Hanako was in the lab with her clones going over the test results of the new solution. Hanako even had a clone stationed outside in case someone was trying to break in. The clone outside stood in front of the door and looked from side to side. Suddenly, she heard some commotion to her left. She turned her head in that direction and then the doors burst open and a mob of Beigun and Shokei alike came rushing down the hallway. The Hanako clone did a few handseals ending with the Tiger seal.

"Suiton: Mizuame nabara no jutsu." (Water Element: Syrup Snare Field.)

Hanako shot a bluish clear liquid from her mouth towards the mob. Once the mob ran on the liquid, they became stuck and couldn't move. The people behind the front of the mob pushed and shoved, pushing the people into the liquid face first. It was a big mess. With her attention, on the mob, the clone failed to realize someone coming up on her.

The only time she realized it was when something pierced her neck. She disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Instantly, the real Hanako knew what was going on outside. "Shit, we gotta get out of here." She said. At that moment, the door was busted down and ripped from its hinges. One of the clones reacted instantly but grabbing the real Hanako and leaping through a window. The rest of the clones stayed behind to delay the mob.

"They'll destroy everything." Hanako said. Then a few seconds later, she gained knowledge from the clones that disappeared. "Too late, they already did." The clone that was with her also released the jutsu, causing the clone to disappear in a cloud of smoke.

"I need to get to Aoba-sensei." She said landed on the street and broke into a run.

Satori and his group were still fighting the rioters. It was really close combat now. He was doing everything he could to protect Yukino and she was doing everything she could to protect their unborn child. The group was doing everything in their power to keep from being over run. They were even using element jutsus, to keep the rioters at bay.

With the rioters knowledge that the Konoha ninjas were not going to kill them, that gave them an edge to fight harder. Junshin looked over to his right and saw a large mass of people over taking a blockade of peace officers and into another entrance.

"Damn it. We're losing ground here. I just saw another group run through a blockade of peace officers." He said.

They could hear screams, and shouts behind them in the building. Suddenly, Hanako appeared.

"Report." Satori said punching a guy with the handle of his sai.

"They broke into the lab and destroyed all the research."

"Damn it." Satori said.

A few seconds later, Aoba appeared.

"The council is dead. I couldn't save them."

The rest of the team didn't know what to do now. The purpose of fighting was now gone and there was no reason to fight anymore. The Sunset Country was definitely a lost cause.

"Seika is nearby. I can feel his chakra. It's fluctuating as if he's in a battle. I'm going to go get him. Fall back to the border, we're pulling out."

The team nodded. They leapt up on to the rooftops. As Aoba left their side to go retrieve Seika, they stood there and watched the rioters take over the Sunset Country.

Kusa Seika adjusted the collar of his funeral outfit. He looked in the mirror. He liked the way it draped over his chest but not the reason why he was wearing it. He sighed as he tied the forehead protector around his forehead. It was true that he and his father didn't get along too well but he was his father none the less and he shouldn't have died for him. He shouldn't have died on a mission like that. At that thought, he stepped outside and began his trek to the Hokage's office.

Satori and Yukino stood in Satori's room getting ready for the funeral. Just as he tied his forehead protector around his head, Yukino wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. The warmth felt good to him.

"So, you're on maternity leave for the rest of your pregnancy?"

She gave him an affirmative noise.

"That'll be good for you. I know that you're valuable to the team but not in that condition. I was so scared for you during the rioting. I was scared for Hitomi. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"Marry me." She said.

I can't bear the thought of not having you in my…what did you say?"

"Marry me, Satori. Please."

They broke the clinch and looked at each other; Satori's eyes were filled with astonishment. She took Satori's hands into hers.

"I've seen so many lives lost and so many futures destroyed. I want us to be together and finish what we started back in the cave during that mission. I want to be married to you, Shiranui Satori."

Satori remembered back to when he and Yukino fought The User but in their initial encounter, Yukino was injured and they took refuge in a cave and they pretty much started their relationship there.

"I want to build my future with you, Yukino. You're too important to me to let slip away."

"I'm glad that Hitomi will enter the world soon. If not, who knows what would've happened?"

Satori took Yukino into his arms, all thoughts of the upcoming service banished. All he saw was her beautiful face and multicolored eyes, all he smelled was the soap she loved, all he heard was her breathing, and all he felt was the rapid beating of her heart. He leaned down and kissed her.

"When this is over, we should go look for a ring." Yukino said.

Satori's eyes twinkled and he put up a forefinger. Quickly he turned and reached into a drawer. A moment later, he held out a small wooden box, etched with an intricate design. He dropped to one knee and offered her the box.

