Working At The Fruit Basket (2116)

"Well what do I look like, you're friggen' mother? Figure out where to put it!" Kyo snapped at the latest kid Shishou had hired, irritated because it was hot, he hated unloading the truck on Saturdays and his bitchy little cousin had been staring at him again. So maybe they weren't blood related; still didn't make it any less weird.

The scrawny cashier scampered around his more confident steps, before abruptly falling to the side with a case of…glass jar pickles. Kyo rolled his eyes as he slapped an eighty pound box of ground beef on a separate pallet for the meat department. Great. Now he had to clean up after a kid who obviously shouldn't be back there, as well as pick up his slack.

All for eight fucking fifty an hour.

Miming putting a bullet through his head, which Yuki snickered at from his perch on top of a half done pallet, Kyo turned and barked at the newbie to fetch a bucket and broom. The kid jumped a foot in the air before he stuttered a yes sir and ran to do as told.

It was probably bad of him, but he always got a little thrill when people cowered at his presence. Maybe it was a sick fetish from a previous life. Whatever.

He leaned over to haul another case onto a different pallet when he felt that damnable tingle at the base of his spine again. Seriously, was he the only sane one in his family?!

"Yuki," he tried to inject even the tiniest amount of politeness into his voice, though it still came out sounding like he couldn't unhinge his teeth, "If all you're going to do is sit on your ass, I'd prefer it if you didn't stare at mine."

That silky hum of a laugh was all he got as a response. Fucking tease, he had to practice it, he had to know exactly what kind of noises sent off a gay guy's libido like a firecracker. Growling, Kyo continued stacking boxes on their appropriate pallets, barely a hitch in his step. He'd been doing it for two years, and already toned from a life time of sport and martial arts, could handle the physical exertion in his sleep.

What he couldn't handle were his moronic co-workers and incestuous cousin.

Fuck, he could smell the queermo from way over there. Something spicy like cinnamon and mint. He was on the verge of stomping over and either smacking the shit out of Yuki or sticking his tongue down his throat when the newbie returned with what he'd asked for.

Lifting an eyebrow when the kid stood there like a dumbass, Kyo barked at him to get on it. What, did he expect a fucking drum roll?


With a sigh, Kyo returned to tossing more boxes, counting down the hours until his break and the single cigarette he had coming.

"Give it over."

Yuki just stared at his outstretched hand like he didn't know what the hell Kyo was talking about. Kyo hunched his shoulders under that amused look, ignoring his other two co-workers who stood chatting at the check out counter. They glanced his way every so often and didn't even try to hide their obvious fawning.

From the moment he started working here all the stares had given him the creeps.

Shaking his head, because really, he didn't give a shit, Kyo gave up waiting for his brain dead cousin and searched for the cigarette he'd asked the other to hold onto by himself. He grabbed Yuki's arm to keep him still, before he checked the front pockets in his apron.

Having no luck there, he glared at Junko's and Tohru's giggles and moved on to his cousin's pants. Success.

Kyo smirked at Yuki's blush. Maybe he'd rummaged around in his jeans a little longer than necessary, but it certainly paid off now hadn't it? He slid the cigarette behind his ear. Then he silently thanked the man who invented skinny jeans when Yuki turned around and sauntered back to their co-workers with an icy huff.

What a fine looking ass. He could just cup those cheeks and squeeze.

Shrugging off a case of the shivers - he seriously had to get laid - Kyo hurried out the door to the trashcans where he could smoke in peace. If he stuck around any longer they'd try to talk to him.

No thanks.

"I cannot believe a guy like your cousin is queer." Junko scowled good naturedly, as she chucked a peanut at Yuki's head. Yuki on the other hand, just ignored her squawks. He was plotting. A man doesn't appreciated begin interrupted when he plots.

They'd be leaving at the same time today; surely he could weasel a car ride out of Kyo? Twenty uninterrupted minutes…

Tohru finished checking out two kids who could barely see over the counter, before she added anything. "I think what Junko means is Kyo seems so…I guess super masculine? Like manly. He just wouldn't strike anyone as gay and well, in a flirtations relationship with his cousin."

"Not by blood," Yuki piped in smoothly, distracted a little as he wiped down the conveyer belt. His clarification was practically ingrained after they'd been reintroduced at a family picnic three years ago.

With that mercenary grin, Kyo had tossed him a condiment loaded hot dog and told him to eat up.

About an hour later he'd gotten his first gay blow job in the back of an ugly rust colored pick up. It'd been a sweaty, sticky ten minutes, but boy were they best ten minutes of his life.

The after high wasn't too bad either. At least until they wandered back to the picnic and Kyo found out Yuki hadn't been some family friend as he'd assumed, but another cousin. Their moms were step-sisters.

Kyo's expression had been priceless. At the time Yuki had laughed, finding it all vaguely humorous; that is until Kyo hauled him inside the house and told him their little interlude had never happened, would never happen again.

Then it wasn't funny anymore.

To be honest, Yuki mused as he smiled blandly at a customer, his cousin had no fucking idea what he'd gotten himself into. No one offers Yuki Sohma bliss only to take it back. He'd spent the last three years trying to make Kyo regret it.

He was pretty sure it worked most of the time. Still, his black cherry remained un-popped and that was really starting to annoy him.

Junko rolled her eyes, shooting another peanut at his chest. "Yes, yes, we all know you're not blood related, as you've told us from the moment you started working here." She sulked, "I despise you by the way for getting a taste of orangey's love magic. Humph, maybe I should pretend to be some long lost relative, you think he'd do me then?"

