Summary: It all started with the sound of wings outside our bedroom window... What changes could a simple parcel from a friend make for two sisters? Read and find out! Femslash (girlxgirl) and twincest. Don't read if you don't like.

WARNING!: Femslash and twincest. Please do not read if you don't like.

Disclaimer: Alas, only the plot belongs to me. I'm okay with that though. :D

Author' Note:

Hello everybody! This is my very first attempt at femslash, so I hope you like.

Check out the poll on my profile, as well as my other stories! :]

Don't forget to review!

The Parcel

Chapter One

It all started with the sound of wings outside our bedroom window…

"Do you remember ever being so tired?" my twin asked me as she opened the door to our shared bedroom.

"Urgh," I agreed, too exhausted to form a complete sentence.

"I can't even remember the last time I saw so much of family in one room." Pavarti continued, ever the chatterbox. For which I personally blame Lavender for being a bad influence on her.

"It was nice of them to throw us a surprise birthday party." I remind her quietly.

"True," she conceded, "but you would think that they know by now that we hate surprises…" she sighed.

"It's the thought that counts I suppose." I mumble as I collapse onto the nearest bed, which luckily happens to be my own. Awww…goose down… So soft…so comfy…Sighing, I force myself to listen to whatever it is my sister was saying.

"I'm just glad that it's over." She confided, sitting down besides me, and beginning to play with my hair.

"Mmm…feels nice." I slur gratefully as I turn over to cuddle more into my sister' side, deciding that she was a very good pillow, which prompted a chuckle.

I'm on the edge of sleep, when the petting suddenly stops.

"Whaaa?" I manage.

"Shhh…" Pavarti scolds softly, "Do you hear something?"

I crane my neck, trying to spot the apparent source of sound.

"There." I say sleepily, pointing towards the window, were the outline of an owl is barely visible in the blizzard outside.

Gently moving me aside, Pavarti quickly makes her way towards the window.

"Leopold!" Pavarti cries as she recognizes Lavender' owl, "You poor thing, come in quickly." She croons as she offers her arm to the poor half-frozen animal, which gratefully hopped onto her arm, shivering.

Quickly freeing him of his parcel, which she set on the dresser, Pavarti gently sets him in front of the lit fireplace, to help him heat up quicker. However, Leopold was having none of it and flew towards the now closed window; hooting insistently.

Sighing, Pavarti opened the window once more; watching as he flew into the storm, before silently closing the latch once more.

"He'll be okay." I tell her sleepily from my spot on my bed.

"Still awake love?" she asked surprised.

"Well, if someone wasn't so bloody loud…" I reply teasingly.

Slicking out her bottom lip in a pout, Pavarti climbs back onto the bed and wraps her arms around me. Smiling softly at her, I gently press my lips to hers in a soft kiss.

I love my sister.

The package laid forgotten on the dresser as we both drifted off to sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms.

Hey! Sooo? What did you think?

Reviews are truly loved, and any questions you ask will be answered. :D

~Autumn Skyie