I'm late, I know.

I've been distracted lately, mostly by a cute little web show called Axis Powers Hetalia. AWW!! I love Italy and I love Russia and America as well along with England, hell, I love them all! Germany's cool and America makes me laugh. Oh, did you guys know that the dude who plays Japan on that show is also the exact same voice actor for Jounouchi? It's crazy! XD There is another YGO voice actor on there to, the voice of Italy is also the voice of the Freaky-fish guy on the show!


Sadly, I lost all my documents when I had to do a system recovery. Bad news, I lost two stories I was working on but one of them is on a disk and the other was just something written out of boredom and it wasn't much of a story (though it was ten pages long), good news is that I didn't start any new chapters and the files for Dead have been deleted.

Yes, I'm happy about that story being deleted because I hate it, I will never work on it again and the only vampire story that will ever come from me again will be one based in the 17th century in Europe with everyone wearing fancy clothing and not looking like sparkling dorks who are probably closet case gays.

Anyway, here is the new chapter for Little Hands Fit in my Own.

Warning: Bad dreams and mild cussing

Oh, and Madam Hathor, I came up with a great scene for the Freedom story and I need to tell you about it soon or I'll lose the idea.

On with the fic!

Little Hands Fit in my Own

Chapter Six

"I hope they have that book here today." Yami mumbled to himself as he strolled down the streets of Domino City's downtown district. He shivered lightly when he felt that awful feeling of being watched run up his spine. He couldn't explain it but he had been feeling like that ever since he left the house.

He sighed softly when he reached his destination, but the moment he walked up to the building, he felt a hand grab the back of his jacket and he was pulled into the alley next to building, being taken away from the non-watching eyes of the people on the streets. Yami was about to yell at the person before he stared in shock at the site of Ushio and a group of strange men he had never seen before.

"Well look what we have here; it's that little mutant who got me in trouble." Ushio smirked and Yami tried to get away, only to end up with the man gripping his arm tighter.

"Let me go!" He cried out in anger and bite Ushio's arm to make him let go, which he did and Yami started running like the Devil was right on his heels. He took a sharp turn and ran behind a building but less then ten seconds later, he had been grabbed again. Ushio pulled him to his chest, an arm wrapped tightly around his neck and cutting off precious air.

"Think you can get away, huh? Not likely, I'll just keep following you until I get my revenge, and don't even ask for help because I'll just cut them with this." A knife was placed right by Yami's eye and he squirmed in fear as it moved closer, crying out for help.

"Yami! Yami!" He heard a voice and saw Jou standing nearby.

"Katsuya?" Yami blinked. 'But he wasn't here… what's going on?' Suddenly he watched in horror as the knife went flying and struck Jou right between the eyes.





The moment the knife hit Jou Yami's eyes opened wide and he shot up, smacking his forehead directly into the center of the blonde's forehead, causing them both to reel back in pain. "Sorry Katsuya… I didn't mean to hit you." Yami said with a slight wince as he rubbed his forehead.

"It's alright; I'm more worried about you. You were thrashing about in your sleep." Jou spoke softly, worry was scene in his eyes and Yami frowned at this.

"I… I was having a bad dream or a strange flashback of that night when Ushio tried to hurt me." He said, sighing through his nose and turning his head. "It was when he first confronted me with his gang, trying to get me trapped but I ran… he caught me, like he did in real life, but I heard you calling my name and I saw you, but Ushio threw a knife and it got you right between the eyes and then I woke up… I was scared Katsuya… shit, am I crying?"

He reached up to try and wipe the tears away but two hands touched his face first and Yami looked at Jou before they connected their lips in a tender kiss. "Yami, please don't cry. Ushio is not gonna hurt you again and I'm not gonna die in that fashion, I'll die doing some spectacular or I'll die the way I came into this world, naked and sticky."

"Is that the death where you get drunk off your ass and strip naked while somehow sneaking into the factory where they make Jolly Ranchers and falling into the vat of green apple Rancher stuff?" Yami laughed and Jou nodded with a grin.

