
Bella was in the living room doing her homework when the doorbell rung. She looked up from her English essay that was due within the week. She got up and walked to the front door, opening it to reveal an old man with a white beard and wearing a faded gray hat and… robes? What person wears robes? She shook it off.

"Hello, Ms. Swan, I am Albus Dumbledore," he proclaimed with a hint of British in his voice, smiling

Her lifeless eyes narrow in suspicion at them before politely nodding and moving aside so they could walk in. He walk in, she close the door behind them, and walk them to the living room. She stoped all of a sudden and instantly became sheepish at the mess of her homework assignments.

"Sorry about the mess I was doing my homework and," she said, waving my hand to the pile of homework, "I wasn't expecting anybody." Dumbledore just smiled and said it was fine.

They went to sit down on the couch as she stayed standing, looking at them in curiosity. I wonder why their here?

"Isabella," he began but she cut him off to correct him.

"Bella," she corrected. "Just Bella." He nodded and continued.

"Bella, I am headmaster at a school in England and I was wondering if you would like to come with us," he offered. I was… stunned to say the least I was shocked to the hilt and confused to death of why an English principal was here.

"Wait a minute if your from England why are you coming to me I mean we're in the U.S." she asked.

Dumbledore smiled at her thinking that she was just like her mother.

"Bella, the reason we're here is because I am actually the headmaster at Hogwarts of Witchcraft & Wizardry and you are one of the most powerful witch of your age and I am asking you to join the Hogwarts," he explained.

If it was anything she expected it was definitely not this. She expected something… different.

"Wow, um… did my parents know about me being a witch the whole time?" She asked.

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "No, no one actually knew about you but me, the Order of the Phoenix, your real parents, and Voldemort himself."

Oh. My. God. Did he just say…?

"Did… did you just… say that… Charlie and Renee aren't…" I choked out.

"No, they aren't your real parents," he said, smiling at me gently. "Your real parents are actually rather sided with an evil wizard called Voldemort," I became curious and Dumbledore didn't miss this.

"It's Harry Potter's duty because of a prophecy that stated that the dark lord would mark Harry as his equal and that event happened when he was a baby," she gasp quietly at the last part but he didn't hear her and just continued, "now what the prophecy also states is that neither of them shall live as long as the other dies. And… there was another part of the prophecy that I've… never understood till now.

"It goes like this:

On the month of the ninth one dies…born in blood and murder… but raised in love and peace…shall the Angel be reunited with her kind…she shall be very powerful …she shall choose between family and love…shall she be united with her love she will be by his side forever…she will fight with her lover to protect him…her lover spy for the light side yet his soul corrupted by the dark…she will bring the light to her half-blood prince heart…she will be his redemption as he is her healer."

"So I'm the Angel aren't I," she stated. He nodded in confirmation. "The prophecy said that my lover is prejudice so… my lover would be the ones who is spying for you."

"That is correct but, Bella, what the prophecy is stating is that your lover is a spy for the light side but for what it's worth I cannot tell you who is your half-blood prince even though I know who he is but I know that you are smart to know who it is in time."

"So you want me to go to Hogwarts for protection, right?" she asked Dumbledore. Dumbledore smiles and nods his head. She took a deep breath and made a final decision, "I'll go with you but what about my parents?"

"A month ago I sent a letter to your parents that they think your going to a private school though they weren't certain when I was going to come so they accepted a week ago after your birthday," he explained as she flinched at the mention of her birthday. She nodded so he took that as an answer.

They spent the next hour and a half talking about hogwarts, the war, the deatheaters, and she found out that her parents were the most feared deatheaters out of the exception of Voldemort. When talking about her parents, a question came to mind.

"Dumbledore, what is my real name," she asked him.

"Alaysia Isa Brooklyn," he answered.