blood red slit eyes and fangs that pushed past his lips. his reason behind it was a promise

Naruto stared into the eyes of his once brother like friend and saw... nothing , there was nothing left of the Sasuke he knew only a power-crazed maniac, a power-crazed maniac that had just drove that chidori into his stomach right above his seal.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((in side the seal)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

kyuubi was still in the seal watching the battle with mild anticipation, when it felt a shudder ripple through the seal then he could plainly see purple yokai flow through naruto's chakra system .


The great beast had no time to further ponder this as footsteps were heard then a man appeared this man wore a red trench coat, dark green jeans, brown boots, black fingerless gloves, no shirt and a weird ornate red necklace over his heart.

"Well fur ball looks like you're in a bit of a pickle."

He then proceeded to pull out what looked a rectangular device, but the fox knew better he had been around long enough to know that this was a gun. The man smirked before saying his own special phrase


and the world went dark for the fox

((((((((((((((((((((((((outside the seal)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

naruto's eyes flashed a glowing gray before an explosive boom threw both he and sasuke back, as sasuke looked toward the area naruto had landed once the smoke had cleared his eyes widened this wasn't the naruto he knew.

Before him stood something different it stood at 5'9 visible black muscular humanoid form , four black fox tails behind him, golden gauntlets and greaves, golden breastplate with the decal of crimson 9-tailed fox on it ,his sclera ,iris and pupil blended into a menacing blood red, his hair was long spiky and bone white, in his hand he held a long broadsword with a skull and crossbones and ribcage for a hilt the handle was long and had a skull with a point at the end of sasuke was making these assessments naruto was hearing something coming faintly from his mind.

'This party's getting crazy!"

The voice resonated with power naruto never felt before it seemed like it was more helpful than the fox!

"Uchiha"said naruto snapping sasuke out of his revere,

"I will bring you back to konoha no matter what ,surrender now and spare yourself the pain."

sasuke smirked at him before stating in a cocky manner " Dobe you won't be able to defeat me, I'm an uchiha! The best of the best! What can a no name like you do t-"sasuke was cut off as naruto's fist slammed into his gut knocking the wind out of him. The new naruto smirked and stated

"I really hate preachy bastards like you"

as he said this several spectral swords appeared around him he grabbed one from the air and held it to sasuke's throat "come back now or I kill you" calmly stated naruto "never!" spat the battered uchiha. Naruto had enough he put one arm on sasuke elbow and pulled hard ,CRACK! Sasuke screamed in pain as his right arm was broken naruto then repeated the proses with sasuke's left arm, and both his legs.

After hitting the black haired youth in the back of the neck with the butt of rebellion he hoisted sasuke over his shoulder and walked in the direction of konoha after deactivating his devil trigger "Heh jackpot."

End chapter

so this is shadows embrace rebooted

as you can see dante from dmc3 killed kyuubi

at first to those who read the original naruto turned into Virgil.

So the next devil arm will be a scythe, but it won't show up until the 4th or 5th chapter

until then


ja ne