Woot! Another fanfic! Although I should be working on the other ones right now(school gets in my way once again and family messing with the comp), this one came to me on a very sudden, random whim. I was watching Junjou Romantica because right before the new school year starts and I finish my summer homework to pass in on the first day, I have a marathon of my fave anime for the remaining time of summer vaca. This year Junjou Romantica was on my list, and as I started watching season two, the scenes with Misaki in the opening just gave me an idea...and here it is. My first shot at a Suzalulu fanfic! I can feel the fangirl in me smile! (By the way, I apologize for the future OOC-ness that may happen XD) Please enjoy!

Summary: Lelouch Lamperouge wondered to himself, why is it for some strange reason every time he looks at Kururugi Suzaku, he gets flustered and annoyed? Also, he couldn't help but think that yaoi fangirls can surely be intimidating.

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass nor Junjou Romantica, for if I did, I would die of fangirl bliss.

Geez. Where is that idiot?! I need to get this over with! Lelouch Lamperouge internally asked to himself, frustrated, looking at his watch as he sat on a wooden bench waiting in Ashford Academy's garden. The grip he held on the boxed lunch resting on his lap increased tremendously as well.

Yes, Lelouch Lamperouge was so frustrated that he could not even praise himself for having a strong grip on something for more than three seconds. When his younger sister Nunnally wanted to make sandwiches for her friends, she asked Lelouch to help her open a jar of pickles. Being full of pride and wanting to prove that he was strong, he tried, but it did not even last a second, and he instantly got tired. Ever since then, the pickle jar opener they bought from the 'As You Seen on TV' store has been of great help surprisingly and Nunnally could open them with ease.

However, when a 'certain someone' is visiting the Lamperouge residence, that person is what Lelouch calls the 'living pickle jar opener'. Even though Lelouch is the only one that thinks his remark about that person was funny, said person is also the one who likes Lelouch's cooking and is the main cause of Lelouch's current predicament. Scratch that... there is another person that helped cause his predicament.

A green haired witch who introduced Lelouch to the world of yaoi/shounen-ai and all that entails. He never knew that girls (and some boys) could be so rabid about two boys (usually pretty/handsome ones) pairing up as a couple and doing such things!

What really got the cogs in his mind to turn, Lelouch was told by the witch that he was seemingly in his own little 'yaoi' with that 'certain someone'.

He couldn't really deny the fact either. For the proof that he was shown made perfect sense and had no flaws.

According to the green haired witch who claims she has exceptional knowledge and experience in this genre, she remarks that their 'love will fully blossom very soon'

…Now pondering about it as he waits, Lelouch thinks that 'love' for him seemed to have arrived way too soon…

I'll think I'll stop here for now. Chapter 1 is almost done and will be posted up later today. I need to sleep x.x (I watched anime for 12+ hours straight. Its 3 am right now where I live. I should be happy, but sitting in the same chair for that amount of time kills it.)Thanks for reading and please review. I will greatly enjoy the feedback. :D