"You've been planning this long enough to find a ring?" Her voice was filled with admiration and confusion.

"To tell the truth, Yuki, it's only been on my mind for these last few days. But when Yogensha, Seika and I were searching for Sagashi, we passed a jeweler in a small town. This caught my eye, and I bought it right then and there.

She looked at him, eyes glittering, happy. Carefully she weighed the box in the palm of her hand and smiled. Then she used a fingernail to pry open the hinged lid and studied the contents.

She smiled broadly.

"It's gorgeous."

Quickly she withdrew the emerald and diamond ring, studying the setting. The jewels were set in a three toned golden metal, artfully intertwining."

"And you knew my ring size?"

Satori grinned. "A good Jonin knows all pertinent details about the team. It should fit. Go ahead."

Yukino slipped the onto her left hand and then admired it in the light. Satori stepped forward, took her hand in his and inspected the ring.

"I think it fits just fine." He said.

She didn't reply, just looked up and kissed him.

Seika and Aoba stood facing Tsunade behind her desk in her office. They all stood in funeral clothes getting ready to head to the service. Seika and Aoba were going to escort Tsunade to the service. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Tsunade said.

Satori and Yukino entered. Both were grinning, not something the Hokage expected at a time like this.

Well, at least it seems to be good news. Tsunade thought to herself.

"We're not staying long, Tsunade-sama." Yukino said.

"Tsunade-sama we would like to inform you…"

"Don't be so formal." Yukino said, jabbing him with elbow. "We're engaged."

A smile appeared on everyone's faces. Tsunade leapt from her chair and congratulated the couple. Aoba and Seika shook Satori's hand and gave hugs to Yukino.

"Well, when did this all happen?" Tsunade asked.

"A few minutes ago." Satori said.

The Hokage noticed the ring on Yukino's finger. She looked closely at it. "This was certainly fast."

"Satori had it waiting for me. He bought while looking for Seika's father."

Seika gave him a perplexed look. "When did you do that?"

"When we were in Shi?"

"Wow, I didn't even notice."

"Well, I am a ninja and all." Satori said with a grin.

"Are there any plans?" Aoba asked.

"Not yet." Yukino said. "That will come in time. Obviously, we want you all involved."

Tsunade smiled. "Later today, we shall return here for a proper celebration. Does anyone else know yet?"

"No." Satori said.

"We were going to tell the others afterwards." Satori turned to Seika. "We didn't mean to take the day away from you."

"No, it's okay." He said. "Ninjas die everyday. That's what we do. It's an important step for you both so don't worry about me."

"Okay then. We'll see you at the service." Yukino said.

At that, the newly engaged couple left the room. As they were leaving, the Elders came in.

The other three in the room, were not too fond of the two elders.

"Aoba, we understand from your reports that the Sunset Country was a total loss."

"That's right." Aoba said.

"We can't say that that is an acceptable response." Homura said.

"We couldn't do anything about it. It was eight of us against an entire country. We were there for days without much rest and we got our asses handed to us."

"Kusa Sagashi is a loss to our future planning." Koharu said.

"He made a choice, and sacrificed himself for his son. It says a lot about the man's character." Tsunade said.

She saw Seika stiffen a bit.

"It will complicate some of the brewing problems elsewhere. It's nothing that concerns you though." Homura said.

"With all do respect, we've taken the assignments and paid our dues. I would like to think this team deserves better." Tsunade knew that she was going to get nowhere with elders, studying the looks on their faces. "The offhand way, in which you're talking about this team's sacrifices, diminishes their contribution. Ever since the mimic ninja, we've all been suspect. And time and again, this team has risen to the challenge and excelled. They have exhibited superb competence and they have kept working towards a common goal. We did our best in that country and honestly, if it weren't for Konoha's interference that country would still be peaceful. We've lost people along the way, people who believed in the mission. They, if not I, deserve your respect and consideration. It's time for us to return to more strategically vital missions."

The Elders just stared at Tsunade, eyes smoldering. They were either going to give in or bust Tsunade back to a Genin.

Later on, Tsunade stood in front of everyone who attended the memorial service of Kusa Sagashi. Up front was the team that went to the Sunset country. She noticed Seika standing next to Aoba. He wore the mask of the mourning son. From what the Hokage gathered, they were just beginning to speak once more when the tragedy occurred. No doubt this severely complicated how Seika now saw his father.

She pushed back her hair and all eyes turned to her, ready to begin the memorial.

Seika looked to the sky. "Good bye…Dad."

The End.

Next: Naruto Shippuuden: A Time to Kill