Damn Rat! What the hell is him damn problem?! I was up on the roof. Again. That stupid rat has been acting weird lately and I can't figure out why. It's been a gradual change and I guess I never really notice until today when all he did when he found me drinking out of the milk carton (like usual) was get a glass from a cupboard, put it on the counter in front of me, glared, then walked off. I didn't even get hit or get call a stupid cat or…well anything. I don't know if he's just tired of fighting, or doesn't hate me anymore (unlikely) or if it's because anymore damage we cause to the house we'll be paying for ourselves or maybe so we don't upset Tohru or…well I dunno. Ack I'm getting a headache…

Ever since Tohru came we've been fighting less and less and Yuki hasn't been as harsh as he used to be. When Master took my beads off and Tohru saw my true form Yuki helped both of us. He made me stay and listen to Tohru even though all I had wanted to do at the time was just run as far away from them as possible. He didn't call me stupid, show any fear or disgust when he was holding me down. Just pleading in his eyes for me to stay and listen. If it wasn't for him I don't think I ever would have returned to Shigure's, or ever would have seen Master or Tohru again. It's been a few months since then and now it doesn't seem like it ever happened. Everyone treats me the same…well Yuki's being a little nicer…I think…yeah, we've been gradually getting along better.

I don't know how or when, but I think I've slowly fallen in love with Yuki. I do my best not to blush or act any different than how I used to around him and still lash out and try to hit him, but I know no matter how hard I try he will always be able to dodge so I don't have to hold back. I think if I had been the stronger one I don't think I would be able to keep my feelings hidden from everyone, but I can still fight with everything I've got. Now I just have a new motive. I can take all my frustrations out on him for being too much of a…well…a scaredy cat to tell him or anyone else for that matter that I even find anything about him attractive. Loving him and not knowing how he feels and afraid of pushing him out of my life forever if I ever confess to him is always push my temper so being able to lash out at him does seem to help. I'm afraid that sometime I'll let it slip or I'll talk in my sleep and Yuki will hear me and figure it out.

I wonder who said that the rat and the cat had to always fight and hate each other. I mean come on it's stupid. Sure we're possessed by their spirits but we are our own persons. Just because some old legend says we should hate each other shouldn't mean we have to. It's a legend for crying out loud it could have never even happened. So why should we hate each other just because we were born into this family and got the cat and rat parts of the curse flowing through our veins--

"Kyo dinner is ready. Dinner is ready. Dinner is ready!" came Shigure's singsong voice from below the roof's edge.

"Okay be right down" Damn. Well I guess I can come back up here after dinner…there better not be any leeks.

"Come on Kyo" Shigure said as his head appeared over the roof's lower edge. "Tohru has made some sushi! …with leeks!"

"What?! I hate leeks!" I leapt to my feet fuming. And here I thought he'd know better than to say that when on the ladder. I dashed over to him intent on pushing him the twenty or so feet to the ground.

"And some with fish too!" Shigure yipped out ducking so I couldn't push him.

My face lit up as I neared Shigure. I jumped over him and landed on the ground before darting over to the doors to see if there really was any fish rolls. If not, then I'm cooking dog stew tomorrow… Quickly sliding the doors open, the heavenly aroma of fish greets my nose and I can't help but smile.

"Ohh Kyo, your salmon rolls are right here," Tohru says brightly with a big happy smile on her face handing me the platter of salmon rolls as I sit down "I hope you like them!"

"Of course I will they're fish and you cooking isn't a disaster waiting to happen like some other people in this house.

And shortly after said people come in and sit down as I begin my meal. I only acknowledge Shigure and pointedly ignore Yuki as I concentrate on the wonderful taste of salmon in my mouth instead of the attractive male settling down to eat next to me. Though thinking of him is very temping…his lean small body that contains so much power, his royal purple eyes…his quiet demeanor, the way he helps people when their having trouble…how he doesn't show off his talents and knowledge…

"Kyo?" I notice Shigure's hand waving in front of my face "so Kyo who's the lady of your daydreams hmmm? You aren't thinking about her in a bathing suit or do I dare say…in her birth suit?" Shigure taunts.

Hissing I jump up from the table "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!" I yell. "HELL NO!"

"Well you had this dreamy look on your face and smiling like you're in love, and your eye's had a happy faraway look in them-"

"I DID NOT YOU STUPID, PERVERTED DOG!!" I scream before storming out of the room and house determined to find a nice tree to lay in…far way. Damn it, why the hell did I not notice my emotions showing on my face. Shit. Ahh hell today had gone so well why the hell did Shigure have to ruin it. Sigh well I guess Shigure's just being himself and it was my own damn fault…I guess I can think about whatever now and not have to worry about someone…namely Shigure commenting or noticing the look on my face…