"Hey, I got you to laugh. Now come here and let's have you dreaming of good things, like me and the babies." He chuckled, his hand rubbing circles on Yami's small baby bump. "You had a nightmare like this one last night didn't you?"

Yami nodded. "Yeah, and for the past week to, but I looked it up and found out that for pregnant people, nightmares are common. At least I didn't dream about being eaten alive by Haga-faced cockroaches." He shuddered violently.

"That was scary, even though you told me about it." Jou cringed at the thought and lower himself down under the sheets, making Yami blink until he felt something warm and wet on his stomach, which was bare due to him being… in his birthday suit thanks to Jou some four hours ago.

"What are you doing?!" He cried out and lifted up the blanket, finding Jou kissing his stomach.

"Giving them a goodnight kiss before we go to sleep, I didn't do it before because I was knocked out."

"You're an idiot." He bonked the blond on the head and Jou laughed and said it's just Yami's hormones making him call him that.

He got another good bonk on the head.

"I don't like going to the hospital."

"Yami, I know you don't, but don't you want to know if the twins are healthy or not? That's why we have to go every week."

"It's been fours weeks and not much as changed since the first time we saw them, except they are a bit bigger now and so is my stomach. I already have enough reasons to hate stepping outside of the apartment, I don't need another."

"I know Yami, but it's normal to gain weight when pregnant. And besides, you look so cute while pudgy like-!"


"Finish that sentence and I'll make sure you never have kids or sex again."

"Okay… just don't hit me again while I'm driving." Jou whined and rubbed his cheek with a free hand. They just came back from Yami's doctor's appointment with Dr. Yusei and Yami wasn't too happy about being woken up at seven in the morning for an appointment at eight.

The morning sickness was over, surprising early for someone who is with twins, but Yami's mood swings were wild and unpredictable at the four month point. For example, last Thursday Yami was watching a show with Jou in the living room before he started screaming at Jou because he sneezed during an important line in the show. Then on Monday Yami started crying because he told Kaiba, when he was visiting him and Yugi, that he ate one of the scented soap decorations in the bathroom. (1)

Oh yes, the cravings are just as unpredictable as the moon swings.

Though, when Yami admitted to that soap incident, which took place on an hour before hand, Kaiba was a little confused and Yugi thought it was the funniest thing ever. After drying his tears, Yami proceeded to beat them both with a throw pillow.

Jou was trying to adjust to how Yami was now, even though he was starting to get use to the scared Yami he would hold in his arms when ever he feared Jou leaving or when he had a bad dream. Those moments were still there but Yami got over them quickly or fell asleep, Jou didn't want to seem selfish and cruel at making Yami's suffering something for him to enjoy, being that he got to hold and comfort Yami as much as he wanted, but he knew Yami was trying to be strong not just for himself and Jou but for the kids as well.

The blond sighed and parked in front of the apartment but noticed another car nearby with a blond passenger in the driver's seat, one that he knew very well. "M-Mai…!" He exclaimed and jumped out of the car, seeing that she turned to look at him with a smile.

"Well if it isn't my favorite idiot, I was waiting for you." Mai smiled and got out. Jou came to a stop in front of her and grinned brightly.

"Hey Mai, what are you doing here? And how did you know where I live?"

"A little violet-eyed birdie told me."

Yami blinked and saw Mai and Jou talking and he frowned deeply. He knew that Jou liked Mai in a big sister way, but he might not have been completely convinced of her seeing Jou as a younger brother. He sunk a bit in his seat, his hand on his stomach. Yami was the jealous type, almost as bad as Kaiba when it came to the subject, but he was able to keep it in check for a very long time.

He watched as Jou smiled happily as he spoke to Mai and she laughed before turning slightly serious and spoke to him, in which Jou's shoulders slumped and he started speaking again before pointing at the car, right at Yami. Mai nodded and walked over to the passenger's side of the car and Yami scotched a bit of a ways from the door as she opened it and smiled softly.

