AN: Yeah, still not beta'd I'm horrible i know! but o well. I'm updating again! :3 Kakashi's the pairing on this but i realize now that for the beginning or first half he's probably not going to be in it much! Its still going to be M rated because MPB really likes lemons. You'll see! like big-kid lemons too! anyway, here's the new chapter. Thank you to the 5 supporters that reviewed! you rock! let me know if it sucks some how or if i messed up somewhere. Again i'm taking this as a fun acct and i'm just gunna roll with it. - MPB

Chapter 3

Over the next few months, the village had sent out small feelers, wanting to find out if there was a missing hime, again while Kagome didn't seem to act like any kind of princess they had ever seen, for she was sometimes loud, rude, brash, among other things. But there were times when the breeding of a hime could not be displaced. She had a grace about how she walked, in everything that she did, and she could seemingly sneak up on anything, and from time to time she was almost predatorial. Not to mention that there were times when she was commanding and not in a demanding way, but with softly spoken words or veiled threats communicated via a single look. It was not something one so young should be able to do, yet she was able to do so with those younger then her with ease and even a few of the villagers older then her.

Of course the people could not help it sometimes, they would look and stare, though she had become a regular to them as well, it didn't seem to matter much she was beautiful and mysterious, she was the 'girl found down the well.' And she usually heard every word, which was why she had so few friends. Males wanted her, they thought her beautiful and alluring, and females hated her, thinking she wanted to take their men. Kagome couldn't help but laugh at this. She didn't know if she wanted to make this place her home, the valley of bamboo was so beautiful, and she found peace at Goshinboku's Shrine plateau, but she didn't find much peace in the people that lived here. She found a home with Miyako and her grandson who had finally come to the understanding that 'it' wasn't ever going to happen, …at least not between the two of them. He had started making other males stay away, almost acting like a brother would, which she liked. But she didn't know if she could call this place home.

She loved the hot springs, and had started working along with her 'new family' to keep things nice and orderly, as well as make up for the fact that they had taken her in. Kagome had even broken up a few fights here and there from patrons who gotten into a bit too much sake, or too touchy with the staff. It was on one occasion that she'd met a white haired older male, younger then Miyako but still in his mid forties, by the name of Jiraiya, The Mountain Toad Sage. Now in all honesty their first meeting had not been the best, but for some reason the pervert really made her feel oddly comfortable, like he was a missing piece of something long forgotten. A good slap to the face or right hook to the jaw generally set him straight for a while, not to mention threatening him with genital harm, and really she was very terrifying, or so she'd been told.

'Pervert-san,' as Kagome had quickly dubbed him had becomes one of her favorite guests. At first it, his actions, were more then annoying! What kind of grown man hits on a sixteen year old, but through his visit, and her beatings of him, they had formed an odd type of bond. Some how the older male understood her more then anyone there in the village, not to mention, he was very interested in what she was able to remember, the small bits, but what she could tell him about the area. It was from 'Pervert-san,' that she had found out more of what had happened in the world.

Again she didn't know it, but she didn't think she was from this time. She remembered a house, and it looked nothing like the villas of the village, it wasn't built into the landscape, but the landscape built around it. And the Shrine, she remembered that, she remembered the courtyard where she played, and the large buildings as they stood tall over a city, it wasn't much but she remembered. She trusted him with this information, as for some reason she really felt as if she knew the pervert well. Of course it didn't stop his loud mouth, or wondering hand but they had an odd friendship.

It was also him that the village had asked to teach her some of the ways of Ninja. Yes, they had decided to send her to their countries ninja training school, but it would be best if she knew things before she got there. It would already be odd that a sixteen year old would be going into entry classes. What they found was more then startling. Again Kagome didn't know how she knew, but handling weaponry seemed as if it were second nature, it was almost scary to watch her throwing kunai, and shuriken as if she were a practiced killer, how much she really was…they really didn't know, but it was the same that she didn't know either. In her body were the souls of four warriors including herself, and while it was true that most preferred the sword, and were in fact considered closely to samurai, the smaller ninja weapons were just as easy to learn and use.

