AACK! I'm sorry its after Christmas! Im such a bad person! But I was in a contest held by Kaleb Nation (aka the Twilight Guy) on youtube for 9 ½ HOURS! No joke. I sat in bed and commented on his video for 9 1/2hours trying to win…. But I had 917 comments on that vid, so I thought I had fairly decent chance at winning. Oh well… Ok ON WITH THE STORY! Oh and I had half of this story already written, but then it kinda got lost when my computer was wiped out because of viruses….. SORRY!

Oh, and Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn and those characters belong to Mrs. Meyer, not me, and the same goes for Damon. I'm just borrowing him from the Immortals Series by Allison Noel. Misty, 'Mia, and Crystal are mine though.


For some odd reason I had expected chaos. Some strange person remembering a story that their great-grandparents told their grandparent, who passed the story down them, all about this clumsy girl, Bella Swan, and how she dated the un-datable Edward Cullen. Some strange person witness an accidental display of amazing strength or speed and jump to the right conclusions. I was terrified of being here. But nothing happened. It was just as any other high school I had ever attended was. Boring. Plain. After a tense month, we all grew accustomed to Forks. Misty also had developed yet another power, which would create the illusion that we aged. We could stay in Forks for however long we wanted.

"Bellzie-boo! Come on hurry up! School starts in ten!" Misty sang whilst spinning around in circles in the living room. Honestly, that girl scared me sometimes. Damen was lounging on the couch, hands behind his head, laughing and smiling at his beloved Mist. He would occasionally get up, catch her hands, and begin to waltz her around the house, earning a smile and laugh from all of us. Those two had the cutest relationship ever.

Quickly, I threw a white shirt with the silhouette of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland with a pair of faded boot cut jeans. My hair was up in a high ponytail with the ends curled, a pair of plain black converse on my feet. I grabbed my bag and left my room, sliding down the stair rail to the living room. The sigh I was greeted by was too cute. Damen had a lullaby (which I was surprised I didn't hear earlier) paying and was slow dancing with Misty. Her little body fit against his build so well it was like they were two halves of a whole. Her fluffy golden hair cascaded down her back, touching the top of her black miniskirt. Her heels gave her the extra height boost that she needed to rest her head on his shoulder as Damon lead.

Crystal ruined the moment by stomping through the room, the designer stilettos making little indents in our thick carpet. "Come on love-birds. You can love each other in the car." Damen and Misty separated and with a kiss, grabbed their things and went to the garage.

I followed everyone out and got in my car with Misty and Damen in the bad seat. The minuet the garage door was shut behind us, the two were making out in the back seat. "Guys, I love you two, but please don't do that. It's really distracting." I said with a smile on my face. The two unwillingly separated. Apparently the two were having one of those days where they didn't care what they were supposed to be doing, they wanted to show their passion in any way they could. Because of school, kissing was the only way they could do that… until night came….

The day went by the same as any other day.

First period, English: had to watch Romeo and Juliet

Second period, Pre-Calculus: the only one to ace the test

Third period, French 2: had a debate entirely in French

Forth period, Art 3: splattered paint on our resident artist, Damen

Fifth period, Chemistry: did an experiment with chemicals….which exploded

Sixth period, Government: had the teacher stare at my boobs

Seventh period on the other hand was a complete back-flip. Gym with Damen and Misty. We were playing basketball, girls vs. boys, girls leading by 5 points. Every time someone scored a point, we switched teams, letting the next set of girls and guys play and giving us a break; not that I needed it. Misty would go and sit in Damon's lap, a direct violation of coach's rules, but after a week of trying, he gave up on separating them.

It was the last round of the game before the losers had to do laps around the football field when we smelled them. All three of us, Damen, Misty, and I all froze for a second, looking at each other. The sweet smell of vampire hung in the air. We all hopped back in the game, but kept a close ear, trying to listening. There was a conversation going on just outside the gym door. I couldn't place the voice, but I knew I had heard it from somewhere. Dr. Botts, our principal's voice I could catch, it was the man he was talking to that I couldn't place, until…

"Of course Dr. Cullen your children wouldn't be required to participate in gym, however it is a part of…"

"No." I whispered, rooted in place, dribbling the ball. To anyone else, I'd look like I was debating on what to do, to Damon and Misty, I was debating on running.

