Disclaimer: I still own no TV shows or Music

This is part two of the two-shot. This one is a SongFic of "Pleads and Postcards" by, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

Fear not there is only one version of this song… as far as I know… so it should be easy enough to find. This fic is even more of a stretch than the first chapter as far as the song choice is concerned. However, as was the case with the first chapter, this song stood out to me when I heard it so I decided to use this one. So here's to hopin that every thing works out.

Without further ado I give you… Chapter 2 of, Death Love and Life, "iKnow You're Waiting" please Read Enjoy and Review Thank You

iKnow You're Waiting

Freddie opens his eyes and surveys his surroundings. Ugh… I hate hospitals… wait… who's in the hospital? He sits up and looks around and sees Sam standing by him.

He looks at her and hears her ask, "Why'd you do it Freddie?"

"Sam what are you talking about?" He waits for and answer or an insult. Sometimes, with Sam, they were the same thing. However, no reply came. "Sam?" He asks while waving his arms trying to get her attention. Why is she ignoring me? He sees a tear fall down her cheek. He reaches up to wipe it away and then notices that his sleeves look different, he stands up and looks at himself. A hospital gown? I'm…in the hospital? He looks around and notices that he can see himself in the hospital bed. I'M IN THE HOSPITAL!!!

I need this, is it a good time for you
And if it's not just know
I may not be here when you need me
Sometimes I feel like I would die without you
If its too early don't worry
when I say I'm sorry now

"I must be having an out-of-body experience." He says after staring at himself for a few minutes. "I suppose that also means that no one can see or hear me. That must be why she isn't answering me."

He notices Sam talking and listens to her. "I've never forgotten that night on the fire escape." He watches her stroke his hair and he is able to feel it. He listens as he enjoys the feeling of Sam rubbing his hair.

He hears her again as she talks about an argument that they had a day or two earlier, "…I wasn't able to fill that space you left…" He starts to remember the argument.

I remember that one… I don't think I've ever been that mad before. "Sam, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have walked away." He apologizes but soon remembers that she can't hear him. He then notices that his breathing is starting to get a little heavier.

Hang on to this moment
It will be all over soon

Now worried about his breathing, he starts to panic and he looks down at himself. He sees his feet as they are fading away. What's goin on? Hard breathing…fading away… am I…dying? I'M DYING!?!

Cause I know you'll wait for me
you'll wait for me til I get home
Yes I know you'll wait for me
you'll wait for me til I get home

Okay I'm guessing that the more I try to connect to the living world the more I fade away. He notices that even though he isn't trying to communicate with Sam anymore he is still fading very slowly. Oh my God… I'm dying anyway!!! I'm actually dying!!! But I can't die… not yet… I have to tell her… somehow… that I love her! I need to find a way home! How can I get back to her!?!

The doctor comes into the room and talks to Sam. He confirms that Freddie is in a coma. I'M IN A COMA!?! Freddie is distraught now that he knows the situation. He looks at the doctor as he begins speaking. "Excuse me, Miss Puckett, you are not family so I will have to ask you to leave." The doctor explains.

Sam doesn't move a muscle. She won't even turn her head to look at the doctor, her eyes stay on Freddie. "No, I'm not leaving him alone. If he wakes up, I wanna be here." The doctor leaves the room not willing to force the issue. Sam sends Carly a text about everything that happened, and goes to the window.

Is this what life is supposed to be about
Sometimes its hard but I will
help you understand it somehow
The only thing that I want from you is trust
Together we will make it through this world
we must

Sam sits by the window he still feels his legs but when he looks down he sees that there is nothing left below his knees. He decides to try to make his body move. He concentrates and he flies into his body. He moves his arm but can only hit the side of the bed before he finds himself outside of his body once again. This time his knees are missing as well. Resigning to his fate, at least for the moment, He watches Sam as she turns around and looks back out of the window.

Sam talks about the accident that put him in the hospital and he starts to remember a little bit more. He told her he loved her but she didn't want to hear it. At least that's what he thought at the time. "… I thought you were dead." He hears from her.

