Hey guys, it's Kat here. Sooo it's been… what a few years?


So, I owe you fellow readers an explanation. Alright, here we go… lemme pull up my sleeves and get to it. I got a list of things to talk about… for this re-boot and things about that are for this story.

*shuffles for list*

Let's get the ball rolling!

First things first, let me tackle the discontinued news (again). As you guys know, (I have posted about it) this story is not gonna be updated with story updates. I mean, I can use this for other things. Such as announcements, character bios, updated bios and the story plot. I mean maybe if you guys want it. I'll keep this up here in case people want to read it for funsies. Now I've mentioned that I'm gonna be trying for a re-do story. Well good news… It's going happen! Yep there's gonna be a new story inbound. I'm really hoping this one goes down better.

I think you guys are aware of how unforgiving time is. It's definitely not been kind on me. I wish I was kidding with how bad it is for me at least. A lot has happened, and I mean a LOT. Some good and some bad… with really bad situations. Personal issues I'm not going to get into on here. But just stuff that's affected my mentality and motivation. (I have really nasty anxiety that's' been off the charts the past month.)

Well enough about my personal issues. Let's get into the nitty gritty of this announcement news!

Back to the discontinued business. I have some things I need to mention and address with this. Bear with me as I do because these are my little nit-picks.

First let me say that this story was created while I was young. MIDDLE school years so with that in mind, I'm very aware now of my errors. I had an idea and I thought it was good at that time. (Still did but the more I looked at it ehhhh…. You'll see.). I'm much older now and my writing and critiquing is a bit better (I still have my moments.). Younger, my writing wasn't the best and my brain is sometimes far to stubborn on staying on the single path. (Which I'm sure now is what hurt this story.)

Now! Second up is critiques… guys seriously, I love your positive and negative reviews. Whether it's you saying, 'Oh I like the interaction between these characters.' Or 'Oh good cliffhanger! I can't wait to see what happens next!'. The positive reviews. But don't let me leave out the others. Something like 'This battle scene was poorly written, and it could use a little more work.' Or 'the characters are not in character they're a little out of character.' Reviews are fantastic motivation boosters!


There is an issue about this I need to tackle. It comes in the form of, I guess, negativity. Let me point out that I don't care if you hate a character or dislike the story. It's honestly your choice and you can say that if you want. But I will mention, please for the love of all the world, don't inform me four or five times in different chapters. Seriously it gets irritating. Now I could care less in this time of age, but I will still get annoyed with it. My temperament has really been limited over time. I don't care if you dislike the story but what really it a nerve was wording and the feeling I got off that.

I'm utterly cool with you guys offering solid advice to help me with writing. I welcome it honestly. But if you're offering of advice comes off as a demand rather than a suggestion. I'm NOT going to take it. That type of attitude can kindly bugger off elsewhere. I've dealt with my share of rude people offline, so when a review or even advice offering, (A huge part of me has a real hard time believing this was an offering.) comes off as rude. Well guess what? I'm not going to bother to use it. I'm a stubborn ass when it comes to changing my writing path but I'm willing to adjust or even try to if it is ASKED not DEMANDED.

I've wanted to comment on that issue for some time since it bottled up in my monster gut. So here's some advice from the writer: Choose your words and attitude more carefully next time kay?

I will listen to advice but ARGH. (If you know what I'm talking about, leave it be. It's in the past but it needed to be addressed.)

But to top off that, don't be scared to offer advice or even a helpful critique. I know that rant came off irritated, but I just had to mention that. Don't be scared to talk to me I promise I don't bite. (My mentality as of late and then was really soured over that but it's has gotten better.) Words can go a long way depending on how they're written.


Okay let me now focus on the re-boot story news, I'm kind of excited for this really. This gives me a chance to let my OCs shine as they so needed to. (And a chance to try my hand at getting the show's canon characters to be in character themselves.). I was in the process of figuring their personalities out. (Life took over and I had a lot more things to be concerned over, this really took a backseat.) It took time, but I eventually came back around to this. Good timing (ironically) too. I made a list of the show's canon characters, some of the canon characters I will be showcasing (I wouldn't expect them to act like you think, they never made a real appearance in the show, so they'll be fitted as I write them in this universe. MY WAY), and finally my own OCs that have been revised and some you'll get to see in this story. Some you know by now, and others you'll have yet to see. I have a plot (FINALLY) to get into motion, and even a title to match. I really like this title.

The title is no longer Destiny's World. Now it is called Transformers RID: Hidden Threat.

Eh? Eh? ^_^

*awkward cough*

Okay now onto the characters, at least my OCs. Destiny is no longer the main character as she was in this one. She will have an active role in the main cast though. There are elements I'm adding to this story that weren't in the last one (Destiny's World.). Also, she got a nice little name change. Not a real big change but something. In fact, a few of the characters have gotten a name change.

Here's a list! (It's not a real big one)

Destiny = Destiny Rider

Light Streak = Light Strike

Jetstorm = Blue Saber

Jetstreak = Red Saber

Raving Star = Blaze Star

… Told you it's not real big. So, their names got a minor change and others got a major. But let's be honest… they needed it. Certain elements will stay the same for these characters, for example Destiny is still Scrouges sparkling. To me, her original character was… kinda Mary Sue-ish. You guys are free to agree or disagree. I don't know she needed to be fleshed out more. Now she's got that chance to shine. (I will admit I liked how she was back then, but times have changed, and I now see how she needed a better chance to shine. She got it!) I like the re-worked version of her. Took way to long to figure out traits to match. (Again… life and other things taking the wheel.)

So, I'm nearing the end of this list… not too many major things huh? So, let me say this, once I get the characters the way I want them, you'll see Transformers RID: Hidden Threat appear on my profile. (I literally had something else written for this but uh… I was tired when I wrote that small bit so um… yeahh…). For Everyone that liked this story, thank you. Honest, thank you. I'm glad you liked this flawed piece of work story. But know that if you want to, keep an eye out for the new re-boot coming out. (It might even be better!) I'm going to try and make a schedule for posting updates. (Key word: TRY). Remember, that I'm an adult struggling in the offline world. These things take time (as they always do.) I appreciate how you guys are patient when I took a downfall. So yeah… that's it for now I guess.

Here's to hoping I can make a better story with better writing.

Y'all take care.

Monster Katnight out.