Just as I passed the ball to Misty, Damen guarding me, the gym door opened and Dr. Botts led six people in. No, not people. Vampires. Six vampires I was trying my hardest to forget. The Cullens. My eyes landed on one of them. A vampire with bronze sex hair and those gold eyes like melted butterscotch. Just as I remembered. Edward Cullen was back.

Our gazes locked, and his jaw slid open. His feet were rooted to the floor. All he could do was stare at me? After everything he put me through! Hell no. I whipped my head, hair flying, and jumped back into the game. Misty passed the ball to me, I back to her, and her to me once again before I finally jumped up and got the ball though the net.

The sound of Coach Howard's whistle made everyone freeze. "That's it! Ladies win, guys, out I'll meet you there in a few minutes. Any funny business and you all have detention for a week! Girls, hit the showers. Damen, Misty, Bella, you three stay." Everyone scattered, guys groaning and moaning about losing again, girls squealing about sweat. Misty, of course, ran up to Damon at a human pace, Jumped up and gave him a full kiss on the lips.

"Uugh! Get a room you two!" I said with a smile on my face. Misty stopped long enough to stick her tongue out at me before sucking face again.

"AGUSTE, JACKSON! STOP NOW!" Coach said as he headed for the door. " would like to speak to the three of you."

"Whatever it is, I swear I didn't do it!" Misty yelled, jumping off Damen and throwing her hands in the air. One of her rings flew off and rolled around the Gym floor, and Damon set off to go get it for her. When he returned with the ring, he slid it back on her finger and kissed her hand lovingly.

"Awee," I heard Rosalie coo, followed by a loud 'slap' from her hitting Emmett. "You never do that for me anymore!"

"I'm sorry Babe," Emmett said, rubbing his bicep from Rose's slap. "I didn't know you were all into that gooey lovey romantic shi-" he was cut off by a look from Carlisle.

"Bella, Damen, Misty, I would like for you to meet Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his family, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, and Edward. They will be attending this school within the next few days and I want you three to give them a tour of the campus. You have already been excused from your 8th period classes. You three are my best students and I can trust you three not to go and spray paint the bathroom ceiling with glue and stick a shoe to the ceiling, unlike some of my aids." said to the three of us. While my insides were screaming "HELL NO" I found myself nodding my head. "Excellent. Now you three go change out of those Gym uniforms and come back here in five minutes, alright." After another nod, we were off to change.

As soon as the locker room door shut, Misty turned to me, her golden eye s filled with concern. "Bellz, are you alright?" she asked.

She took my shoulders and pushed me against the wall gently. The wall provided the support I needed so that I wouldn't collapse. I shook my head, tears filling my eyes. "No," I choked out. "Not hardly, no." Tears streamed down my cheeks and sobs wracked my body. "It's him Mist. It's him." My arms wrapped around Misty, and another set of arms, too big to belong to Misty wrapped around my back.

"Bellz it'll be okay." Damen said from behind me.

"I knew it was going to be hell moving back here. I just knew it!" I managed to get out through the sobs that were escaping me. After a few minutes of Misty and Damen comforting me, I was able to stop the flow of venomous tears, wipe away the traces, and get changed back into my normal clothes. When we got back into the gym, Alice was being all bubbly and Alice-y with Jasper trying to contain her and Rose and Emmett were arguing over something. Carlisle and Edward however, had their eyes glued to us.

Carlisle's eyes locked on mine, and he hung his head in shame. I knew he never wanted to leave. And I never blamed him for leaving. However, it was his son I blamed. The one that was stalking toward me. Just like a lion would it's prey. His eyes held a mixture of anger, disbelief, relief, and shock.


HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's the year of the Rabbit! Hey, i'm sorry. I know i said by Christmas or a few days after, not next year, but i seriousally have not been home at all! I've been home for maybe fifteen hours since Christmas. A majority of that was spent sleeping. I still have homework i have to do before tomarrow! AAAACK! well, Happy New Year and Merry late Christmas. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! PLEASE!