He smiles to himself and nods his head. As long as you were ok then I would be ok with dying… of course I want to live but… knowing you're ok is enough. You shouldn't be blaming yourself because that is what life is about… that's what love is about. You shouldn't feel guilty because I chose to push you out of the way of that car… I'll help you get it one day Puckett. I'm gonna show you that we will be able to make it… when… if… I get back.

Hang on to this moment
it will be all over soon

His breathing starts to become shallow. He looks down and sees that he has disappeared up to his torso area right at the belly button. My time is running out. I've gotta do something… it can't end like this.

Cause I know you'll wait for me
you'll wait for me til I get home
Yes I know you'll wait for me
you'll wait for me til I get home

He stands there trying to think of something he can do to get to Sam. He hears her speak again, "You've got to keep living, Freddie…" I'm trying, "You have to live for your mom; you have to live for Spencer, for the web show, for Carly…" I know… I love all of you guys, "I need you to live for me, Freddie… I love you." I love you too, Sam. I'm gonna use whatever is left of me to get out of that bed. You said and proved that you were willing to wait for me. You won't have to wait much longer.

But if I should fall then you should move on
our eyes watch over you from up above
now don't get this wrong but you should move on
our eyes watch over you from up above

He decides to speak to her knowing that this may be his last chance… even though she may not be able to hear him. "Sam you shouldn't feel guilty about what happened. It wasn't your fault. I was always watching out for you." A tear falls down his cheek and looks down and sees that his body now stops at his chest, "If this doesn't work I will probably… die. But I will still be watching over you."

This could be the last time that I speak with you
So just incase let's make the best of what we have
until its through

That was probably my last chance to ever talk with her again. He sighs. If that is the case then I want one final hug. He walks up behind and puts his arms, or at least what should be his arms, around her. He still feels her and he leans over and gives her a peck on the cheek. He feels her body tense and he smiles, I wanna be able to do that all of the time.

He goes and sits on the bed and lays back, sinking into his body. All he can do is open his eyes. His chocolate brown eyes latch onto her bright blue eyes as if they were trying to hold on for dear life. She smiles and he smiles back and their eyes both carry the same message, you're back.

Their joy is short lived, however, as his eyes slowly close as he falls into unconsciousness. He falls into darkness as he hears the long death affirming tone of his heart monitor as it flat lines. Even louder than that, is the sound of Sam screaming as the doctors rush her out of the room.

Cause I know you'll wait for me
you'll wait for me til I get home
Yes I know you'll wait for me
you'll wait for me til I get home
I get home

He walks around in this darkness until he sees a light. He walks toward the light but, as he gets closer to the light, he feels something pulling back on him. He takes a few more strides towards the light but the pull gets stronger. He stops and realizes everything, "It's not time yet… I'm not ready and… neither is she." He turns around and starts to run in the other direction. As he runs he notices that he isn't getting tired. I'm getting stronger… faster… I'm goin home. He notices this light and he runs full speed into it.

His eyes open and he sees the doctor smiling at him. "Welcome back son… we almost lost you back there." Freddie lay back on his pillow.

"Was there a blonde girl in here?" He asked, everything had seemed like a dream so he had to make sure.

"Yes, would you like to see her, I'm sure that she would be happy to come back here and find out the good news." The doctor answered with a smile. Freddie smiled back and nodded his head.

A few minutes later Sam burst through the door to his room and threw her arms around him. She held on and Freddie felt as if she would never let go. She cried into his shoulder, "You came back," Was all she could manage to say through her sobs of joy.

He smiled and returned her hug, "Thank you for waiting, Sam." He rubbed her shoulders and kissed her on the top of her head.

There you have it. This one is all finished. I realize it may not be the best thing I've ever written but it is still pretty in its own right. At least that's what I think.

But enough about me lets talk about me what do you think of me. Seriously I would like to know what you guys think. I know that it could be better but I need you guys to tell me how because I've done everything my mind could think of, trying to make this a decent fic.

Review if you'd like (I hope you do). If not thank you for taking the time to read my humble little story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Until my next post, Deuces