"Hey Yami, long time no see." She smiled again and Yami only looked at her, studying her face for any traces of this happy expression to be nothing but a mask. But when he saw no string around her head or those annoying holes for the eyes, he let down his tensed up guard, but only a little.

Mai blinked when she noticed Yami not saying anything and only stared at her with caution and she then came to a realization, she saw this look before on Yami's face and on a few other men's faces, he was jealous.

"Yami, don't be so uptight, I'm not hear to steal your boyfriend. I came to speak to you on a subject that's been plaguing your thoughts for a while."

"What are you talking about Mai?" Yami asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hon, Yugi told me what happened." He suddenly tensed up again and turned his head away.

"That is a subject I wish to never have to speak about again…" He noticed that she walked to the other side of the car after he spoke that and sat in the seat Jou sat in previously.

"Close the door Yami, I need to speak to you in private." Yami did as he was told and then turned to look at Mai, a lost look on her face. "Hon, I know what you went though no one helped me at that time." He blinked and titled his head.

"What do you mean Mai?"

"I mean that I was almost raped and killed Yami."

Crimson-eyes widened in shock as he stared at the woman who always seemed so strong to him, a woman that he saw as a good friend, a woman who was one of the greatest duelist he ever came across, had a moment of weakness like he did…

Before he could even ask how, she started speaking again. "About five years ago, when I was working on a cruise ship as a card dealer, a man came up to my table to play Black Jack against me, saying that if I won he would give me his very expensive watch, but if he won then he could have me all night long, doing whatever he ask. I wasn't in the mood to play, but I knew I could be the idiot so I used my aromatics on him and won. He didn't like that."

She sighed before continuing. "When I was heading to my room that night, the man found me and saying he wanted a two-out-of-three game. I told him to fuck off and the next thing I knew he dragged me down the hall to his suite, a knife to my throat. He wanted me, even if he had to kill me to get it." She watched as the color drained from Yami's face, she knew that this seemed similar to what happened to him.

"He tied me up to his bed after he hit me in the head, trying to knock me out a little. He then cut up my outfit, using some to try and gag me. But the man was drunk and his brain wasn't working right, making his tie loose knots on my arms. Just when he was gonna cut my underwear; I freed my arm and socked him in the face. I was scared, scared beyond belief but I ran out of that room and yelled for help. That event scarred me Yami, I was a bit of a shut-in for a while, being very careful of my reasons to even step outside or go to certain placed but I toughed up and knew that I could protect myself; I had the will power to do so. But what about you? Yugi didn't tell me everything."

Yami frowned and looked away. "A bully named Ushio use to pick on Aibou, until I messed with his head in a penalty game. He found me a few months ago, claiming I ruined his life and chased after me for hours, throwing out threats that he will kill anyone that I even asked for help or spoke to. I ran to a park but he and his gang caught me there, then he cut my hair, as you can see, after pulling on it. Then he cut up my clothing… using them to tie me to a slide before he started cutting me… and two of those guys came on me and when Ushio was gonna rape me…" Tears came down his face.

"If Katsuya hadn't saved me that night, I'd probably be in the ground right now, dead from a humiliating death…"

"Don't think like that Yami, you should never think about what could have happened, that will only make you feel worse. It will take time to get over this, and don't say you never will because I'm still upset about what happened to me, but soon the pain will be trapped within and you will move on with your life. But right now, focus on what is going on in your life now, like with the twins."

Yami blinked and she chuckled at his confusion. "Yugi told me again."


"Yami, everything will be okay, just remember that you have people who will support you through this whole thing." She smiled at him and Yami gave her a slight smile, though he was still upset, his mind all over the place with ideas of what will happen in the coming months…


And I've hit a dead wall, hell; I don't even know what to do for the next chapter. If you have any ideas, you can tell me. This was just a filler chapter I guess, I wanted some Yami angst in here for this.

Please review.

BTW, today is Seto Kaiba's birthday, let's celebrate by getting drunk and playing a children's card game with holograms.