When asked if she'd ever used anything, the answer of course was understood, she didn't know, nor did she remember, but it was obvious that she did know something, because she was seemingly very deadly without having ever been taught to their knowledge. Again the elders spoke and figured it would be best for her to go to the school as soon as possible. Perhaps using some of the techniques would bring her memory back. So after a few months there before Pervert-san got there, and a few more months under his tutelage, the two of them, Pervert-san, and Kagome, with a tag-a-long of Taru went off to the academy which was three days travel away.

'It was fun traveling through the bamboo forest,' Kagome thought, 'they seemed to travel almost like monkeys,' she thought with a giggle as her body weight pulled her from the top of a long thick shoot of bamboo to another one as she switched over. This form of travel was fast and could be dangerous, but she found that she loved it, and it had become one of her favorite things to do, while racing Taru down a hill full of them when they had nothing else to do. It wasn't like other countries where they had thicker branched trees that one could race through as if running, one literally had to slide gracefully or fall to your doom some thirty paces below. She smiled as her long legs switched once again to another shoot, as Jiraiya led and she and Taru followed.

It had been decided that the Toad Sannin would vouch for her to get into an accelerated class, and stay a bit if needed, and Taru would accompany, because no matter how much Kagome insisted she trusted Pervert-san, aka Jiraiya, not one of the village elders trusted the pervy older male with the young sixteen year old who looked like a golden goddess with ebony gold hair. Either way she was glad, having them both with her made it a bit easier to adjust. It didn't take them long to get to the school, and the three days had passed without incident. For the most part Kagome was rather bored, she kept herself busy with looking around, subconsciously noting all exits to the room. Not that she noticed but it was a habit that she didn't ever seem to know she had. Something she also did when going new places, her eyes always seemed to look for land marks. It was a skill of a good warrior. Most people never noticed but Kagome really only seemed to have to be led once to a location and she seemed to always be able to remember how to get there and back without problems. It was just another oddity to add to the totality that was Kagome.

That night Taru and Pervert-san had stayed with her, Jiraaiya would be staying on just a bit longer, in his own room of course while Kagome would be spending time within the female dooms for her age grouping. No one seemed to mention this but really Kagome didn't have a problem with it. When they all parted ways after another usual boisterous dinner between Pervert-san and Kagome with a blushing Taru on the side. Kagome made her way to her room. Perhaps, if the girls there had known better they might not have attempted to 'haze' the new kid. All that was heard were a few moans and the sounds of bodies hitting the floor, apparently she knew Taijutsu, and a lot of it considering how many of them she'd taken out. Kagome didn't bother with them the rest of the night as she knew she was grumpy if she didn't get enough sleep.

In the morning when everyone was to come out, only a few of the girls from Kagome's age range came out with her, most that did seem to skid away from her like deer running from a predator. Pervert-san had been waiting and had eyed her as if she'd done something wrong. Which of course she didn't admit to, but she wasn't going to deny it either. Kagome had only shrugged halfheartedly as if to say, 'What?!? It wasn't my fault!' Pervert-san obviously didn't get it. When everyone was finally there, the Sensei finally made it to the front, for the most part the older students had gone on to other sensei's and it was only now that Kagome felt out of place. Looking around most everyone was a lot younger then she, possibly not even ten years old.

Listening to the teacher speak, was nearly maddening, there was no Taru to annoy and play with, no Pervert-san to joke with and be distracted by, and she had already been told most of this information by Jiraiya himself. It was simply obnoxious to have to listen to it once again. But Kagome managed to pull through until they got to a more physical part of this 'training,' it was then that she flew through most of the tutelage. The rest of the class was rather amazed, and when asked by her sensei, she couldn't really answer how's or why's. They instead decided to teat her grange of knowledge. Doing so had taken the afternoon, and more then a few jonin had been put into a bad situation when fighting Kagome. Her style was almost samurai like, yet they were far from any country that boasted samurai as protectors. Easily she slipped into a ninja role, and while the samurai fighting style did not vanish it did merge easily.