Before Yuki could manage a snarky little comeback, Tohru beat him to it. In that irrepressibly innocent and completely naïve way of hers, of course. "But, don't you lack the proper equipment, Junko? I mean, Kyo likes boys." She paused for a second, "Right?"

Yuki had a coolly superior smirk on his face by the time she finished. "That's right, Honda-san. Thank you."

Trying not to laugh through a scowl, Junko chucked a couple peanuts rapid fire at both of them. Then she threw the bag away. "Why don't you go stock aisle seven, mister ice prince?" She shot a look at Tohru, "and you miss proper equipment, go clean some windows or something. I'll take front counter."

When they turned to do as told, Yuki was positive he heard Junko trying to choke off a laugh.

"Remind my why I'm driving you home again?" Glaring at the red light, Kyo squeezed the wheel, his thumb tapping restlessly against the stick shift. He was intensely aware of Yuki sitting next to him, rumpled and sweaty from the ten minutes they'd been outside.

It was like trying to breathe under water. The heat was fucking stifling.

Yet somehow his cousin succeeded in smelling like mint and spices. A damn near mind blowing trick. With a groan Kyo finally shifted into gear and blasted through the lights, pulling out onto main street. He really wished he hadn't thought about blowing anything.

Yuki moved to fiddle with the radio dials, which got Kyo even more fired up.

"What the hell are you doing?" He snapped, taking a hard left onto Sussex. It was the only road out of town, and he was pretty sure if he kept speeding it would cut their twenty minute ride down to ten. He wasn't going to last that long with his cousin - emphasis on cousin - in such tempting proximity.

He could feel Yuki's amused eyes on him. "What does it look like, Kyo? I hate rap."

Shuddering at the way Yuki purred his name, Kyo grumbled and then promptly cursed a blue streak when they hit traffic. Of course, why should anything going fucking easy for the black sheep of the family?!

The simple answer was god hated him, and delighted in his torture. Usually of a sexual kind. He rubbed the back of his neck where a sunburn had started peeling the skin, trying to ignore the sweat dribbling down his spine. It itched like crazy, he hated having no A/C and to top it off he still wanted a roll with his cousin in the bed of his truck.

He could imagine it too. A canvas sheet he kept in back spread across the hot metal, Yuki smiling coolly up at him. Like he was daring Kyo to touch him, do what he wanted. Oh, and Kyo wanted. He wanted to wipe that look clean and put squeals of ecstasy in its place. Watch that pale body arch for him, faintly pink from their fucking and the ninety degree weather.

He wanted to see his cock disappear up Yuki's ass, slick and easy. In and out until his cousin begged for the next thrust, hips jerking to meet him.

Those shuttered eyes flicking to life when Kyo wrapped his hand around Yuki's dripping arousal, stroking it slow, so slow, much slower than he was fucking him. He'd press the heel of his palm against the head just to watch him twitch. It would be pleasure and pain for his cousin, an exquisite line he wanted to bring him to again and again.

Then after he busted balls deep in that tight little ass, and Yuki's cum was smeared all over his fingers, he'd lick it away and kiss him. The flavor would be in both their mouths.

"You might want to go now, Kyo."

Maybe not as good as a cup of cold water in the face, Yuki's voice was a much needed slap to bring him out of his daydream. A damn good daydream too. Better than any he'd had in a while. It was actually a shock to hear his cousin talking normal, since he'd just been imagining his whiny little bitch screams a second ago.

Kyo shifted painfully in his seat, trying to conceal the raging hard-on he knew was tenting his pants. Fucking bad, evil rampant imagination.

He loosened up on the brake and they moved forward a whole seven feet. Woopdy friggen' doo.

Yuki had a queer half smile on his face as he hummed to a catchy little pop song. It was irrationally attractive, almost the way he felt when he sat on his balcony railing, sipping a beer and looking out over the city.

Why was he so against sleeping with his cousin again?

"Because you're related dipshit." He muttered to himself, re-clenching his fists around the wheel. Kyo was merely of the mind that simplicity's the best way to go, because once you added entanglements and fucking semi-colons, there'd by trouble.

He didn't want to have to place a comma after every introduction he made if they got together - "Hullo, I'm Kyo Sohma, this is my boyfriend Yuki Sohma; no, we're not blood related." It's stupid, retarded and annoying and…

"What did you say?" Yuki glanced at him curiously, raking fingers over a milky white stomach. The dark t-shirt he wore rode up a little.

"Nothing," he growled, abruptly digging through the glove compartment for a pair of sunglasses. Kyo knew his weakness, and one of them was a pair very over expressive eyes. There was no way in hell he was sharing his sexual frustration with Yuki.

The memory of his cousin's taste wasn't something that faded the way he'd hoped.

Love - TBC

A/N - sort of a two shot PWP. Is that the correct abbreviation for it? I have no idea. Someone tell me what it means in a review. Pretty please? Anyway, the next chapter should have something a tad more explicit - however, since this is my first tester lemony thing I don't think I'll be jumping into full on penetration. Probably oral. You know, in school I always sucked at oral reports. Hopefully Yuki won't suck here - or I guess I should say he will suck, but in a good way.

There should be some swallowing that follows. And maybe some sweet-hearting. I can't do pointless physical interludes:) Reviews are Lurvly and much appreciated.

OOPS! One more thing! I gotta review for my other piece about a preference for Yuki/Kyo ships, and darling, I'll take that to heart and I plan to follow up Almost, But Not Quite with a little Yuki dom love. Yum.