After the test it was very apparent, that Kagome only lacked knowledge in ninjutsu, and genjutsu. Her taijustu was startlingly strong, yet she didn't seem to use much chakra to do so, from what they could see she was more ten a natural at it. No her problems came in when it came to the two forms of ninja training that needed chakra control and hand signals. For the most part what they didn't know was that Kagome had control, but it was very hard for her to regular such powers into such small levels. When they had asked her about it, she advised that she couldn't always remember the hand signs, and that it was hard to get her chakra to come down to such a small level. The words small level had really thrown them off, wanting a display of what she felt comfortable with, they had gone out to a very open area, and asked her to do a very simple jutsu, one that Pervert-san had taught her. When she'd called out after doing the proper signs because she's practiced so much she couldn't not forget it, "Fire style: Grand Fireball Jutsu."

The plumbed ball of fire that erupted from her mouth was on a near Kage level. They had been shocked at the fact that she was more comfortable at that level and found it hard to regular down to a smaller level. Jiraiya who had seen something like this before had only laughed at their shocked stares, sadly while they were getting idea's of grandeur in their minds, he, who had been watching all of this advised them of their error. While yes, Kagome was comfortable at such levels she didn't know how to get them lower, and they were in no wars at the moment so such powers were more wasted then anything. Not to mention that she had a hard time remembering the hand signs. Then he added just for fun, that Kagome was able to get out of genjutsu as if she'd been doing it all her life, no one could put her under and keep her there, but she wasn't able to cast genjutsu at all almost.

With a hearty chuckle as Kagome slapped him hard on his arm, the young woman looked sheepishly. With the sensei as well as some others teaching her, she soon got to understand everything. Pervert-san had to leave not long after this, and Taru had been gone for some time before this, but slowly, Kagome began to understand what it was like to be ninja. How shinobi acted, and while she didn't agree with all of it, not minding the killing but hiding her emotions didn't make sense to her. Something in her told her that while tactically it was best, it was not a lifestyle method, tactically should be the only place she hid her emotions, but her life was a different matter. Eventually Kagome's studies did require her to have a private sensei. A very nice young woman only a few years older then Kagome that worked her like a slave, but was very nice when they were not training.

Over time, and it did pass, Pervert-san as well as Taru visited, and before Kagome knew it she was gaining not only power, but strength, and knowledge of many things. Her friendship with both Pervert-san as well as Taru and her Sensei Kita only got better, and they were very much like her family. Soon time came that she was an elite jonin. This country really didn't have a kage, only village leaders, and so she would not stay there to teach another but go back to her old village. A new home she had not seen in some years at this point. She hoped that everything was the same, as she found she actually missed the village in the valley of bamboo. Leaving the ninja training school had not been easy, in fact it was very very hard. While most of her friends were a few years younger then her, she had really made a small family. Promising to write and visit when she could Kagome set off to go home.

They had been expecting her for some time, and she truly missed Miyako's cooking. She couldn't wait. Traveling through the shoots of Bamboo was another fun and amazing thing she had not done in a long time, though not she did not need to cling to them as much as she had some four almost five years before. She was excited, going home and she was nearly twenty one, having decided that she would pick the middle of August would be her birthday, August 15th, she knew they would be throwing her a party when she got there.

Of course, as events often did in Kagome's life, not all things had turned out the way she wanted, she found this out yet again, as she finally crested the last hill top in the valley before she started her decent downwards. The village was caught in smoke, on fire. Wasting no time she made it as close as she needed to before her hands started to make signs. She didn't know how many she made, or what order, her only thought was to save the village, before a large dragon made of water roared before climbing into the sky above the village, and split into thousands of pieces. Letting the justu die out the village was pelted with the felling water, calming the raging fires.

No, in Kagome's life not everything went as it was supposed to. She still didn't remember her other life in full, not did she really want to at this point. She still couldn't remember the betrayal of the bobble, the shikon, and she hadn't made it on time to save Miyako. Life was not always kind.


-Mutant-Plotbunny, hey let me know what you think. thanks! 09.24.09

AN: this IS a Kakashi/Kagome fic, but its gunna take a bit to get him going, but it shouldn't be long. :3 this story is placed pre-manga of Naruto, and post of IY save for the ending... HA! some of you asked who she'd meet first i bet you didnt think it would have been the PERVY SAGE HUH!?!?! haha, well i feel proud of myself. in all honesty i made it passed the curse of Cross overs, i gave you a chapter 3! now lets see about getting to chapter 7! :p